As Christian believers and followers of Christ, we are often labeled as bigots for going against the grain of today's political correctness agenda. We are often labeled as haters of gay people because we disagree with homosexuality, when nothing could be further from the truth. Just because we disagree with something doesn't mean we hate the people participating in it. However, the pretext of this argument is the equating of a lifestyle or sexual preference to a race or ethnicity that you cannot change! So here, I am discussing this topic to clear up any misunderstanding that may arise when these subjects are brought up. We hate no one. But what about the Westboro Baptist Church? You can read about that here.
Furthermore, I will say that:

I’ve got some cussing mad atheists coming for me over this one. As if they have the moral high ground. They seem to think that their accusation of hate tactics is going to work with all born again believers who follow Christ. It is an ill attempt to control people: to get others to give into their demands. Why am I not surprised? Don’t get mad at me. I didn’t write the book.
A guy who labeled himself (("Yeah")) via Tyrannotitan on Twitter, who is around 15 years of age; a fan of Halo, Ark: survival evolved, Marvel comics, Star wars, Pokemon, Steven universe, FNaF, Fortnite, and prehistoric life, thought he could slam me for this and challenge the Bible, a book that is over 2000 years old that is filled with all types of stories that have been proven by archeology, wisdom, historical records, and miracle after miracle.
And he thought he could put up a good argument under my post that stated:
"If the Bible says it's a sin, your opinion really doesn't matter."
((the bible holds no actual weight.)) he states.
What I see is denial coupled with misunderstanding of truth. He's obviously never read a Bible before, nor held one. They are pretty heavy...
But really? What's his argument? He made them male and female. Period. What made him so angry with reality? The Bible holds weight to the people who put their faith in it. So where is the basis behind his claim? He states:
((Still does not hold any weight, some of the moral teachings are good, but there are large parts of the bible where it's just dumb when you attempt to say this stuff happened. Jesus being anything but just a normal guy, Noah's ark and the world wide flood, the existence of god.))
You have no idea what your talking about. When you're 70 you’ll think differently. I know being 15 you think your pretty smart and got this whole adult thing figured out and you think you can do it, keep an open mind you and you might make it to 70.
-laid back now via Twitter
Perhaps, you don't know how to read the Bible. Archeology confirms events in the Bible. Do you subscribe to moral relativism? Read more at: Do you have to have faith to have morals?
Oh, that's right. He can’t debate this. He’s a 15 year old ForteNite player into video games and comic books. Get a load of this guy.
The denial of God and his sovereignty is to deny responsibility for one's own actions.
In order for them to get around "sin" and their need for atonement, they would first have to write off the existence of God and sin. This is exactly what the New Age religion has done. Anything goes. You can become your own 'god'. Not only do they see the need to write off his existence, but also his sovereignty.
He sounds a little like an overly confident guy who will be judged by God one day.
The debate between ((@_Tyrannotitan_)) and @britishberean continues. My comments are highlighted in blue.
((@_Tyrannotitan_)) states:
((So far I see no evidence of a god's existence, why would I be scared about judgment when he doesn't exist? Do you have evidence of an omnipotent being's existence? If so I'd very much like to see it.))
So, there it is, folks. Right from the horse's mouth. Because if he accepted the evidence of the creator, which is all around us by the way, he would have to take responsibility for his own actions.
Without God there is no basis for evidence. By what standard do you admit evidence?
((Telling me to "look around bro" is not evidence, you're just circling back without answering the question because you know there is no evidence for a higher being's existence. You have to prove the existence of one to say such a claim.))
You not accepting evidence is not the same as it not being provided to you.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
-Romans 1:20
In response to the statement of ((@_Tyrannotitan_)) @britishberean continues:
I didn't say that. I asked what standard you use to admit evidence. It would be no use for me to offer evidence if you accept it on an arbitrary basis, would it?
((Evidence: undeniable proof of this being's existence. Give me a source for such proof, simple words with nothing to back them up is not enough, doesn't help its validity when the same text has such outrageous claims as zombies or a worldwide flood. You expect me to believe that.))
The proof of God's existence is that without Him there is no such thing as proof. You have yet to give a standard by which you would admit evidence or proof. You say that the Bible has "outrageous claims", but on what grounds are they outrageous?
