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Addressing women with dark features who don't see the value in themselves:

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

God's value system vs the Aryan worldview - part 3

First off, I'm not implying that every word on this blog is a direct message from God himself, but I will tell you from my own personal experience what I have learned to be true. What I will suggest is that you take what you read from here, try it with the word of God, and take it to the Lord in prayer. There are certain things the Lord did deal with me about that I will be discussing here, however; I will be differentiating what God has directly spoken through is word and my human experience.

My human experience goes like this: This all-light features beauty standard is a meme pathogen. It promotes the idea that in order for a woman to be valued more, she has to have all light features. Don't get me wrong. Blondes and redheads are unique and absolutely amazing! But that doesn't undermine the uniqueness of others! And it doesn't undermine yours, either.

In "God colored me the way he wanted me" because he liked it, I addressed the Aryan standard of beauty in the Western community and why it is detrimental to most of our people, as a big portion of them are brunettes. And this problematic mindset is usually targeted towards women with darker features. It is also detrimental to people of other ethnic backgrounds. This needs to be addressed. Nobody should be made to feel like they are "less than" on the basis of their color. But men aren't the only perpetrators, here. A lot has to do with the women who have fallen for this deception.

And what is the general response to this "all light features" aka "non-brown" beauty standard or "Aryan superiority" mindset that is taught? Look no further than these comments under these "European celebration posts" and you will see how problematic it really is. 👇

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White self-hate

"I was the only brunette and hated it always"? Where does this mindset stem from, again? Don't get me wrong. Blondes are unique. Very. But that does not overshadow the uniqueness of others. And that includes every other hue we possess!

Look at this beautiful head of hair. (BTW, this quote below was not quoted by the woman in the picture. I'm posting a picture of her hair to demonstrate how beautiful brunette hair can be. Her hair is stunningly gorgeous!)

colorism, featureism, brunettes, brown hair, brunette beauty, natrual hair movement, natural hair color, natural hair, European hair, brunette Europeans, European brunettes, countering neo-paganism, countering the blonde hair beauty standard, challenging neo-paganism, challenging the blonde hair beauty standard, blonde hair beauty standard, brunettes do it best, brunettes do it better, you can't sit with us I don't want to

And this one below tells all. Do I need to go any further with this? I can show you an endless amount of people putting themselves down on these pages. Why are we allowing ourselves to become so self-hating? Pigment does not define beauty or value, my friends! I don't care how rare or common it is.

Every person, regardless of their hair color, possesses a unique blend of physical features, personality traits, and experiences.

Judging one's worth solely based on one thing: that is pretty shallow to me.

colorism, featureism, brunettes, brown hair, brunette beauty, natrual hair movement, natural hair color, natural hair, European hair, brunette Europeans, European brunettes, countering neo-paganism, countering the blonde hair beauty standard, challenging neo-paganism, challenging the blonde hair beauty standard, blonde hair beauty standard, brunettes do it best, brunettes do it better, you can't sit with us I don't want to

Imagine you became interested in the Western Positive sphere after seeing Wild Wild West or reading The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, with no strong stance on politics, aesthetics, or culture and only a dim awareness of the history of European imperialism, and you’re told on one hand that being Western means being an anarchist and that you should be proud of your roots, and on the other, you are also told that if you have darker features that somehow makes you less worthy or less fortunate. Would you stick around?

We need to speak life and love into our brunette daughters and sons instead of this, because we are often at the receiving end of colorism in the Western community. And these brunette girls who are making negative comments about their hair obviously learned it from somewhere. Though it is not always the parent's fault, Western parents can and should do a better job at instilling hair love intro their brunette daughters, as well as they do the others. Because often I see brunette features being referred to in a negative way.

Before you do so, also consider that you got to have thick skin to challenge these bad ideas, despite the negative comments, gaslighting, push-back, and threats of personal safety you may received from others. This confidence comes from knowing that you are just as deserving as anyone else and knowing God your creator as source of your worth.


My response to this beauty standard in the West

Now, this does not apply to everyone who is "Western Positive". But I've had a few people try to gaslight me for sharing my struggle with this by saying that it is not a valid experience or struggle, all because they didn't experience it. Yet I keep running into those who put themselves down for their darker features. This tells me that I am not alone. And when women like us, who were born with these darker hair shades; are met with prejudice and downright disrespect, we will respond how we see fit. And here is my response:

Why do many of our brunette women express this disposition? That they hate their darker hair shades? You can also thank the beauty industry for that as well. Rarity has been so elevated in Western society for centuries.

Why rarity? Think about it. If you want to make money by selling beauty products, why not promote a look or beauty standard that is the hardest to achieve for most people?

And unfortunately, it sells. It has been the center of what many have said to make Westerners and non-westerners alike look so different. But that's not the only thing that can make them different!

What else can make a person or group unique? Think about this. I encourage you to look up haplogroups. These are groups or tribes of peoples that possess unique characteristics. Phenotypes and characteristics that set them apart from other groups such as the Japanese people, Melanesians, Icelanders, Israelites, Vikings, Organic Jarawa people, etc. Color isn't the only thing that can make a person or group look unique. These groups possess characteristics and phenotypes that are physically seen and very unique.

