Breaking the chains of worldly rejection and embracing your unique creation!

In the neon-lit landscape of life, remember: you're a synthwave star, radiating your unique glow. 💫 Embrace the beats of self-worth and let the rhythms of confidence guide your journey.
✨Prelude: The stronghold rejection

The way I value people makes me wish I had someone like me in my life. Sometimes I long for some appreciation and understanding I give to others: The way I care, treat and love the people around me makes me hope I could meet someone exactly like me.
I have a happy personality and a sad soul. I can go from feeling incredibly confident to terribly insecure. I love hard, but at times feel heartless. I have the courage to socialize but prefer to be alone. I'm healing and hurting at the same time. I'm just trying to find balance.
You see... I usually find myself among strangers because I drift here and there: trying to forget the sad things that happened to me. You cannot make everyone think and feel as deeply as you do. This is your tragedy because you understand them, but they do not understand you.
I think there's a point in your healing journey where you stop trying to convince other people to recognize the value that you have to bring to the table, and to do the right thing. You just observe their choices, understand their character and decide what you're going to allow in your life.
🌟 Track 1: Breaking the chains of rejection.

Following my college graduation in 2019, as I embarked on my music career and game project endeavors, I encountered a relentless battle against the spirit of rejection and abandonment. It seemed as though the kingdom of darkness was determined to thwart my success.
This was perhaps the fiercest battle I have ever faced, stemming from a long-held belief that I was insignificant. Associations with individuals who failed to recognize my true worth had led me down a damaging path. However, upon re-discovering my faith in Jesus, I recognized that true peace could only be found in Him, transcending the opinions of others. I was compelled to change my perspective and the company I kept.
My realization was that my agreement with the lie of insignificance, which left a wound on my soul; had provided a foothold for the enemy to wreak havoc in my life. I experienced immense pain, battled against condemnation, fear, depression, rejection, self-hatred, pride, as well as health and financial challenges. From that point, my daily pursuit was to seek God for deliverance.
I came to understand that these challenges were tools used by the enemy to divert me from my purpose, and I had indeed suffered a setback. However, I knew I had to change my attitude and approach immediately.
An important lesson was that the enemy sought to make me resent God due to worldly rejection. I mistakenly expressed frustration and anger towards God for my unique creation, which was an improper response. It's crucial not to allow worldly standards to define your worth when God is your creator.
Acknowledging and renouncing the lie, along with seeking repentance, became a three-year battle for freedom. It reinforced the necessity of being cautious about the beliefs we accept and ensuring that we align ourselves with God's truth.
It's imperative to stop allowing others to define your worth. Remember, you are of immeasurable worth to your creator, and his word declares your value to be far beyond rubies.
So how do we break through this wall? You must resolve the unhealed wound.
The wall can be broken through if you fix your eyes on Jesus, acknowledge the truth, and live it. It's time to strap up with the armor of God!
🚀 Track 2: "Unapologetic Aura"

If you are someone that keeps to yourself, and you don't really play into the social hierarchy, in a lot of environments, you are considered a threat.
There is something called in-group out-group theory. What that means: when you are one of them you are perceived to be more trustworthy. And if they perceive you to be an 'outsider' you are perceived as 'untrustworthy' or less trustworthy. So, when you deviate from the social hierarchy that the rest of the people are operating inside of, you are now an outsider. And that uncertainty to predict how you are going to behave makes your Prescence uncomfortable.
At the same time, there are people that are benefiting from the social hierarchy. You are deviating from that is threatening to their social power. There are a lot of people who don't have the courage to do what you are doing. But they see that you can survive and thrive from being authentically you? You become the snowflake that starts the avalanche.
And of course; the established powers cannot let that be. When we are old enough to be creating an understanding of who we are, the powers that be wishes to force us into a system teaches that it is wrong to be yourself if yourself is different from what is accepted as normal. People will try to crush you before that can happen. But don't let that stop you from being yourself. If there wasn't something peculiar about you, they wouldn't feel threatened.
Surf the waves of authenticity, let the synth melodies of your true self resonate. You don't need anyone's approval to shine.
🌈 Track 3: "Neon Confidence"

The thing with me is that I don't give a care in the world what others think. I just don't. I don't give a schnitzel about what anybody says, what anybody thinks. I know exactly who I am, what I stand for, and who I belong to. I have my circle of people that I hang around with who know me and know what I'm about. Anybody else who doesn't like it or doesn't understand it and speak bad about me: their empty words can only define you if you let them. They don't define me.
Confidence is knowing that you are a unique individual with unique DNA and fingerprints, and that you are just as deserving as anyone else.
In the city of self-discovery, let the neon lights reflect the vibrant colors of your worth. You're a masterpiece, and you don't have to convince anyone else of your value.
🎶 Track 3: "Binary Boundaries"
Don't tolerate disrespect! Distance is the right response to disrespect. Don't react. Don't argue. Don't dive into drama. Simply remove your presence. When you step away from disrespectful situations or individuals you protect your emotional well-being. It allows you to maintain your inner calm and you avoid being drawn into unnecessary conflict. Distance communicates that you have boundaries and expect to be treated with respect. It sends a clear message that disrespectful behavior is not acceptable.
Reacting to disrespect can often escalate a situation leading to further conflict. By choosing distance you prevent situations from getting worse. Sometimes creating distance gives the other party an opportunity to reflect on their behavior. They may come to understand the consequences of their actions and make amends.
Remember, removing yourself from a disrespectful situation is powerful act of self-care and self-respect. It doesn't mean you are weak. It signifies your strength and priority of your well-being and maintaining your dignity.
Set your boundaries like a programmed sequence. Knowing your worth means safeguarding your authenticity against any interference.
🌌 Track 4: "Galactic Independence"
Remember this: the only person that cares about your hopes and dreams is you. The only person that is going to make them happen is you.
You thought that you were just going to have a dream and a goal, and you were just going to walk up on that sunset. It doesn't work like that. You have a dream, and then life punks you! It punks you and says: Do you really want this?? It's a part of it!
My greatest moments didn't come from my 'greatest moments'. My greatest moments came from my greatest defeats. Because it was due to my defeat that I had to find a way to get back up!
Oh, and you expected them to support you? Those people you know and grew up with? I think one of the biggest most valuable lessons I've learned is to stop telling people about my dreams, in hopes that they would support me. I had to stop getting so excited and give them all of my good ideas and telling them everything that is going on in my life. I had to stop tooting my horn about my dreams to people. I had to realize people are fake and envious. People don't want to care. A lot of people are jealous. A lot of people don't want to kick it with you.
The moment that you stop obligating yourself to prove a point to people is the moment your life gets ten times better. Stop trying to prove a point. You don't have to tell people anything about you. You owe them no explanation. You're not obligated to tell them anything about what is going on with your life, your dreams, your ambitions, or to prove yourself to them.
Keep to yourself. Keep working on your dream. Work on yourself! You don't need their support in order to move forward with your dreams! They aren't your oxygen tank, or the gas in your car! SO accept the genuine support of strangers.
Soar through the cosmic soundscape of independence. Knowing your worth liberates you from the need for validation. You're the captain of your own starship.
🌟 Track 5: "Reflections of Self-Love"

