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An Important Message to the Western Community & Christians

Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Updated: Jan 12

Sonya Marlene

This is a message standing in my own defense against potential attacks or those who may have made wrong assumptions of my motives or goals based on a blog I wrote called: "The Day I Stopped Being White" also renamed “You look Asiatic, are you Asian?” This isn't to deny the reality of ethnic differences. This is only to assert that 'race' or 'pedigree' does not create status with God. I have been labeled as an infiltrator, a deviant, an antiwhite sellout, a Nazi, a globalist, a subverter, and more. I've been labeled in every which way you could imagine by people of all political persuasions. This needs to be discussed. For the record, I have spoken about this subject many a time. I even told myself I would never discuss this issue again, but here we go again.

A reminder to all my followers and the people I know, my goal is salvation and redemption for my nation and all others. I refuse to let the things of this world shape me or my way of thinking. My allegiance is to God my creator, and I will not pledge allegiance to any other 'god' or worldview!

Now that I have gotten that out of the way, I am going to address this misunderstood notion that I am a sell-out (someone trained not to be white), along with woke apologists who have incorrectly assumed that I have some sort of Nazi affiliation which is used as an intimidation tactic to silence me. I posted a number of blogs addressing both sides of this issue. I have also discussed my knowledge of things to come and how we must prepare ourselves for future events.

I am not writing this to answer questions from critics. I am writing this for specific people that follow me who may have had a problem with some of the things I've shared. This may include those I follow and those who may have legitimate concerns. I've had a number of people unfollow me, a number of people who have questioned me, and even some who have tried to demonize me over certain issues they have with me. This includes comments on social media about this topic.


This idea that those who go against the grain or against the 'popular narrative' are sell-outs is ridiculous! There is no basis for this argument.

I am not speaking for any leader, political movement, or for any organization. I can only speak for myself. The idea that I would be considered a sell-out because of something I have put out recently is ridiculous! You didn't have a problem with me before. You didn't have a problem with anything I said before. We've got to understand what's happening in our world today and how to deal with it from a biblical perspective.

Secondly, as demonized as our people are today, historically until today, we are the primary people who hold to Western cultural values. Western people also ended slavery. They invented the modern world and built some of the greatest civilizations in history that have made this world an immensely better place for everyone. These are some of the historical accomplishments of the Western world. Yes, we had our bad apples in history as well. We still do. But we also have our great historical heroes and accomplishments.

I am NOT trying to demean the Western community in any way. I am not trying to disrespect the Western positive community. I love my Western heritage. I grew up in the Western world.

If you understood my history, you would understand how ridiculous this notion is to suggest that someone like me would want to do something destructive to white people (or non-white peoples)!

I am beside myself when I hear people making such accusations while pointing a finger at me.

Thirdly, I need you to understand something. Please hear me out. Hear me with all of your heart. Especially if you are a Christian.

If you are going to be a Christian, if you want to be faithful to scripture; we have to have a Biblical worldview. Not a white worldview. A Biblical worldview.

Same thing for any other ethnic group who are Christians out there. I don't like to categorize people by ethnic backgrounds within Christianity because that's not how God views us. I am using terms that people are familiar with so we can understand what is being presented. And what I'm trying to explain is this:

When you understand, as a Christian; you have to have a Biblical worldview. Your view is not based on your race, the color of your skin, or your ethnicity. Your view needs to be based upon sola scriptura.

It is amazing, to me; when we talk about our values within the Western positive sphere or Steampunk community, it's interesting that when you have a difference of opinion; you're demonized. Why is my relevance in these communities based on whether or not I agree with a certain political view, rhetoric, or philosophy? Even if the rhetoric is wrong?

We still aren't talking about the fact that there is spiritual warfare going on in our world today. As the scriptures point out:

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. Against the rulers of darkness of this world. Against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The people who argue against me do not even come close to biblical knowledge of spiritual warfare or discernment.

