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You Look Asiatic. Are you Asian? Q & A

Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Updated: Sep 28, 2024

Everybody is different. So, what's the problem?

For some strange reason, many have been skeptical of my ethnic identity. They don't know what to call me. Many people say I look German. I do have German ancestry. So I'll take that. On the other hand, I have been called other things such as "Asiatic" or "Mongolian mixed with white". Why are people so obsessed with my ethnicity?


Dealing with Featurism in the Western Community

I enjoy visiting pages that celebrate European/Western culture, which I also showcase on my website from time to time. The diverse cultures of Europe resonate deeply with me, as they are the very roots of my heritage. However, it's important to approach these pages with caution, as occasionally you may encounter individuals who hold extreme biases. They may single you out or attempt to undermine your ethnic identity based on differences in physical appearance or arbitrary standards of what someone from European cultures should look like. It's unfortunate that such narrow-mindedness exists, but it's essential to stay true to yourself and not let others dictate your sense of identity or belonging. I've had people make comments such as: "You look mixed", "But you're Asian", "What do you mean 'we' or 'our' if you are Asian?", "You Look Asiatic", and the last is the worst, "You have small slanted eyes."

As if being mixed is a crime🙄. It’s cringe-worthy. So here I am addressing it.

This may be because I possess high cheekbones, the signature square jawline (a trait I inherited from a German ancestor btw), straight dark hair, hooded eyes, etc.

Why do people always tell me I look asian? Hooded eyes, high cheekbones, Featurism, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance
No better way to tell An American that they aren't really American

Here I talk about my husband.

you look asian, caucasians who look asian, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance
My husband is one, that's why!

How is this relevant to the conversation? And, of course; the response I get when I tell them my ethnicity.

Featurism, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance

I should have given myself this tip:

I'll keep this in mind next time.

Someone asked which would be more important: To preserve America or Europe? My answer:

Eurasians, featurism, hooded eyes, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance

Some of them even asked me if I have Sami ancestry, which also has an Asian connection What is with this racial bias these days?

Ah, the Sami Tribe.... I'll given them that at least. Because they are a group from Europe who just so happen to have partial Asian connections, am I right? They do look somewhat similar to white Americans. But does that indicate I am Sami?

Here is the kicker:

Imagine a white woman from America with hooded eyes, dark brunette hair, that Germanic square face shape look, and high cheekbones walking into a Nordic village. The locals take one look at her and say, 'Ah, welcome back to the tribe!' She pauses and says, 'I’m actually German-American… but sure, I’ll take the reindeer discount!'

Just because you look the part doesn’t mean you’re ready to lead a herd across the tundra. Can I get a witness?

Has anyone else been labeled or put in a group you aren't really a part of because of some perceived 'similarity'? Or constantly being compared to Chinese people, American Indians, or other groups which bear no resemblance to you whatsoever? On a constant basis???

Not again!

If you look closely, their remarks are tainted with subtle race hate and prejudice. Essentially, they insinuate that being of mixed heritage, especially with Asian ancestry, is somehow inferior, and suggest that I don't truly belong to the "European" or "Germanic-American" identity because of my "Asian appearance". Now, having Asian ancestry is nothing to be ashamed of, but unfortunately, people can be cruel and irrational, as evidenced by their demeanor. #RacismIsIgnorance!

And I can hear the critics coming over to this post wagging their fingers at me saying:

((Well, you sound kind of Antiwhite/racist to me.))

How in the world are we going to combat antiwhite hatred when we are also dealing with the same partial treatment from people within own group over things like this?

I'm calling it out as I see it: this is another form of prejudice I have encountered within my own community. White people are very diverse. Not all white people look like Nordic redheads or blonds with blue eyes, low cheek bones, freckles, and narrow faces! So go ahead! Post my "racism" all over the internet!! Telling people who are white that they are not because they don't fit into a certain mold or Aryan beauty standard? I am so done with y'all! Because trying to reason with this level of ignorance is like beating a dead horse!