((There were hundreds of gods throughout human history, if you say a god does exist is one thing, to say it's specifically yours is another thing altogether, why is Yahweh the real one? why not Zeus? Rah? Odin? What makes them not real? ))
So let me just chime into this debate here. Why is he now bringing up other 'gods'? As I mentioned in my blog: "God, which God?" I emphasize that God is a title you put on something that you worship and put your faith in. Who is God in your life?
It is evident that the problem many atheists have (such as this guy) is not really whether or not there is a supreme being. The problem that they have is the root of what true Christianity teaches: responsibility for your own actions and consequences for sin. So their problem is not if there is an existence of a creator, but is he sovereign? Does he have expectations of us? If so, we better find out who he is and do what he says. Am I right?
So what is the difference between YHWH and other beings men have called 'gods'?
Zeus, Ra, and Odin are all beings within creation, and therefore obviously cannot be the basis for it. But given neither of us are Odin-worshippers, why do you bring them up? And how do you justify your own atheism? (Assuming you consider yourself atheist.)
((""Zeus, Ra, and Odin are all beings within creation"" what makes you think Yahweh isn't? everything you're saying can be applied to any god from any pantheon. Science is how I justify my beliefs, when I look at a tree I see evolution, when I see humans, I see evolution, when I see the birds flying in the sky I imagine the evolutionary path they took to achieve such a form, we have direct evidence within the earth that proves evolution happened. There is nothing for me to believe when you tell me a bunch of words in a 2000+-year-old book that has comic-book levels outrageousness.))
So, are those words in that 2000+-year-old book too outdated for you? So you must be a member of a new religion. Tell me the name of your religion. Oh... based on my observation of your comment, we can tell what religion you are subscribed to: the New Age macro-evolution doctrine. You do realize that's not real science, right? But based on faith?
((I'm not convinced the entire planet was absolutely covered in water and the said water just vanished without a trace, the fossil record does not support such an event, I do not believe Jesus was anything more than a regular guy, and not a zombie."))
I have my own arguments I can present against your anti-world-wide-flood argument. But I will present it on another blog. Coming soon! But for now, I will post this video below!👇
A zombie?? What is this kid on? And what makes me think that YHWH isn't a being within creation? This guy explains it below.👇
By definition the Christian God is outside of creation. If He were not we would be talking about a different being.
Asking why I would think God is outside creation is like asking why I think a red sock is red. By definition it is red, otherwise it would not be a red sock.
Check this out!
Atheist talks smack about God - gets OWNED by Dr. Kent Hovind || BEST VIDEO! 👇
Yes, YHWH exists outside of his creation, just as the computer programmer exists outside of the computer.
These atheists don't seem to understand that, do they?
((In the bible, Jesus died and then came back from the dead. by definition, he is a zombie.))

Ok, this kid has lost it. Completely. You want to be taken seriously? Come to a new level of understanding instead of flapping your gums about something you have little understanding of. That's my best advice.
"If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame."
- Proverbs 18:13
In other words, if you don't know all the facts, keep your mouth shut.
But yes, this is how atheists, in general; try to navigate their way around the 'sin' concept because they want to deny responsibility, so they deny God. The root of atheism is pinpointed:
To deny God is to deny responsibility for one's own actions. A lame way to justify sin and all its means. Because to acknowledge that there is a creator and his sovereignty is also to acknowledge that we are wrong and he is right.
Secondly, they will try to justify their sin by demonizing the truth!
And in the old days, they would demonize and kill the messengers.
@MHarkinz1 from Twitter chimes in debate against the macro evolutionist argument of 15-year-old atheist Pokemon fan and FortNite player ((@_Tyrannotitan_))
((The bible holds no actual weight lmfao 🤣 🤣 🤣.))
To who? You? Religion is an incredibly important part of a child's growth as it teaches them a set of principles and morals to live by. You don't have to agree with it, but you need to at least respect someone's faith.