We have allowed our babies to be aborted, our own civilizations to be destroyed, and our people to go astray by allowing our kids to sit in front of anti-white Marxist propaganda. A total of 60, 000,000 babies have been aborted since Roe vs Wade in America.

I find it interesting how Marxists anti-whites attack people who look like me, attack Christians, and calling Jesus a symbol of 'white supremacy', burn Bibles, and are taught to hate themselves, their history, and be ashamed of their ancestors. I see this as being the fruit of the problem above, not the root.

On the other side of the spectrum, antique nationalism is on the rise to counteract with this Marxist anti-white ideology taught in schools and on the media. The past failed ideology called Neo-Nazism (what we now call "antique nationalism") seeks to infiltrate every movement that is supposed to represent Western kind and their interests and values as a whole. It continues to spoil the lot by dividing our people, attacking conservatives, promoting heresy and blame against other ethnic groups. It is important that we address this problem, as it has become a real problem.

So they suggest I am an antiwhite sell-out or one who has been 'trained not to be white' for bringing to attention these issues in our community. I've prayed about this, sought God about it, consulted my conscience about it. I've had to admit certain things. If we continue to be jaded by what we are being told by the mainstream media and academia, it will eventually destroy our self-determination.

Some people might think I'm trying to divert others away from the destruction that is happening to our Western civilization by talking about spiritual warfare, and what we must do to be prepared for what is to come. Some people might wrongly assume that I'm trying to waste people's time by warning them of what is to come and how we must prepare ourselves due to others who have mislead them in the past. I'm not trying to divert away from anything! But it is my urgent plea to my brothers and sisters, and not just my Western brothers and sisters, it is my urgent plea to you, that you would look again. That's all I'm asking. Consider what you are being told! Consider what you are being fed. Consider the source!

There are very wicked people in power that wish to take ownership of you and your future. There are real dangers that we must be aware of to survive what is to come. The scriptures tell us: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". Not because they weren't given the knowledge, but because they refused it.

Some people may label me as some subverter promoting Y2K or 2012 quackery or someone they shouldn't listen to because I shared my knowledge of the Biblical end times and what we must do to be prepared for what is to come. Biblical end times and Y2K conspiracy theories are not the same. What's the difference? Consider the source of the information.

What does that say about this? Some will be so quick to paint you negatively!

And for those who continue to promote this idea that someone's relevance in our community is based only on certain opinions and should be demonized or treated as a deviant for having a different opinion on a matter, is this not also divisive? So, anybody who disagrees, you should demonize them? So, what I have to say becomes irrelevant because I disagreed with you? When it comes to issues like this, you are trying to revoke people's license to speak, and their cultural license?

I'm telling you, I thought a certain way for years. I was taught that my ancestors were evil, that I descended from an evil people. I even said some of the same things these antiwhites have said. Until one day, I really started to do my own research. One day, I took a genuine look at these things, including my family history and lineage. I found out about the great things my ancestors have actually done for my country.

I also took a look at other view points which spoke against this propaganda. What some of them have said made a lot of sense to me. While others.... not so much. Why? Some of them put their primary focus on endless genealogies and pedigree. The show of partial treatment based on color and pedigree among their own was often propagated. And its not all of them. However, this focus on partiality only furthers the divide among Western people. It does nothing for the well-being of Westernkind. This needs to be addressed, yet this has been widely ignored.

I have encountered with these prejudice individuals under western-positive posts, videos, and blogs as they began to comment on my physical appearance to try to pick apart my ethnic identity and tell me that I don't look Western enough, which comes from a position of prejudice. I have also seen a whole lot of put-downs of Westerners with darker features, attacks against people of other ethnicities, and those of mixed origins or those with possible mixed ancestry. We have to recognize that these small groups of individuals who promote these bad ideas pose a real problem for the entire Western positive community as it is almost certain that you will run into at least one or two under some of these posts that are meant to promote good things about our history and bio-spirit. These bad ideas that are promoted by these Antique Nationalists are not what I call a "Western Positive Movement". Nope! Quite the opposite.

