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Chosen by grace and not by color!

Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

God's Value System vs the Aryan Worldview - Part 7

There is neither Jew or Greek in Christianity!

There are numerous people that I have come across on social media that have come under my posts suggesting to me that I'm not following my "true roots" because Christianity is an "Abrahamic religion" and that it is not European. This anti-Christian propaganda is what I will be addressing. Here I will also address the other bad ideas these people try to push that are contrary to scripture. So if you are easily offended by things like this...

...I suggest you go play your favorite game instead. Or read a book that aligns with all the ideas you agree with. Otherwise, if you want to know the truth, here it is. And I sugar coat nothing!

Anonymous pro-Aryan accounts (and the anti-Christian propaganda they spread) have issued a challenge against me. Because they have put their race (nation), culture, value system, and sectarian worldview above God the creator and have made an idol out of it. They are pushing this idea that there is a different 'god' for every nation including ours.

It's funny that Pagans try to make fun of Western Christians for "worshiping a Jew". They don't get it. We don't care what race Jesus Christ was. It literally doesn't matter. We love our heritage, but we don't idolize it. We don't worship the Western biosphere. That is not our 'god'. We worship the creator of the universe!

So here, I issue the challenge back to them by turning the tables on their reasons, arguments, and pretexts. What does the Bible say about these subjects?

"There are different people groups that have formed in American society. We have the transgender clump, the gay clump, the lesbian clump, those that are moving back in forth in the spectrum, the black clump, the white clump, the Asian and Hispanic clumps: little clumps and groups of humanity are forming. And then what happens? Instead of there being one universal law that applies to everyone, such as 'there is one God'; everybody wants to have their own 'god' according to their 'culture' or mindset. "

-The Master's Voice Prophesy Blog

And some say they believe in Jesus, and some say they want to return to the pagan gods of their ancestors.

Because of 'clumps' people want clumpy laws. Everybody wants a special concession to their group. But God says: "Whoever knows the word, and whoever understands when God gives commands, that we are supposed to live by those commands. That person will be able to resist. That person will be living in the true faith as the Bible sees it. And that person, that spirit will keep you loyal to him. And once his spirit is keeping you loyal to him, you will be able to resist those kinds of strong spirits that are sweeping the earth and attacking mankind in the end days."


It's all about going back to the original kind of idea... Right?

I've seen this meme floating around. And it really reminded me how we, as humanity; have forgotten where we came from.

Language has been around since Adam and Eve. Of course we know that they are not specific to Christianity. They are specific to humanity. It's part of language and how we speak. Really folks?

This certainly isn't about going against preserving your European roots, your African roots, your Jewish roots, or any other. Many people, including myself; are preserving our unique cultures and way of life. This isn't about changing our cultures to all become exactly the same. But...

It’s all about going back to the “original idea” right? But if we want to go back to the original idea we can take a historical trip to the Tower of Babel, before the nations were separated by languages; when the entire world spoke 1 language with 1 culture. That’s the original.

Is this what you are advocating for? In the beginning we all had one mother and one father. That’s where we descended from. So again, if you want to go back to the original kind of idea; we can all go back to speaking one language.

You will see some people argue over the most irrelevant things.

((Was Adam and Eve white, brown, or black?)) or ((If you say we all started off as brown you are antiwhite!))

Please, my Christian brothers and sisters; do not get sucked into this argument. This argument is pointless. It achieves nothing. No wonder the Bible tells us not to pay attention to endless genealogies. Who you descend from really doesn't matter. This flies in the face of this whole mindset pushed by these Odinists that suggests that there is a “different” creator God for every nation. So, should there also be a different God for every species on our planet as well? Other planets? Do you realize how silly that sounds? If we were to find other races of beings on other worlds out there, we would know that the same God that created them created us. And the same God that created us created them.

((IDK that sounds like an antiwhite story used to justify imperialism.))

Sonya's note: If he is referring to me, I say he is trying to twist the argument. Typical of people who want to label others they disagree with.

How so?

((The implication is that humanity was at some point one nation, which runs contrary to human nature and all evidence.))

What is your evidence? I can back up what I am saying through history, archeology, and much more. We all started off speaking one language. Then we separated at the Tower of Babel by the languages because God wanted humanity to spread across the world and in turn develop very differently: cultures and all. God did that! Not man.

Point being: we all have the same creator! ***Every nation, tongue, and tribe***.

(("That just restates what you've already said. Again, "one race, the human race" is something antiwhites made up.))