Now, I will say: What I have is not religion. Because the biggest problem Jesus had to contend with was religion. And if we really think about it, so it is for us. The New Age teaching of Macro-Evolution is also based on a religious belief. But I do also recognize an importance of setting a moral compass for our kids and for society. And in this, it helps us to grow in understanding, wisdom, and set standards that help us on our life's journey. But in this, I will also acknowledge that morality is not a product of religion (which atheists will also argue). No, you don't have to have faith to have morals, but morals are not man made. They come from the creator God. And that truth is not dependent on whether you acknowledge him or not.
Nevertheless, the FortNite player reverts to form:
((No, I do respect people's religion until they start saying shit like "being gay is wrong because the bible said it", THAT'S where I stop respecting your religion.))
So let me ask you this. Why is it that the world's most major religions such as Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and mainstream Christianity all disagree with homosexuality? Do you believe they are all "wrong" for that? If you do, then that would make you a "bigot" by your own definition.
Your worldview, again; is built around a new religion that is centered around homosexuality as a lifestyle. And you have to understand that you are imposing a new set of beliefs, a new doxies upon the entire whole world. And you'll have to forgive us because we're not as "enlightened" as you. Many of us don't go along to get along.
But you want us to 'respect' your religion?
Just because the Bible states that the act of man lying with man is wrong doesn't necessarily make it a religious argument. That's like saying that just because the Bible says that murder is wrong that it is only because religion told us so. You don't have to have faith to have morals, do you? Isn't that the same argument atheists make? Make up your mind, now.
"See that's hilarious because you want tolerance and acceptance, yet you can't accept that Religions are simply against the act of homosexuality. In no religion does it say we should be mean or harm them.
It's okay to disagree with homosexuality."
I think he is speaking of how Jesus himself told the Pharisees: "He who has not sinned, let him cast the first stone." However, many would argue that harm has been inflicted on others in the name of religion. For example vast numbers of Muslims believe that if you are gay, you should be killed for it. Same with those who try to leave that particular religion.
So why is Christianity always being compared to Islam by these Atheists? Bill Maher, a huge critic of religion; actually got something right here.
And though I'm not a big fan of Bill Maher, I give him credit where credit is due. He is absolutely right about Islam.
Religion has it's good and bad points. Moral compass is crucial to a society. However, it gets too far when you begin to regard your own culture as an objective benchmark that everyone must follow or they be killed for it. For example, the scriptures even pinpoint the problem with making all gentiles get circumcised and obey the law, as the Jews. Is it God's will that we all become exactly the same culturally? Or no? I'll leave that for another future blog.
((I will not tolerate intolerance for a group of people for being who they are without the ability to change. No different than ""disagreeing"" with being Black or Asian. The Christians who agree with the "gay bad" shit the bible spews out are no better than racists.))
Oh, great. Now your comparing homosexual behavior to Blacks and Asians? I was just waiting for you to make that comparison. Why are you insulting black and Asian people by comparing them to sodomy? Do you know how repugnant that is?
Sorry, but I disagree. They can change! And many have. But you can't change your race. A racial identity is not the same as a homosexual act or preference.
It's just as @seal_da_zeal mentioned on Twitter: "Don't compare your sin to my skin!"
Response to the woke community calling Same Sex marriage a Civil Rights issue.
You can check out the song here:
Some opinions should be beta tested before launching. Please don't equate being trans to being black, white, Asian, or Latino. A man deciding to play a woman and being allowed to swim against them isn't the same as a black man in Jim Crow America making it onto the MLB team!
-StopConcider via Twitter
That's like comparing apples to oranges.
A sexual act or preference is not a race or ethnicity!
Can you not see your hypocrisy? First off religions are not "intolerant", they simply disagree with homosexuality. Big difference. Second, you are being intolerant to religious beliefs in response to "intolerance". Do you not see how dumb that sounds and looks?
((No, I don't. Being against bigotry is based af and IS the morally correct stance. being intolerant of intolerance is not hypocrisy, especially in this context. You don't just ""disagree"" with someone's identity lmfao 🤣 🤣 🤣, what is there to ""disagree"" with?))
Why is he laughing? Because the pig likes to get dirty, that's why. Seeing my point? Don't wrestle with the pigs. You can hang your identity on anything you wish. But the point is, men marry women and women marry men. That is the natural order God created for pro-creation and other benefactors that help society move forward.