Dealing with Featurism in non-Western Communities

I'll have to say.... this list keeps getting bigger and bigger. I've also discovered that online Alt-right apologists, Neo Nazis, white race-haters, and color obsessed individuals and groups within the Western community are not the only people with these obsessions.

It's like what "The Dialect Swing" stated:

"The Silly Racial discourse extends to everyone."

And isn't that the truth. It's such a weird obsession, I'll say.

It's not where my eyes come from that matter. It's the love that exudes from them!

Nothing like running into a part of the web where you'll find some of the most anti-American filled people you could ever come across. For example:

Poste by Mother Of Sarcasm on FB.

Nothing like being told you're stupid because you are an American. How derogatory.

And my response to this meme was:

"And here I am, an American that has learned 3 languages."

So, here comes the grammar Nazis who want to correct my "bad English" while calling me an Asian and denying me my American nationality and European ethnic identity.

It goes like this:

Got to love perfect strangers on the internet telling me who I am or what I should be.

Dear Parmvir, Rio, and whoever else needs to hear this, Let’s clear the air. I know exactly who I am. Born and raised in the USA, of European descent. Just because I’m American doesn’t mean I’m stuck on one frequency. Yeah, we’ve got glitches, but we’ve also got range. We can tune into other languages, other cultures—without missing a beat. So, maybe check your assumptions before throwing out the whole "stupid American" narrative. It's getting old.

Sincerely, An American operating in high-res!

And now for the Grammer Nazis, who are probably not native speakers or took English as a second language... "roasting" me for my "bad English".

((You mean "who" has learned three languages.))

((That's what you think.....are you a that or a who?))

((American who has learned. ✅

American that has learned.))

That's not how we use the language in its natural form. Thanks for the unsolicited advice I didn't ask for. Even though, what I wrote wasn't necessarily incorrect, as there is more than one way to say the same thing in English. Imagine that.

Oh, and by the way; English is spoken in many different ways depending on what country you are from, as you all also acknowledge the difference in your own mocking words.

((British and Australian count as 1, know it!))

((Let me guess. American, English and Australian?))

Imagine there being a difference between American, British, and Australian English. Who would have thought? Is there such a thing as 'correct' English? Like, the people in England? The people who have a different form of the language if you drive 2 miles in the wrong direction. Something tells me they'll have to agree.... There is standardized English, yes- multiple forms of it, but there is no "correct English," because that is saying that all the regional dialects are incorrect, which we just don't say in English linguistics... We're not French.

((Your comment just 'proves' the point of the post.))

Yeah, sure. A number of prejudiced people mis-categorizing me while lecturing me about my 'lack of knowledge'. Uh huh. All the while, these racist comments are something you are choosing to ignore. Comments such as:

((You're not American based on your profile picture, you're Asian))

((You look like an Asian.))

((ching kwang kwing))

((u seems Asian to me.))

They want to say I look like this guy.

Awww man! So, let's make the comparison. Because I don't really think you can make one. Totally different. Ok... moving on.

((Just look at your picture and hair style. Maybe u trying Asian way because ur style was too bad in American way. Can take some advantages where it belongs.))

In other words, my hair style should be accredited to the Chinese? Did they invent down hair styles? I'm confused. If you're talking about the color of my hair, sorry to bust your bubble; but dark hair is universal. Anyone from any ethnic background can inherit dark hair... even Europeans. Imagine that. Since when did hair color or hair style equal 'cultural appropriation'?

((Maybe u should accept being Asian some more.))

Oh, Altaïr Idir… Accepting who I am is exactly what I do—German and English heritage. But what I don’t accept is the know-it-all attitudes who wish to lecture Americans about their “lack of knowledge” with their own lack of knowledge. All the while telling them how they should be or where they belong.

Maybe you should focus more on who people actually are, instead of who you assume them to be. Racism is ignorance! #KnowledgeIsPower

Oh but....

((It’s just a meme, we speak more than 200 languages in this country most of the population speaks barely one but there are at least 65 million people than speak minimum 2 languages.))