Sonya's Note: Oh boy, I'm getting an uproar over that tweet.

Did you read the part where I said, "every nation, tongue, and tribe"??? Am I denying the precious differences you hold so dear to you? Characteristics.? Culture? Do you not realize that it is also true that we all come from the same source? I can't believe I am having to explain this in the year 2023. We all have the same parents. We are not each a different species of animal, as macro-evolution has taught us. We are all of the same kind!

((So if we all have the same parents, how did differences arise? How did different languages come to be? Different cultures? Different colors? Different physical characteristics?))

From Adam and Eve to different nations explained.

One thing. We are one species, different nations, and ethnic backgrounds. So why all the focus on differences? Why can't we focus on what brings us together?

The OT explains how the different nations came to be. If you disagree with that you are disagreeing with the Bible & history.

And why should I have to continue to explain this to some random Odinist on the internet who wishes to throw around the term "antiwhite" at anyone who states something contrary to their view points? Sounds like a familiar tactic "woke" apologists use.

The term "antiwhite"... you need to stop misusing that term before it loses all of its meaning. Do you know how the word 'racist' lost its meaning? If you disagree with a democrat, you are a 'racist' automatically.

((The word **racist** is an antiwhite slur.))

That's right. The word means nothing anymore, because people don't take it seriously. Why? Because of the misuse of it. Now you call it an antiwhite slur term. And I have stood with you on that. At this point, I may abandon the word **race** altogether and call it what the bible says: **ethnos**.

However, when you come under my posts spewing your biases against people of other nations, cultures, and ethnic backgrounds, do you think that is ok?

Some extremists on 'the right' think that because I call out 'wokeness' or ‘antiwhiteism’, that I’m OK with hatred against all others. I am not! I will block you if I see you spreading your hatred under my posts. I love people of all colors and I want others in my circle who feel the same!

And likewise, you are doing the same with the terms "antiwhite" or "antiwhiteism". Throwing those term at Christians for teaching biblical doctrine and biblical history is not going to help anyone but rather hurt your credibility! And in turn becoming less effective in helping white people come out of the self-hate indoctrination you claim to be fighting against.

Why are you anti-Christian? You are pushing an entire group of Western people away just because they believe and teach what the Bible teaches? You do err not knowing the scriptures.

Some have accused me of being a hater of my own for aligning myself with scriptures. Wrong! I 100% support a beautiful future for Western kind & Western civilization.

I’ve got some unique things to contribute to that! However, this can only happen with God being the center.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! -Psalms 33:12


We have one creator and he made us all!

Oh no! They won't stop telling me what they think of me (as if it matters):

When these Aryan apologists try to make these arguments, they are usually pushing this idea that: (("Christianity is a Jewish tool" meant to conquer European lands,)) and declaring that Western kind should steer away from Christianity and its influence, that we should all cling to the ancient European pagan gods? Why? Its all about going back to the "original" kind of idea, right? Again, if they really wanted to go back to the original kind of idea; wouldn't they all want to go back to speaking one language? After all, that's how we started off, because we all came from the same source! But these Aryan apologists will never admit that to be true (unless God somehow changes their hearts). Because if they did admit to that truth, they would lose the argument. Instead, they just label you an antiwhite or a Jew. Because this is their central focus, guys: Western culture, race, heritage, color, white religion: this is what they believe to be the most important thing. They really see nothing beyond that.

Their central focus is on building an earthly kingdom, in particularly the Western kingdoms. What they don't realize is: Jesus didn't come to establish an earthly kingdom! He came to save that which was lost. For Jesus stated: "My kingdom is not of this world. If it was, my men would fight."

(("Your words are ignorant,"))

Says the person who made an ignorant statement, and all those who agreed with him. Eat your own words!

(("You're a sheep to your "god".)) Calling someone a sheep isn't the insult you think it is.

John 10:14 states: "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. Just as the Father knows me and I know the father and I lay down my life for the sheep."

My God, your God? He's everybody's God. Because he is the maker of us all.

Can we say that the sheep of the Lord and the sheep of men are different?

(("I practice what my ancestors did"))

Did they also practice child sacrifice? Which was a common practice among pagan groups in ancient times? Let me take a wild guess.

Point being:

There is not a European god or a Jewish god. There is only one creator and he made us all.

If you would take your own advice and spend time studying what the scriptures actually teach rather than spouting off this ignorance, you would also know that Salvation isn’t about said "race' aka ethnos. There is no Jew or Greek in Christianity.