"Bigotry? Kid, you have no clue what you are talking about and your understanding of religion is laughable. They simply DISAGREE with homosexuality. They don't hate or discriminate. The people that do are ignorant too. No religion promotes hate or discrimination."
How about turn away from sin? Hows that for discrimination?
Obedience is not something we should give to everyone. We are under no obligation to live the life everyone else wants us to live. And in this, great discrimination is needed.
Jesus never commanded his followers to hate or kill people. Many religions and religious hypocrites do. They are not really following Jesus Christ. But we need to also remember, love is not proud. Love rejoices when the truth wins out! How's that for morality? It's definitely superior than the false morality the "woke" movement promotes.
((Calling someone an abomination is 100% fucking hate and bigotry. you don't just "disagree" with someone's personal identity, what the actual fuck is wrong with you? Is calling black people abominations racist? What about calling women/men abominations, would that be sexist?))))
The Bible calls a homosexual act an abomination. This is not in matter of condemning personal identity but in matter of condemning sexual immorality. Homosexuality is not the same thing as a race. What is wrong with you, dude? You've really got some screws loose if you think that disagreeing with this act equals hatred against people. It's not hate that I don't want to participate in or celebrate the act of sexual perversion.
The truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth.
((So I can go around and call people abominations and everything is alright because that isn't hateful nor is it wrong, yes?))
Please go back and read my previous comments.
((Also, the original translation was referring to men and children, or pedophilia, not homosexuality. seems like you don't even know your own texts.))
Seems like you don't know the text. Actually, I do know my own texts. In the OT it states:
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
-Leviticus 20:13
"Committed" which means it's an act (not an identity).
Under the Jewish law, they were put to death, unlike what we do under grace. Because grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts. Therefore, we don't condone the act of stoning to death with stones nor promote it as born again believers. But now it's praised when it is done against Christians who don't want to take part in the celebration of the act of homosexuality, which is also now being pushed on our kids. And if we object to it being pushed on kids, we're the bad guys? We're labeled as hateful bigots by those who hate the truth!
((That isn't irrelevant, calling someone abominations is a hate-filled thing and is objectively a bad thing to say to someone you didn't dislike. also, i never said any religion is pro hate crime, but you can still be/hold bigoted beliefs without lynching the nearest gay guy lmfao 🤣 🤣 🤣))
Of course you would call it hate. That's how you control people. You think that anyone who doesn't agree with your perverse view of the world is hateful. I think that someone who has spent their entire life trying to twist a religion, a society, or a culture into something that it was not is indeed very hateful.
"Kid, they call the act of homosexuality an abomination, not the people themselves..."
((Calling one an abomination is calling the other one as well, there is absolutely no difference. Is the perfect gay supposed to live by themselves and never date anyone and die alone??? Homosexuality is the state of being gay, how is that NOT homophobic or bigoted??))
Well... I think that hetero-phobia is a bigger problem than homophobia. I think your fear of heterosexuality is behind your obsession. Because you are insinuating that anyone who disagrees with your views on this are fearful of homosexuals.
Answer me this question: How do two men have a child? Or two women? I bet you won't bother to answer that. Because the biological reason for sex is quite obvious. And only a man and a woman can pro-create together. Children need a mother and a father! A heterosexual couple is a part of the natural order!
"You are now going off on a tangent and projecting. It is not the same. For instance, if you take a life in self defense, are you called a murderer? It's a stretch. I have already explained that homosexuality is looked at as a sin and deviant behavior."
((Are we comparing two consenting adult relationships to murder now? If you take someone's life, you killed that person and are a murderer but in the context of self-defense, you did what you had to in order to defend yourself, which overwrites you being called a murderer.))
"Seriously bro, you have some serious problems. I've never seen someone manipulate and twist words like you do. No, I am not comparing murder to homosexuality. I was saying that the act does not equate to hating someone.. are you this dense?"
((You're the only one doing any twisting around here. Having to defend yourself means you have to encounter someone who wants to cause you harm and end your life, that does not explain anything and just comes across as you saying gay=murder.))
"I never compared being gay to murder bud, again, your reading comprehension fails you. Read it again!"
The main problem I've had with these people. I've had a serious witch hunt campaign launched against me because of people's lack of ability to reason or read. You're not alone.