As Christians, we have got to be better than this! We need to address these problems within our own communities by promoting the right ideas that will help us go free from the mainstream media self-hate indoctrination.

From that point, I began to take a step back and re-analyze this whole thing. On my blog "Singled out for being different" I addressed how God sees us versus how the world sees us. How God measures our identity and worth versus how the world measures it. When it comes to salvation, redemption, or favor with God, my pedigree means nothing. And it was in direct conflict with what these Aryan-Pagans promoted. What I'm saying, as Christians who love our culture and our nation; we must study to show ourselves approved!

Don't make me your enemy because I tell you the truth! I'm telling you because I love you! I love the Western community. And I'm not of the school of thought of these other people that you disagree with. Get to know what I'm saying!

The level of manipulation that is going on right now will blow your mind! These people who are pushing this anti-white anti-Christian propaganda are now exposing themselves!

God is allowing the sins of our leaders to be revealed to the people. And the sins of the people before a holy God.

All I'm saying is: study it for yourself. Know the word. Know what it says about what is to come.

Forget everything else people have tried to tell you if it does not line up with God's word! These scriptures were written over 2000 years ago. And it has revealed itself in a way today that no other generation in the past has seen.

Some of the same people that we celebrate and praise are some of the same people that choose to ignore this. And if we are to be prepared for what is to come, and for the great deception; we need to know our Bibles. We need to know who the politicians, celebrities, and people of influence are that have promoted ideas and offered bills that were designed to destroy our nation.

Some of you will probably unlike me, unsub me, unfollow me. But, I'm letting you know, if you unlike me, I still love you.

Some people have gone so far as to conspire that someone is paying me. I'm not hired out by anybody. I don't work for any organization. I don't get paid by any organization to say any of what I'm saying. This is my spiritual journey which is not complete. I am still learning. I'm still growing. But I'm also being honest on this journey.

And if you don't like what I am saying, then let's talk about it. Get your Bible out. Let's get into the scriptures. As long as we are honest, I'm willing to have a conversation. We have to talk about the diabolical manipulation that is going on. We need to line our mindset and ideals with God's word.

On my blog: "Singled out for being different" It was not a slap in the face to the Western community or Western positive sphere, nor is it to suggest that I don't appreciate my fair skin, heritage, or culture. I am simply saying that we have a transcendence as Christians. And I didn't just address white people. I addressed people of other ethnic groups who have made their melanin or lack thereof their identity, or have put this at the forefront as to what the most important things are.

That is what I have dealt with. I love my culture! I grew up in various parts of the U.S. I was born in the State of Nebraska which is a very German populated area. And in my journey and in my relationship with God my creator, he showed me that I needed to identify certain areas in my life.

All I'm saying is: search the scriptures and search your heart. God has called the Western community at such a time as this to do great things. To know their God and do exploits. To be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. To be purveyors of prayer. To be Stewarts of the mysteries of God and instrumental in the Global awakening. That's why the Western community is under such an attack by the globalists 24/7!

60 million unborn babies have been murdered in America and until we address this problem and the trafficking of children which is at an all-time high, our nation will continue to suffer. So before you call me a sell-out or a cuck, or a propagandist, search out what I'm saying.

Consider what is being presented and the source. And if I'm wrong, disregard it. But don't make me your enemy because I tell you the truth. I'm telling you because I love you!

I'm like Paul. He said:

"My desire is that all of Israel be saved. For they being ignorant of righteousness and going about establishing their own righteousness. And have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God."

Except for the grace of God, there goes I, along with my nation.

Within this country, institutions are being built, of higher education; that are indoctrinating people against God. We are sending our children to liberal arts schools that are atheistic and agnostic and secular humanistic and they are trying to strip them of their spirituality and faith in God our creator. And teach them paganism, new age philosophies, and secular humanism that are contrary to God's word and truth. We got to talk about this.

Don't get mad at me, saying I'm trying to promote ideas that are not good for our people or Y2K quackery because I'm telling you what is a fact! Let's deal with it! God is holding all of us accountable. I love you. And I am not your enemy! That is all!



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