Your so-called 'gods' who have not made the heavens and the earth shall vanish from the earth.

Seeing everything through the lens of race isn't the factor that is going to save you, either. You, my acquaintance, need some realization. And again, I may be abandoning the word 'race' at this point. I would like to use the word 'nation' or 'ethnos' instead.

So, this sums it up when it comes to how these neo-pagans and Odinists feel about me, and how I also feel about having their views shoved down my throat by them. No thanks!


Why Jesus Christ is Superior above all that is called 'god'.

This is what the Odinists say about their religion:

((Neo-paganism is inseparable from the racial element (Nordicism). Our religion is not just "pre-Abrahamic" it is Indo-European (Aryan). It was the Vedic Gods of the Indo-European faith, in the eldest Sanskrit Text (Rigveda) are described as all blonde with a hatred of dark features.))

Everyone wants to claim that their religion is the oldest. But God has always made himself known since the beginning of time: before religious institutions or churches ever emerged. And he still makes himself known today to those who call upon him.

A hatred for dark features.... Is this the Nordicism religion you are telling me I have to follow? A religion that tells others to hate me? Their gods 'hate' dark features, after all. They even say so themselves.

So why would I want to worship their gods? Or gods of their own ego? And again, this all light features partiality is their central focus. This is what they deem as the 'most important' thing in their religion. This is an enslaved mentality which is based on a lie.

These people don't realize just how prized this thing called "melanin" is. It is an extreme rejuvenator. It keeps the body young. It slows down aging. It is a refresher.

This chemical compound found in darker pigmented people that make up the brown/black of the hair, this brown pigment of the eyes, and skin, this thing called Eumelanin is extremely prized! It is heavily sought out for by those with knowledge because it is a life extender. And for those who know what this thing does, those who know how to extract it, know that it extends life and brings back youth if you consume enough of it!

These people who devalue Eumelanin are without understanding. Eumelanin is not only prized, but it is beautiful! And this trait is often found in the hair and eyes of Europeans as well. It is precious! So cherish your eumelanated hair and eyes (if you have them)!!

Many of these Neo-Pagans do their best to knock down anyone that is born with these traits who prize this.

My advice is to get to know what the Bible says. And learn to cherish the gift that was given to you. Know the truth and go free!

Jesus stated: "I don't make decisions the way that you do. Man looks upon the outward appearance. But God looks upon the heart."

I have been at the receiving end of hate from both antiwhites & Neo-Pagans for my color. We dark-porcelains really do get criticism from both sides. Because we don't fit into either box.

Never let others define your worth. You are worth more than what meets the eye of this world! Jesus gave his life for me. That is how much he thinks I'm worth!

My creator made my face exactly how he wanted it. He colored my hair & skin the way he did because he liked it. And these things are a reflection of his image, his glory, and his beauty which is the most important thing that a person could possess. And I couldn’t be more loved by my Father in heaven.

I serve a God who doesn't base my personal value on my pedigree or my color. I am not a color or a race to him! I am a speaking spiritual being made in the image of my creator. I have no limitations.

And that is one of the many reasons why Jesus Christ is superior to all that is called 'god', because he would rather die than to ever live without me! And greater is no love than that a man would lay down his life for his friends.


Christianity is antiwhite/anti-European? Real talk!

Here they go comparing Christian to Islamic terrorists.

((Christianity has more in common with Islam than it does European spirituality and that's something many European Christians don't want to admit.))

Christian is what it means to be like Christ. So no, I disagree. Neither Islam nor European paganism make that cut. Islam does not acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah or the son of God. Islam is anti-Christian and anti-Jewish. Nope!

Muslims have been trained from a very young age to ask a specific set of questions to deny Christianity. One of them is (("Where does Jesus say He is God?")). There are plenty of verses He says He is God but my favorite one is John 8:58.

Jesus said "Before Abraham was, I AM!"

((They are spiritually Jewish & not spiritually European. They may be European in politics but they are not spiritually European.))

What does European or Jewish mean to God? Nothing! Again, if you've read the Bible: There is neither Jew or Greek in Christianity.

Even Stephen stated to his own people: "You are so caught up in your culture." You are so white that you are no good for Christ. You are so black that you are no good for Christ. You are so Hispanic that you are no good for Christ.

You took up your cultural heritage, and just like your fathers rejected God, so are you!

And we see that in the Church, too! We have people that are more Baptist than they are Christian. We have people that are more Pentecostal than they are Christian. More Charismatic than they are Christian, more Apostolic than they are Christian. More Church of God than they are Christian. But... wait a minute!