((What I was saying is that your religion views homosexuality on par with murder and stealing. How does that not mean being gay is bad???))
Of course, guys, they just have to have the last word put in on these debates. Just give up the idea that you'll be able to reason with these 'woke' apologists. Believe me, I've already tried. And there is no reason with them at all.
So I'll have my last word here. A homosexual act is a perversion of the natural order according to every one of the world religions and according to 99% of the people on this planet. And if you want to follow this new religion you're trying to promote, no one can stop you. You live in a free country. But don't expect the rest of the world to follow your new religion!
Never wrestle with the pigs, because you both get dirty, and the pig likes it.
So move on, and pray for them. Ask God to lead you to the right people who want to hear the truth. Because, in reality; there are people out there that truly are hungry for what we have. They're tired of this whole 'woke' movement shock value! They're tired of the continual perversion that is thrown in their faces on a daily basis and making them go to bed every night with a sick feeling in their stomach! But... if there isn't someone to show them a better way, they'll never know.
So expect such a reaction from the world. Because, as the word of God tells us:
Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you:
- 1 Peter 4:4
So, here you go. I jotted down the typical arguments that atheists and woke apologists will use on this topic and how to address them so you don't have to. And you can know what to expect. So if you've taken the time to read all of this while cringing at the comments I received from some of these guys, know you're not alone!
By the way, if there is any advice I would like to give to any of you about how to deal with people like these, please save yourself some time and energy. It's called block and ignore. Because undoubtedly, if you post something about God, about faith, about Jesus, about the Bible, on social media, they will flock to you. That is a given. And when it comes to speaking truth, there will always be those who just can't handle it. And for some reason, they crave debate with born again believers while saying they don't care? Of course they do. They can't help but care. Neither can we. So keep speaking truth. Stand firm. And never compromise.
Jesus states:
"If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world."
-John 15:18
What standard of morality are you going to choose? God's? Or the worlds false morality?
You know, a lot of people in this world come for Christians. And they get so angry and try to say that we're hating on them, or that we have a phobia of them because we're trying to tell them that the way that they're living is wrong.
And when we do they say that it's hate. Well, I'd like to pose a question: Let's say you are driving in the wrong lane and you were headed directly for oncoming traffic, and you were going to die. And I see you and say "Hey! Where you are going, you are going to die!"
Would you say that person hates you for telling you that you're driving on the wrong side of the road? And that the destination that you're going to reach is death and destruction if you don't turn back? Or is this someone showing compassion for your life?
Wouldn't you consider that we are warning you that you are going down a path that will ultimately endanger you and will change your life forever? And will kill you? Is that what you are calling hate? Because that's what's happening.
We can't gate keep the path of righteousness. We are not hating you because we're trying to steer you onto the right path. And I'm not talking about one type of sin. I'm talking about sin. So why do so many put labels on people for speaking the truth?
Jesus came not to condemn the world but to save it. And you need saving. We need saving. So we don't hate you, guys! We don't hate you! We love you! And we're telling you that the path that you're on is going to destroy you!
We are warning you that the path you are on is going to destroy your soul, and destroy you completely. We know the key to life! We know what true love is. Why wouldn't we want to share it?
Just like that person driving, we are telling you: "Hey! you're going the wrong way!" And just like the person that's going the wrong way, I know you want to believe that it is a thrill to give into your desires.
It may look good from the outside, but what looks good isn't always good. So we are here sounding the alarm. And I'm sorry for those who don't sound the alarm with love. Loving someone isn't watching them go down the road that ultimately leads to their death.
Loving someone is trying to rescue them. And that is all we are doing. ❤️
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Some of you label others like me, who stand for Jesus; as haters of gays? And you treat us like deviants? And label us as bigots? And you disavow everything about us? All for standing with God's plan of marriage between 1 man and 1 woman?
I'll be willing to take that risk to follow Jesus and to arm myself with the truth. It is better to rescue souls from hell, and to be rescued from hell; than to have you speak to me again!
Your threats are not equal to hell! The theatrics are not equal to hell. The noise you make against those standing for Jesus and his word is not equal to hell!
You don't know the…
If you separate Love from Truth then you no longer have Love.
-Tim McManamey
I'm not even gay but there are so many homophobic people and comments out there. Just let people be.