The things that this world believes add value or success to one's life can be very superficial. The bleach industry is no exception. It makes billions a year selling bleach, hair dye, skin lightening creams (or self-tanner in Western countries). This is by design. Making money by this constant push for certain beauty standards that are the hardest to achieve for most people in that particular society is the driving point of the beauty industry and Hollywood. For that reason, many have tried to accomplish this look by artificially dying their beautiful brown to black locks, bleaching their dark skin, or using self-tanner.

The bleach industry makes billions in profits every year.

((The bleach industry and self-tanner? But... but... if that was true, fake tan wouldn't exist.))

Believe it or not, it does. Because again, you have to look at the big picture. The goal of the beauty industry is to make money. So why is it that in Western countries self-tanner is promoted while Asians spend billions a year to lighten their skin? The beauty industry profits off of people by promoting certain beauty standards that are the hardest to achieve for most people within that particular society.

Sure, there are physical traits that are more noticeable than others at first glance, but the way our culture views beauty standards and looks not only leaves me sad but also disturbed. The truth is, I didn't want our beautiful brunette women and girls longing for something they don't have.

On a side note: People of every race and every culture can also claim 'rarity'. Even I could. Take a look.

👇 👇 👇 👇

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And from this position, I will also tell you that you don't have to be rare to be beautiful!

When so many people of all races have become self-hating and insecure due to this Aryan doctrine, which the Bible does not support, you won't be fixing the self-hate problem in the Western community (or non-Western communities). Rather, your disposition will perpetuate more self-hate. If you are one of these people spreading this poison, this false doctrine, this lie, this very unbiblical value system, be wary lest you become the very thing you say you are fighting against.

We've got to place our 'value' on the right things!

The biggest problem I see with many brunette women is that they think that their hair is a problem.

colorism, featureism, brunettes, brown hair, brunette beauty, natrual hair movement, natural hair color, natural hair, European hair, brunette Europeans, European brunettes, countering neo-paganism, countering the blonde hair beauty standard, challenging neo-paganism, challenging the blonde hair beauty standard, blonde hair beauty standard, brunettes do it best, brunettes do it better, you can't sit with us I don't want to

Fun facts about brown hair, for all you brunettes out there who have struggled with hair hate!

More shades of brown hair exist than shades of any other hair color in the world!

colorism, featureism, brunettes, brown hair, brunette beauty, natrual hair movement, natural hair color, natural hair, European hair, brunette Europeans, European brunettes, countering neo-paganism, countering the blonde hair beauty standard, challenging neo-paganism, challenging the blonde hair beauty standard, blonde hair beauty standard, brunettes do it best, brunettes do it better, you can't sit with us I don't want to

So why do I object to putting ourselves down? We've got to stop falling for this, ladies! We've got to know our worth, know where are worth comes from, and remember that we have our own uniqueness. Don't ever forget that. Because there is only one me. And there is only one you. So be good to yourself and know that you are not the labels that other people put on you. The things people say will only have power over your self-esteem if you let it. And that is not without your permission.

The idea that a woman wins or loses solely based on her appearance or a certain beauty standard is a meme pathogen.

Because in order to be valued in society we have to look a certain way? Listen ladies! God don't care about that! He cares about our obedience and love for him! He cares about righteousness and holiness! He cares about his peculiar treasure! And that's you!

"Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman that fears Yahweh, she shall be praised."

-Proverbs 31:30

So how can you overcome a low self-esteem?

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!

So if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.

Who's favor should we seek? His! A woman who fears the Lord is praiseworthy!


Stop Believing The Lies

These men who try to push this blonde beauty standard on women who don't have it are very disrespectful. And they would have you believe that most people don't prefer women who look like you: as they believe their opinion is the objective benchmark for all. That's simply not true. And I would encourage you to visit our Brunette Beauty page and see the support we have! Because the truth would shock you! And again, stop falling for this lie, ladies.

Know you've got someone out there that is looking for someone just like you! Your personality, your characteristics, and even your given traits will attract the right person. So be the you God made. Because he only made one of you and there is nothing about you that's plain:

What about you? Have you ever had this struggle? How did you counter it? Share with us your experience in the comments!


Break free of the bondage of resentment and envy!

It doesn't matter if this mindset came in through trauma, through prejudice, through bad experiences, through worldly beauty standard pushes, through rejection, or through being compared unfavorably to others. How ever this self-hatred or inferiority complex came in, which has a worldly spirit attached to it; when you hear what the word of God says about you, and His thoughts about you, and you see that it contradicts the labels the world puts on you? What will you choose to believe? The word of God will not change its reality to fit the narrative. It will not change to match your human experience or value system. It is time that you remove your foot from this. It is time to repent for standing in agreement with any of those things which the Lord detests!