Why don't you lecture the people who have left these ignorant comments about their 'lack of knowledge'? You know.... the all-mocking comments saying:

((What a great feat for a small American brain.))

Well... At least I have one. You should get one and learn something, such as the difference between hooded eyes and Asian eyes. Or better yet, maybe you should learn a second language or two. Because there are a lot of ignorant people on this thread.

It's like a white woman with hooded eyes walking into a cafe, and someone asks, ((“Are you Asian?”)) She’s like, “Nope, just European genes doing their thing.”

Then she mentions she speaks three languages, and they say, ((“Oh, well, you can’t be American! Americans only know one language!”))

She says, “Yeah, and I can only roll my eyes in two of them... but lucky for you, sarcasm is universal."

Isn't it Ironic?

You have a right to your opinion, but you don't have the right to bully me. Not without being roasted. So, get ready to be roasted trollies!

And it is a breath of fresh air to know that there are people who actually stand up for others who are being bullied in this way. Kudos to them! I won't forget you!


Let's delve into some REAL education!

"You have Asian Eyes."

People have told me this. Sometimes people with eyes that are hooded are mistaken as those with Asiatic features. So here I will be addressing this first.

Take note: there is a difference between hooded eyes and Asian eyes. Learn the difference!

hooded eyes vs epicanthic fold, hooded eyes, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance

Let's review the difference. What makes a hooded eye? What makes an Asian eye?


Hooded Eyes

Hooded eyes, Jewish people with hooded eyes, white people with hooded eyes, partical Jewish heritage with hooded eyes,Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance

Many Westerners, Jewish people, and African Americans have them. This makeup video also shows pictures of white women who possess the trait of having 'hooded eyes'.

I've been asked, many a time; if I have Asian ancestry because of my eyes. #HoodedEyes are pretty typical in Europeans and they are more common than you think. They are not an actual Asiatic epicanthic fold in the eyelids, but the effect is very similar and has the same function of protecting the eyes in cold windy climate.
Sonya Marlene, Sonya Marlene Snedden, Traditional Women, Traditional Values, Pentecostal Hairstyles, Hooded Eyes, European heritage with hooded eyes, Western Culture, brunette beauty, brown hair shades, brunettes, beautiful brunettes, white brunette women, white brunette girls, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance

Many Westerners have them. It's actually more common than you think.

Hooded Eyes, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance
Hooded Eyes
Westerners with Hooded Eyes

Our legacy lives on!


Asian Eyes

So let's talk about Asian eyes. What Asians have is what we call the "Epicanthic Fold". It is a piece of fatted skin that covers the part of the eye that is closer to your nasal. It can also form on the bottom of the eye in rare cases. Here is a video explaining this.

Now, the question is; can a white person be born with the epicanthic fold? It is indeed possible if they are mixed with Asian blood. But it is not a very common occurrence. But it does occur. Genetics are a funny thing. You never know what you'll get in the grand scheme of things. Here are some fun facts about this.

Regardless of whether or not you are Asian, it is still possible for Caucasians and other ethnicities to be born with eyes similar to Asians? I've seen them. And they almost always come in the form of a double eyelid. So is it possible to look Asian and have no Asian ancestry? See here.


Dealing with Colorism in the Western Community

(("Light hair and light eyes are a sign of 'pure' genes."))

I hear this all the time. The funny thing is, they NEVER say that about a white person with dark hair, dark eyes, or tanned skin. It amazes me.

I've heard talking points such as: (("Lighter features are a sign of "pure" genes."))


(("The brown-eyed hordes have Europe in its grasp!"))

Ugh! As if being an ethnic European means that you have all light features! How narrow-minded can you be today?

People who are blonde and think other people are all mixed are the lowest IQ people ever. my family has both hair colors and we're the same people. You have to be low IQ to think hair & eye color makes you an entirely different race.😂

-Nik Clay

It can be incredibly frustrating at times. Many Western beauty standards seem to only highlight the lighter features of Germanic peoples as the epitome of Western ethnicity, while unfairly disregarding brunettes as somehow less Western. It's as if our ethnic identity is constantly under scrutiny, with dark hair being deemed as inferior or less "pure" than lighter shades. But look at the French, for instance - most of them have brown hair. Does that make them any less European than their blonde counterparts? It's clear that ignorant people overlook the vast diversity within Europe, isn't it?