If your religion, and likewise culture; contradicts the word of God, who will you serve? God or your culture? God or your religion? God or "race-realism"?

Anytime you put an adjective in the front of the verb, it makes it passive. If you put an adjective in front of "Christian". Christian is what it means to be like Christ.

(("Well... I'm a black Christian.")) No, you're just black.

(("Well... I'm just a white Christian.")) No, you're just white.

(("Well... I'm a Latino Christian.")) No, you're just Latino.

Nothing can come before Jesus Christ! You can't put an adjective in front of God! You can't modify who he is. You can't modify God!

Your skin color, race, or culture is not more important than your sin problem.

Only the truth will set you free!

Truth is truth no matter who is saying it.

((Yes, Truth is Truth no matter how much it hurts. That actually works against your Abrahamic worldview and confirms the Natural Order.))

***Abrahamism/Abrahamic*** is an anti-Christian slur used by anti-Christians as a pretext to justify their hatred of Jesus and the truth. Abraham was a gentile like you. Did you know that? Not accepting the truth because you don't like who is saying it shows that you are incapable of sound reasoning or rational thought. Your narrow worldview on race and culture will keep you from seeing the truth.

((I already have looked into other perspectives. I've read your Bible more than you have. Spoiler: it's a Jewish psyop. Go Free from Abrahamism.))

We only pledge slavery when we agree with lies! If you wanted to know the truth, you'd find it. If you're truly hungry for it, all you'd have to do is ask of God.

And why do so many people refuse to do that? Because gaining knowledge of the truth of God's word may also mean that you detach yourself from your pre-concieved ideas! We all have them! Gain a new perspective: God's perspective!

How is it not bondage that you continue in your sins which will eventually lead to the destruction of your soul and separation from God? Does Odin hold you accountable for your sins? Does Odin demand that you change?

If you just want a ‘god’ you don’t have to be accountable to, why not turn to a white idol created in your own image; right?

Heck! They even tried to re-create Jesus as a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes. Some have tried to paint him black. While others try to stay true to the fact that Jesus was neither. I don't worship a white 'god', a black 'god', or a Jewish 'god'. I worship the creator of the universe. Because he has all the colors! So why don't you? Because to do so means you have to change your mind from sin to God? That you should turn from your wicked ways? I will warn you: there is a way that seems right to a man. But the end thereof is the way of death.

A subtle spirit captures your attention. It captures your focus. It tries to get you to focusing on something other than what is right to focus on, to get you to come up some other way. And the Bible says:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber."

-John 10:1

"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture."

-John 10:9

Only Jesus can set you free. He made the ultimate sacrifice so we could be free from sin, death, and eternal separation from God. There is no other way to be free!

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

-John 14:6

He conquered death and the grave for us. He went to the cross because he didn't want us to die!

One creator God is not a trademark for the Jewish people. God has always made himself known before the nations were separated at the tower of Babel, before religious institutions were built. And he still makes himself known today to all people.

If you've read the Bible more than I have, you would also know that salvation and redemption through Christ is not about race or the Jewish religion. It seems that you haven't read that or forgotten (Titus 3:9) (1 Timothy 1:4). Focusing on endless genealogies is useless. Therefore, your pedigree means nothing.



Salvation is for ALL nations!

Chosen by grace and not by color, sonya marlene snedden, sonya marlene
Chosen by grace and not by color

If they tell you the only white/black/Asian people are God’s chosen don’t you dare believe it.

If they tell you that righteousness can be earned you won’t achieve it.

That’s a false gospel and don’t you dare receive it.

God says, "I created every color and I have chosen them all."

That way of thinking is a part of the fall.

“I have freed your mind. Took you out of bondage, and sent my son to fulfill the law. If it were by your own works you most certainly would fall. So your sin fell upon my son and now my grace covers you all.”

So, you can think what you want to think but I was chosen by Grace and not by color.

Gods chosen are taught by his spirit and by no other.

"The ethnos vs ethnos mentality" is a deceitful spirit, that’s not the truth. We don’t fight against flesh and blood. How can you go hard for the gospel while you are trying to convert others to your twisted beliefs?

Confusion and division is the spirit of the enemy.

God said:

“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, my special possession. What was natural is now spiritual by grace through faith and anybody who says different is not of me. That’s an enslaved mentality and I came to set you free.”

Don't be deceived. Your identity with God is not based on what the world perceives with their eyes, but who's you are! For he has chosen you out of the world!


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