You who are participating in the hatred and division of this world, you are guilty of transgression according to the scriptures! You who have worshiped this 'white' idol, turn to the truth of Jesus Christ now and repent for your idolatry while you still can. We don't worship Westerkind or Western civilization or "the spirit of the West". We worship our creator! And only he is worthy!

When you break through any of these strong-holds, it will be a battle. I have been there! But I will tell you: warriors should strap up now!

You who have loved ones who are caught up into the idols of this world: it is time to strap up in the armor of God and go to war!

This mindset leads to destruction! All those who believe that this form of prejudice and partiality will somehow "save" the western world? It will destroy you!

That you can be sure of. To convince Westernkind to give into hatred, pride, boasting, and arrogance? While convincing others to give into self-hate, rejection, and envy? Pride goes before a fall. Hatred leads to resentment. Resentment is a yoke of bondage that will lead you to hell! And yet some of you tell others like me, who speak out against this haughty attitude; that we are somehow going against Westernkind? And you treat us like deviants? And label us the same way you do others who disagree with you? And disavow everything about us? All the while telling us that you would never speak to us again? We are telling you what is true! I'll be willing to take that risk to follow Jesus and to arm myself with the truth. It is better to rescue souls from hell, and to be rescued from hell; than to have you speak to me again!

Your threats are not equal to hell! The theatrics are not equal to hell. The noise you make against those standing for Jesus and his word is not equal to hell!

You don't know the ramifications. You don't know what the risk is! You are so hell-bent in being right. And yet you are willing to bring dishonor to others through this, and even yourselves for an ideology that promotes a show of partial treatment based on colors? Because you believe it will somehow benefit you? If this is your heart, you're guilty of transgression according to God's word.

And to the proud: You soak in the praise of men. You believe your pride will save you. But when it's all over, it will be your down fall. For it is written: "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall."

To all others:

You don't feel 'valued more' because you don't fit the pattern that is pushed! You don't feel like you measure up. You're thrown under the bus by individuals who overlook your worth, so much you begin to believe the hurtful lies spoken over you by these people. Do pearls mean anything to a pig?

They tried to sell you their message by reeling you in with pride. And now that they have your mind, they turn around and tell you that you are someone of little importance! They encourage you to worship other 'gods'. And if you disagree, they turn against you? Why do you think that is? Don't you see the hook in the bait? Don't you realize this is a trick of the enemy? To divert you away from that which God sees as important? It is not for us to seek glory for ourselves, as the son of God did not seek glory for himself, but only God the Father!

A subtle spirit captures your attention. It captures your focus. It gets you to focusing on something other than what is right to focus on... to get you to come up some other way. And the Bible says: "He that enters not by the door but tries to climb up some other way is the same as a thief and a robber."

You say you want yellow hair or shave your head because you don't fit the pattern! You say that your Eumelanin is a curse! And God the Father, in heaven; he sees your hearts. How do you think this makes him feel? The greatest offense to tell the world's greatest designer that his design doesn't quite cut it? We just need to do what we can to change ourselves, dye our beautiful dark hair colors yellow, bleach our skin lighter, to mold ourselves to this golden calf, this unrealistic image and set standard of this world, because then and only then can we feel valued. Then and only then can we feel accepted. Then and only then can we be more confident. Because we weren't "fortunate" enough to be born with the recessive genes that are put on the pedestal? Is God capable of being wrong?

You who are participating in this conversation, if you found this blog and you have read this far without hating me (not that it matters); are you aware of the immense pride that it takes for you (a handful of dirt) to tell God (who is eternal) that he made a mistake with you?? You are the clay and he is the potter. Can the clay tell the potter: (("Why did you make me like this?")) Can the clay tell the potter: (("I don't like your design"?)) or (("You didn't put enough sparkles on me")) or (("you didn't make me light enough?")) Is it possible that God could be wrong? No, it is not possible.

It is the pride of the serpent that enters into the mind and won't stop wondering what it would be like if you would have been created differently.

If you don't have it, then it's not important for you. It is not for you. It was never intended for you. You were made to be different. You were gifted differently. You have your own unique qualities that makes you set apart!

Catching wind of worldly rejection was an eye opener for me. But I would like to encourage you to let God define your worth, your heart, and to put your trust in him, to value what he sees as valuable. Turn your heart back to him again. It is not too late, but you won't have forever! Funerals are coming! And yours will, too. There is a direct correlation between human sin and the disasters that are approaching our Western nations!

We need to break free! Often demons will inject those thoughts of self-doubt in you. And they will bring a snare to those who entertain those thoughts. And once those thoughts go on like little seeds in you and grow into fruition, it can lead you down a road that will bring terrible damage to your soul.

Distance yourself from anyone that pushes these bad ideas. Stop supporting these people who push these lies based on colorism, race-hate, partiality, pride, jealousy, inferiority, resentment and such like. Put your focus on Jesus, the one who died for you. And never reject what God made perfectly you!

If you do not go to the Lord and learn how to fight the battle against these things, you will become a slave to it, and eventually it will destroy you!

Let's not kid ourselves to think we know better than our creator. We don't.


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