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Rainbow of Promise: The Story Behind The Music

Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

Diving deeper into the realm of electronica, I've found a new passion: blending traditional instruments with futuristic beats. But that's not all – I'm infusing this favorite genre with a nostalgic 80s twist, a nod to cherished memories.

Why the rainbow, you ask? It's not just a symbol; it's the essence of my journey. Just like the vibrant hues of the rainbow, my music reflects my faith in God's promise, unity, and boundless creativity. It's a kaleidoscope of sound, weaving together past and present, old and new, into a mesmerizing symphony of electronic nostalgia. All to bring glory to our amazing creator!


The Story behind the Rainbow

Once upon a time, in a world long ago, there lived a man named Noah. Noah was a righteous and virtuous man who walked with God. He lived among a people who had strayed from the path of righteousness and had become consumed by sin and corruption.

As the years went by, Noah began to notice that the world around him was changing. The people had become cruel and selfish, and violence was spreading like a disease. Mankind corrupted themselves with the watchers. The blending of one species to another became common practice. All flesh was corrupt on the earth. It grieved Noah's heart to see the wickedness that had engulfed the land. He would often spend his days in prayer, seeking guidance from God on how to save humanity from their impending doom.

One night, as Noah lay asleep, he had a vivid dream. In this dream, he saw a great flood covering the entire earth, wiping away all life. When he awoke, Noah knew that this was a divine message. God had chosen him to build an ark, a massive vessel that would serve as a refuge for the living creatures of the earth.

Noah wasted no time. He gathered his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and shared his vision with them. They, too, recognized the importance of the task at hand and pledged their unwavering support to their father.

With unwavering faith, Noah began constructing the ark. The people around him scoffed and ridiculed him, calling him a madman. They couldn't comprehend the idea of a flood or the need for an ark. But Noah remained steadfast in his belief, knowing that he was carrying out God's will.

Days turned into months, and months into years, as Noah tirelessly worked on the massive vessel. He followed the specific measurements and design instructions given to him by God. The ark grew larger and stronger with each passing day.

During this time, Noah also spread the message of repentance to the people. He pleaded with them to turn away from their sinful ways and seek forgiveness from God. Unfortunately, his words fell on deaf ears, and the people continued to live in rebellion.

Finally, the day arrived when the ark was completed. Noah and his family stood in awe of the colossal structure they had built. It was a magnificent sight, a testament to their faith and obedience.

Then, as God had foretold, the rains began to fall. It started as a drizzle, but soon turned into a torrential downpour. Water gushed from the sky, and the fountains of the deep burst open, causing floods to rise from the earth.

Noah and his family hurriedly boarded the ark, along with pairs of every kind of animal, birds, and creeping creatures. They watched as the floodwaters covered the land, swallowing everything in its path.

Inside the ark, Noah and his family waited patiently for forty days and forty nights. The storm raged on outside, but they were safe and secure within the vessel. They had food, water, and each other for companionship.

Finally, the rain stopped, and the floodwaters began to recede. Noah sent out a raven, then a dove, to search for dry land. The dove returned with an olive branch in its beak, a sign that the waters were receding and land was near.

Days later, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Noah and his family stepped out onto dry ground, and they praised God for their deliverance. They knew that they were given a second chance, a fresh start.

Noah and his family repopulated the earth, spreading their faith and teachings of righteousness. They built altars and offered sacrifices to God, expressing their gratitude for His mercy and grace.

The story of Noah and the great flood serves as a reminder of the power of faith, obedience, and the consequences of sin. Noah's unwavering commitment to God's will saved him and his family from the destruction that befell the rest of humanity. It is a timeless tale of hope, redemption, and the enduring love of a righteous man and his unwavering belief in the divine.


Why I Chose The Rainbow

It is the most beautiful and glorious thing among God's creations.

I put the rainbow logo on pretty much everything I make, including my Youtube music channel and videos. The rainbow has always been something dear to me since I was a kid. It was showcased in my favorite cartoons and characters. It always made things look so colorful! You can view the song I've written about this here.

A full-length new professional remastered version is now on bandcamp.

A beta will be posted soon!

Also, I have always been fascinated by real rainbows. Ah! The beauty of God's creation. I even took pictures of some of them. Amazing! So amazing, that I wrote a song about it! And you'll be hearing some remixes of this song in the very near future, as I have some fabulous ideas coming up!


The Rainbow & The world's way of looking at things:

I showcased this idea with one of my teachers at Full Sail University. It was one of the assignments I was required to do for my Game Art degree program. In the advertisement assignment, I included the rainbow symbol as a part of the background. My intent was to showcase nostolgic German fashion, Christian values, and electronic music, including my rainbow logo. One of the critiques the teacher made was that people nowadays know it as a symbol of gay pride or the LBGT.

I then told her that it was my logo. I also explained to her what it meant to me. Here I am spelling it out!

It is the most beautiful and glorious thing among God's creation. So it's no wonder that the powers that be have gone after it. They don't just want to pervert beautiful things, but the most beautiful things!

- Milo Yiannopoulos

I think it's important to help people understand what the original meaning of the rainbow is, and how it came to be! And the story is nothing short of important. It was about the salvation and redemption of God's original creation (untainted by the seed of the watchers).


The Rainbow Symbolizes God's Promise

In light why did I choose the Rainbow logo? And why did I title my first album: “Rainbow of Promise"?

This Biblical symbol depicts the story of Noah’s flood.

The rainbow symbolizes God’s promise to never flood the earth again. It holds the reminder that God cleansed the earth of the genetic corruption of the human race (what we call trans-humanism today). By the flood, God destroyed the giants who were the children of the watchers, and all of those who were corrupted by them. Noah and his family were the only pure genetic stock of Adam left on the earth. Everyone else on the earth was corrupt. The original animals were also saved from corruption. Two of each animal was brought on the ark with Noah and his family, and seven of each clean animal. According to the Book of Enoch and the Book of Genesis and Jasher, the practice of the blending of one animal species to another was also practiced. These fallen Angels or watchers were responsible for teaching humankind this great evil. Right before the flood, they were sent to everlasting chains of darkness forever. Read the book of Enoch to find out more.

God's promise also refers to Salvation. In the book of Acts, we see the new birth take place for the very first time. When Jesus said: "The comforter; whom the Father will send in my name; he will teach you all things and bring to remembrance what I have said to you," he was talking about the Holy Ghost, the promise to those who obey the gospel. To read more about this see my testimony here: My Personal Testimony.


What The Rainbow Truly Stands For

As Christians, it is the seven-color rainbow and the meaning of each color that holds significance to us and our faith in God's promise.

The butterfly relates to the rainbow as it represents a new beginning and the new birth. According to the scripture, we must be born again of the water and of the spirit. - See John 3:5

So let's take back what the enemy has stolen. The Rainbow is a symbol of a promise not a symbol of pride.

Here is what the scripture tells us about the rainbow.

"God said, "This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generations; 13I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. 14"It shall come about, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow will be seen in the cloud,…" - Genesis 9:13

When we see the bow, it should remind us of the covenant he made with the earth. We're taking back the rainbow!

To get this t-shirt, click on the image on the right!


New logo. I wanted it to be more relevant to #EuropeanCulture. I've had people comment on my stand-alone rainbow symbol and mistook it as a representation of well... something else. This is much closer to the idea I wanted to represent along with the rainbow #GodsPower, and the Celtic cross #Faith.

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Full Sail University Graduate | Game Artist | Singer Song-Writer | EDM Producer | Faith & Heritage | Member of Christian Game Developers Community

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