When you start really loving yourself and you know what you are worth, it will disqualify people. When you set the bar high enough in your life to where you will not accept mistreatment, you will disqualify a lot of people.
You'll hear a lot of people complain about your standards. People that don't want to raise to the occasion will try to minimize you. They'll say: (("You're not worth it. You're too high maintenance. Why are you asking for too much?")).
Side note: Often times you are just asking for somebody to love you, exclusively. Or asking for somebody to be a functional adult. Have a job. Know how to read a book. A lot of times you're not asking for too much. It's just when you have standards of what you're not going to settle because you know settling leads to what? Suffering, unhappiness, settling when it comes to dating leads to you being unevenly yoked. And you are saying to yourself: I am no longer settling for someone that is going to leech off of me. I'm no longer getting into a relationship and yoking my spirit with someone that hasn't found theirs. When you decide to do that, guess what? You are single longer than you would like.
When you decide to do that, guess what? People will look at you sideways because the girl next to you and the girl before you didn't' require that man to actually be one in order to be entertained by her.
Bask in the luminosity of self-love. Your worth is not a negotiation; it's a celebration of the incredible being that you are.
🛸 Track 6: "Future Vibes, Present Confidence"
If somebody want to walk out of your life, let them go!
Yes, I am done! I won't beg for your time and attention anymore. The more you ignore me, the more I will get used to being ignored. If you stop calling me, I will stop waiting for your calls. If you stop sending me messages, I will get rid of my habit of checking my phone all day. The more you stay away from me, the more I will adapt to staying away from you. One day, I will learn to live without you and move on.
Know your worth, have a godly heart, but don't waste your time proving it. If you want to be trusted, be honest. Forget what hurt you. But never forget what it taught you.
The future is bright, and so are you. Revel in the present, confident in the knowledge that your worth transcends the constraints of time.
🌠 Track 7: "Resonance of Inner Strength"

In the neon-lit realm of destiny, mark my words, they'll rue the day they let you go. As the synths of fate hum in the background, let me assure you, regret will be the rhythm they dance to. Back then, in their limited vision, they saw 'nothing,' but little did they know that God, the cosmic composer, had a symphony of greatness reserved for you. They underestimated the pulsating power within your soul.
In the glow of divine arrangements, they'll witness the masterpiece unfolding in your life, and their jaws will hit the retro-futuristic floor. It's a cosmic reckoning, a neon revelation of your inherent worth. And here's the twist – as a believer in the synth of forgiveness and love, you won't harbor resentment. Instead, you'll become the melody that elevates and blesses them on their journey, a synthwave anthem of grace in the face of regret. 🌌🎶 #NeonRedemption #SynthwaveDestiny
Get ready, because they are going to regret it. But God protected your character and your heart for this time! Because you didn't do them like they did you. Your character was tested. Because God could not take you where he wanted to take you if he didn't know that you heart would stay pure even when they did you wrong.
Get ready for the eventsments of the Kingdom of God.
Feel the resonating echoes of your inner strength. Your worth is a symphony, and each note adds to the harmony of your unique melody.
🔮 Track 8: "Empowerment Echoes"

Stop trying to prove your value to them! You've made that a priority in your life, and it's time for a change. Look at how much of priority that you've made these people! Why haven't you made yourself a priority? Why?? From now on, you're your own priority! You need to be working on you! Why do you keep trying to 'prove' yourself to them? Or anything for that matter? Forget about the people who don't see your value! Prove it to yourself!
And for an afterthought on this, if somebody doesn't appreciate you, you don't bring them back into your life. You stay away from them! You don't text them. You don't call them. You don't unblock them! You don't give them any ounce of yourself! You don't give them any ounce of your attention!
And don't you ever be desperate from anybody's attention! They're making you chase. You don't get on your knees and beg them to give you any attention! You let them beg! You grow up on them by working on yourself and finding your value!
Let the echoes of empowerment reverberate through your soul. Knowing your worth empowers you to stand tall amidst the starlit skyscrapers of life.
✨ Outro: "Luminescent Legacy"

In this synthwave symphony, your worth creates a legacy that outshines the brightest constellations. You're not here to convince; you're here to illuminate.
🎹 Remember: You're not just a part of the synthwave; you're the entire cosmic symphony. Own your worth, and let the universe groove to your rhythm.