Yes, I have dark brown hair. It is my natural hair color. Yes, it is dark. And yes, Westerners have dark hair, too. Does that mean I have Asian or Indian ancestry? Not necessarily. Because hair of any color can be possessed by people of any ethnic group.


"High Cheekbones are 'Asian' features."

Another thing they'll say. But does a European with high cheekbones mean they have Asian DNA?

Quite to the contrary. In the European tradition, high cheekbones were considered an aristocratic trait. Asian cheekbones are not high cheekbones. Asians have wider cheekbones because of what the face and eye fit seem flat. European high cheekbones - is the point of attachment of the muscles of the lower jaw. It is located slightly higher than usual, to create a stronger jaw pressure. Because of this, a natural long diagonal line is formed. Therefore, it is safe to say that high cheekbones are a truly European form of the skull. Any Germanic can have extremely high or low cheekbones, but there are only certain kinds they generally have.

Asian Cheekbones
Asian people, epicanthic fold, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance

European high cheekbones
Does high cheek bones mean you have Asian ancestry? Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance
High cheek bones

High cheekbones have been a European trait throughout history.

Do high cheek bones mean you have Asian ancestry? Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance
European High Cheek Bones

Our legacy lives on!


What about my great-grandfather's Japanese wife, Chieko?

Yes, it is true; my Great-Grandfather married a woman from Japan. It listed her on as my great-grandmother. I looked and saw the year that she was born, and it also stated she was only 7 years older than my paternal grandmother. I was very puzzled. So, I did further research. I found out that he divorced his first wife, Enzella Weber (my blood great-grandmother), and remarried Cheiko (my step-great-grandmother). That cleared up some serious questions. I made some corrections to my family tree.

What others have said about it:

Sonya Marlene, Hooded Eyes, Sonya Marlene Snedden, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance

Enzella is my great-grandmother by blood, and my great-grandfather, Bernard.

My Great-Granparents Bernard Anthony and Enzella Weber

My grandmother, Sharon Rose; is their daughter. She also had hooded eyes and she is the woman I got them from. I am blessed!

My Paternal Grandmother, Sharon Rose

I approach this subject with a deep understanding, as I've meticulously traced my family history back to the 1400s without finding a single Asian ancestor. Despite thorough research, there's been no indication of any Asian lineage within my family tree. This knowledge underscores the absurdity of the assumptions and biases that some people project onto others based solely on physical appearance. It's a reminder of the importance of not making sweeping judgments about someone's background without concrete evidence.

And I will say, that family history and ancestry can be complicated. Some white folks do have mixed ancestry. And that's ok, too. That does not make one less than anyone else, nor does it make one superior.


Things non-Asian people are so sick of hearing!

(("You should take a DNA test. You might have Asian ancestry."))

Good grief, why are you making it a big deal? You are trying to call me out for my "race". Do you think that because I have hooded eyes, a square face shape, and brown hair? Will it make you think more highly of me if I didn't have Asian ancestry? Why does this matter? I have this look, and both of my parents are white.

Both of my parents are white. Why do people keep telling me I'm Asian?
Both of my parents are white. Why do people keep telling me I'm Asian?

I have pale skin, freckles, brown hair, hooded golden eyes, average Western body build, height, and bone structure, keener and outwardly pointed facial features and a nose that sticks out (not exactly Asian characteristics).

Nothing like having online Nazis and people who aren't related to you tell you what your ethnicity is, as if they know your whole family history. I've repeatedly received comments like this. Even if mixture took place in your family history, if both of your parents are white, then you're white, period!

I don't know of any Asian people in my family history, yet people want to tell me who I am.

If you have the audacity to look at me and tell me I don't look Western, but a Mongolian??? Then the problem lies with you and your bias.
Eurasians, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance
I did. You not accepting facts isn't the same as not providing them.

