In discovering your true identity, you will come to realize that not everyone can be your friend. You're too precious for that!

Friendship or any relationship is a beautiful thing. You get to have and keep beautiful memories, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to help you up when you fall, a place where you feel you belong, a place where you feel loved, appreciated and have a sense of commonality.
All of these things make life interesting, and it is imperative that we understand that there isn't a relationship that does not influence. This is true whether they add value or take value from your life, because as long as you are around them they can influence you, even without even speaking to you. You merely watching them can influence you.
This is a sense of vulnerability you will tend to gravitate towards your associated influences and do as they do. It is important that you recognize who you need to cut off and actually cut them off.
Toxic people cannot stay in your life because you should understand that you have more value than to continue in that relationship. Honestly, if you discover what God's word says you are, many toxic relationships would naturally die out because they cannot survive the fire of that revelation.
Also realize that not all relationships that God detaches you from are with evil people. The person may also be a fervent believer, such as yourself. And God may still say: no.
Looking at this illustration: if a piece of dry fabric decides to become friends with fire, what would be its end? It will burn. Does that mean the fire is evil? No, they are just not a good match for each other.
When God wants to bless you, he sends a man into your life. When the devil wants to destroy you he also sends a man into your life.
Everyone who is in your life is for a purpose. Nobody should enter your inner circle of friends except you ascertain that they are to be there.
There are certain situations, for one reason or another; that people enter your life: whether you worked with them, served under them, the moment to begin to see the red flags, cut them off!
You're never too far gone into a relationship for you to be able to leave.
How to identify red flags in friendships and relationships that you need to cut off:
They take advantage of you - The moment you feel like you are at the mercy of someone else, that they can do or undo: this is a red flag. Imagine a male friend in the university and by reason of the help being rendered, he tries to have sexual affairs with her. You need to cut off that toxic relationship. Friends see one another's weaknesses. But where a friend begins to use the weaknesses of the other friend as to take advantage, such should not be called a "friend". A true friend sees your nakedness and covers it. Not take your naked picture. Friends do not blackmail each other.
They drain you - These types of relationships suck you dry of your spiritual energy and draw you away from God. Never forget that it take iron to sharpen iron. Wood cannot sharpen iron. It would end in frustration. You know the feeling you get when someone can relate to you, and come to your level? When they can completely understand you without having to force it? It's an amazing feeling! Now you can also get an idea of how it feels to be around someone who drains you of your energy. For example: Getting into meaningless fights with you over why you're fasting, or why you're fasting for long periods of time etc. A relationship is meant to be a strength to the other person. Where one is tired, the other one lifts up. But in this case, the contrary would be the issue. You need to cut ties with them.
They are jealous of you - Flee from them! Jealousy is a terrible spirit that gives birth to other siblings such as envy, anger, and hate. The minute you notices that your relationship, whether romantic or friendship; cannot accommodate your successes, they cannot be happy for you when you succeed, they don't understand why success cannot come to them instead, it's a sign you need to cut ties with them. The most detrimental thing in any kind of relationship is a friend, or romantic partner that cannot be happy for your success. Someone who is suffering low confidence or low self-esteem simply because you are successful, you need to cut them off because you deserve better.
They are a threat to your life or spiritual walk - Where your friend begins to engage in something completely against God's word after serious warnings, and they still choose not to yield, it is a call to separate from them. It's ok to be empathic towards them and want to pray and see them change. But you may want to do that from a distance. For example, your friend who is now participating in the party and drug life who are engaging in premarital relationships, and even try to bring those guys into your room: sooner or later, if you are not impacted you might be implicated.
They always point out your weaknesses and are judgmental - There are certain persons who do not see the good or uniqueness that lies in you. They usually tell you how inferior you are, they speak only about your weaknesses and always seem to know how you are meant to do things. Judging your every action, even though they may make themselves sound like they are speaking out of a position of concern for you, and want to make you into a better person. But beneath that cloak lies the truth.
They threaten your peace - The moment you don't have peace regarding the person, even if he may be rich, handsome, or seems to be the most spiritual: this serves as a red flag. It's time to let him go. Or maybe you might be in a relationship where your self-esteem is constantly being trampled on, you're abused, either physically, emotionally, psychologically, financially, and you choose to remain there. Dearest, let it go! You're too important and precious to be treated with scorn. Any relationship where you cannot be yourself without feeling suffocated is not worth it. Cut it off!
They manipulate you - Often times you will find yourself doing things you never thought you would do or never wanted to do for them. Sometimes you can't even explain why. Nobody should ever be stuck in a situation where they are not in control of their own actions/inaction. Fear cripples. Fear makes blind. Fear is like an atomic bomb that can destroy the seemingly strongest person. Fear should not be given room in your heart. Never! Thus, where a person is the cause of that fear, the cause of that worry and apprehension, you need to let them go!
They are deceitful - Just like the biblical account with Laban and Jacob. Despite the fact that Jacob was Laban's sister's son, he was in love with Rachel after serving him for seven good years. Yet he deceived Jacob and made Leah, his first daughter; go in unto him in the very dark. Such people are always trickish, they are never straightforward. One thing that is common with such types of people there is always one drama or the other. when you try to point out their faults, they give excuses dramatically. Sometimes you get tired of the drama. The drama would usually end in you understanding or trying to pity them. They never run out of excuses as to why they don't do the things they should do for you as a friend. And just as in cases with Laban and Jacob, sometimes it's very hard to let go. No one wants to lose something important to them. However, you cant feel safe in an environment where your sanity is constantly threatened. You must take a bold decision to do what is right.
You must cut off relationships that seek to take advantage of you, drain you, relationships that are jealous of you, relationships that threaten your peace, that are deceitful and manipulative. You must let them go. Choose not to look back and don't be afraid of what would happen to them or you.
God always has a plan, and it is best not to try to do only what God can do. Because fear is too expensive. Don't buy it. Those relationships you need to cut off.
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Also read: The Real Reason Why They Hate You
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