Notice how slick this guy is: Insinuating I’m mixed race while deeming mixed-race people as ‘inferiors’. This is a form of prejudice and hatred. ‘Featurism’ is another form of partiality based on physical features that are different from the ‘beauty ideal’ or the ’Western woman ideal’ that is being pushed by these men. That topping his hatred of mixed heritage people is shown here. What an insult these people are.

Aryan apologists just assume that I have identity problems, which I’m pretty sure that it is them who have a problem with my identity, not me.

God made us all in his image! No one is better than the next person. This perpetuation of colorism and featurism promotes an Aryan superiority sectarian mindset that seeks to divide us against each other. If we, instead; loved one another as much as we talk about 'race', wow! The world would be a much better place!

Asians are beautiful. Don’t get me wrong. They have their own unique characteristics and things about them that set them apart from Westerners and other ethnic groups, and that’s wonderful. If I had Japanese heritage, I would be the first to tell you that I did, and I would learn the language. Because I love Japanese culture!

However, most of these people who assume I’m Asian or part Asian and make comments like these are really coming from a position of prejudice, and it shows.

Before the screen shot below, stated by EuropeanInfidel @InfedelEuropean I stated:

Neo Nazism is the other side of the double-edged sword that is working to destroy white people, and wokeism/Marxism being the other.
Neo Nazis attack Sonya Marlene on Twitter for her percieved ethnic background, you have asian eyes, are you asian, a white person with asian eyes, hooded eyes, europeans and Jewish people with asian eyes, hooded eyes or epicanthic folds
Neo Nazis attack me on twitter for my physical features and percieved ancestry.

In that same thread, I had someone else tell me:

((You look like a Mongoloid rape baby.))

Well, well, well, @InfidelEuropean, and your partner in crime; looks like you both have stumbled upon a subject you're actually passionate about. You're the human equivalent of a broken record, spewing the same old nonsense day in and day out. You've even managed to make an incredibly racist joke that's as original as a Justin Bieber haircut. Bravo! Trying to be funny all the while being a total failure at comedy. But hey, at least your pedigree is (("pure")), right? So, keep on tweeting, and maybe one day you'll convince someone that Neo Nazism is actually a viable political movement. Until then, enjoy your little echo chamber.

I'll always find it hilarious how racists (especially southern European ones) don't realize that, in the eyes of most racists, they aren't white either.

-SadAgent @SadTreachery via twitter

This rings true even when you yourself are prejudiced. Imagine that. So, I say he was absolutely spot on with that quote.

My European ancestry is undeniable, it's a fact. Yet, these individuals are overflowing with pride, seeking exclusivity and relishing in being elevated above others. They have no interest in acknowledging or embracing those who share similarities with people of different ethnic backgrounds, such as hooded-eyed Westerners with high cheekbones and brown hair. It's baffling! (("How dare you claim European ancestry with those features, you look like a mix of Mongolian and white,")) they say. Alright then, buddy!

Despite the fact that I have no known Asian ancestry, let's say that it’s possible that I have an ancestor that was Asian somewhere down the line, maybe hundreds or possibly thousands of years in the past. Am I allowed to be “Asian” because I might have an ancestor that was different from thousands of years ago? Better yet, is a white person; who has a small amount of Asian blood allowed to be Asian or biracial? Are we going to one-drop-rule everything? And are we all really going to jump onto this bandwagon of insanity? This argument is ludicrous, because if a brunette white person and "mixed chicks" are the same, then why in the world am I distinguished from biracials in the mixed community????

It’s like this guy who had a political disagreement with me about American affairs that decides to single me out because ((“But... YOU look Asian”)). I can’t even claim to be an American or care about America because: ((“You don’t look American” and therefore your “say” means nothing.))

((“You’re not allowed to claim you’re Western because you might have an Asian ancestor.”))

This is the dumbest counter-argument on earth. And I’ve noticed that the only time people bring this up is when I talk about my nation’s history or have a political disagreement with someone. I can go on and on about how divisive this is. The other time they bring this up is when we are talking about bias in the Western community concerning this Aryan beauty standard (norticism) and worldview some hold.

Any time we talk about people’s ethnic mix, who are considered to be mixed aka biracial, they will tell you what they are mixed with and why their hair is the way it is, and why their eyes are the way that they are. And yet if a white person dares to say they are mixed with anything other than white, why do you think they still call us white? Think about it.

So why identify as mixed when we are not accepted as mixed or accepted in the mixed community because we don’t look ambiguous enough?

How is it that some Westerners, despite the fact that they had an ancestor that was different; look European? Can they still claim they are mixed? Or could this be an indication that they inherited their genes from their European ancestors, only? Yes, this does happen!

((“Why don’t you take a DNA 🧬 test? You might have Asian ancestry.”))

Ok, dude... Why don’t YOU take a DNA test? Why should this even matter? So, for those who are trying to invalidate my ethnic identity because I look different saying: ((“You shouldn’t claim to be Western because you look Asian,”)) need to get some realization. This is not only divisive, but it shifts the focus off of reaching our nation and people and onto sectarianism. When it comes to salvation & redemption, greatness, or favor with God, my pedigree means nothing.

And before you ask the question: No, I am not Asian. Get a clue!

Why should I be compelled to undergo a DNA test to validate my identity? Let's simply acknowledge the undeniable truth: Westerners are inherently diverse. Our hair and eye colors span the spectrum, from the deepest darkest hues to the brightest shades. Skin tones range from sun-kissed tan to porcelain white, with variations in between, including freckles and ginger speckles.

Our physical features are as diverse as our cultures - some have curly locks, others boast sleek straight hair, and some flaunt wavy tresses. Body types vary from curvy to petite, and from short to tall. Cheekbones can be high or low, each contributing to the unique tapestry of Western diversity. It's time to celebrate this richness without demanding proof of ancestry.

People with my phenotype exist all over the West. So, get some help and therapy. Get God in your life. Put your focus on his purpose, not on everything the world wants to shift our focus on.

#proudgermanamerican of German, English, and French descent! #americanwomen

Sonya Marlene Snedden, Sonya Marlene Tanner, Sonya Marlene, Sonya Marlene EDM, christian electronic dance music artists, christian electronic dance music songs, christian electronic artists, christian artists, young christian artists, older christian artists, upbeat christian songs, asian eyes, are you asian, hooded eyes, amber eyes, asian features vs european features, eurasians, mixed heritage, european heritage, white people with asian eyes, white people with hooded eyes, Colorism, featurism, white supremacy, light feature beauty standards, overcoming colorism, overcoming featurism, overcoming white supremacy, challenging beauty standards, addressing colorism, addressing featurism, addressing white supremacy, beauty standards in the West, promoting diversity in beauty standards, embracing all skin tones, embracing all features, promoting inclusivity in beauty, combatting discrimination in beauty standards, celebrating cultural diversity, advocating for representation in media, educating about beauty standards, promoting self-love and acceptance
Hun invasions? Here we go again! Do these eyes look Asian to you? If you think so, you need to get your own eyes checked.

If you don’t like the fact that I have European ancestry because I don’t look the way you think I should, just know that Westerners come in different skin shades, hair and eye combinations, and facial features. We are very diverse! So, get over your bias! Have a wonderful day!

For kicks, here is a song for those of you who keep telling me I have "Chinese Eyes". I might as well write a song called "Hooded Eyes" to raise awareness. #80smusic #Synthwave

I guess we "Chinese-eyed" white people really do kick some monster tail, don't we? Ha ha ha ha!

It's like what Joseph Thomas Elliot would say;

If I were channeling the vibe of Joe Elliott from @DefLeppard, I imagine he'd handle it with his trademark confidence and wit:

“Well, that’s an interesting take! But I’m as English as tea and biscuits, mate. People come in all shapes and looks—keeps life interesting, doesn’t it? Just remember, it's rock 'n' roll that matters in the end, not what you look like. Cheers!”

What about you? Have you ever had this experience? Let us know in the comments!

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