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Don't label me. I'm one of a kind!

Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Updated: Jul 5, 2024

God's value System vs The Aryan Worldview - Part 5

In the last blog "God's Value System vs The Aryan Worldview - Part 4" I addressed putting things in order of importance. There I addressed this bad idea being spread that teaches our people that lighter features are the "more important" thing to focus on by reason of persecution. We are all under attack regardless of color. The powers that be do not care who they hurt or who they kill as long as who they are harming is created in the image of God.

Before I go any further, I want to reiterate the fact that the opinions posted by other people in comments found on social media as well as the quotes in ((yellow parenthesis)) do not represent my personal views on this matter, and are often challenges made against me and people like me.

Here I will be addressing another pretext these people use to justify their show of partiality between people, and how poisonous this Aryan worldview is, and how it harms our people. Full scoop below.


Genetically Superior???

We are all under attack! We all have our own battles to fight and demons to overcome. We see one behind the comment below.

A hatred for those with dark features? Looks like it! Christianity vs Neopaganism
Anti-brown features beauty standard

You prefer vanilla hair and I prefer chocolate hair. Ok... and? We all have different opinions. Uniqueness? We are all unique, regardless of color. Also, what makes the color brown? Eumelanin. So no, you're right. It's not a genetic strain of "Europe". It is a gene expression specific to all of humanity. Because we all have it (unless you are an albino). Just different amounts of it. We white people have it in our skin, hair, and eyes too. Just significantly less of it. And some, such as I; have more of an abundance of it in their hair strands. So, deal with it. Cope. Seethe!

Brunette memes, brunette beauty, sonya marlene snedden, sonya marlene, natural hair movement, melanin beauty

Also, without us, where would your precious blondes and redheads come from? You can thank us later.

((Nope. Brown eyes and brown hair is a dominant gene. Your kids will look like you.))

And what would be wrong with that? We Brunettes also carry the genes associated with blonde/red hair and blue/green eyes. And get this: we can also pass that down to our children, too. Did you know that? Also, two blue-eyed parents can have a brown-eyed child. Did you know that, too?

((No, that's impossible!))

Somebody needs to educate themselves on how genetics work. And God forbid that one of these Aryan apologists have a baby born with brown eyes: seeing how they treat other people they deem as "unfavorable". And I'd feel sorry for any child born with brown eyes to parents that think like that. What an insult these people are.

When I read these superficial comments above, it enraged me. Really, folks? Just because someone has certain physical characteristics you already dislike them? Calling them racial slurs and talking trash? So sick and tired of these Aryan purity spiralists with their colorist racial supremacy garbage!

A person is more than their outward appearance! So how do we combat this poisonous ideology? First off:

If you have a conclusion that is against me because of the color I was born with then I reject that conclusion. End of!

Never argue their pretexts. You will always lose when you do. Reject their conclusions against you! That's how winning is done! And here, I will issue the challenge back to them so you don't have to.

So, I've run into comments like these that have gone right along with the Aryan superiority ideology. Let's address this and how problematic is to our people and people of other differences and cultures.

redheads are superior, superiority complex, narcissism, jealousy and envy, hatred for dark features, anti-brown features beauty standard, colorism, race hate, aryan religion,

((You're just jealous.)) They'll say if you call them out for their prejudices or rude comments about others based on their color. It never fails. It is their way of pitting the blame on you in order to ensure that you are the one who is painted as the perpetrator. This is to get the focus off of them and onto you because people don't want to take responsibility.

So, in response to this comment above, I would like to point out that the human ego is on full display here. So, let's put some things into perspective.

I will acknowledge that I have also been attacked for being different. So, it's no surprise that this happens. Do redheads deserved to get bullied? No. And I'm not ok with that, either. However:

I have no reason to feel envy. It doesn't matter to me what other people have. Your money, jobs, or status with men doesn't affect my own chances for success. Thats why I don't waste my time focusing on what I don't have.

I am not "superior" to any other human being on this earth. And neither are you! One's value is not determined by what we have or don't have. Your redeemable value is based on the fact that you are created in the image of God and are of the original seed of Adam and Eve.

The Bible tells us that "a proud look" is an abomination to him. Think about this!

"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community."

- Proverbs 6:16-19

No different than the worldly mindset called the "pride of life", which is not of the Father but is of this world.

accused of being jealous, you're just jealous gif, they accused me of being jealous, what to say when someone accuses me of being jealous, why are they saying I'm jealous? I'm not jealous.

They that compare themselves among themselves are without understanding.

If you truly had understanding you would see no need to compare yourself to others in order to feel superior. 👇🏻

You know, Lucifer made that same mistake. And look at where that got him. And what do the scriptures say about pride?

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

-Proverbs 16:10

The ((everyone is jealous of me)) argument is often made by narcissists who lack self-awareness. Why are you so confident that people want to be in your position? Wouldn't you consider that there would be another reason why people might disagree with you besides jealousy? Always resorting to this shaming tactic displays a lack of critical thinking, personal honesty, and self-awareness which is highlighted, once again; by this Aryan superiority worldview some may hold. And again, it's not all of them. But we have to consider the why.

So, let's delve into why they use this shaming tactic to silence you. The narcissist diminishes your value because they don't want you to see yourself. Seeing yourself is so incredibly important because if you can see yourself you can stop the narcissist in an argument: because you'll understand what they are trying to do. You'll see the gas lighting, you'll see the manipulation, you'll see them try to turn things around on you. That is why they like to diminish your value. That's why they like to blame you ((You're just jealous)) because blaming you is so important to them because it paints you as the inferior. So if you accept the blame, you have now become inferior to them. And because you've become inferior to them, they are now going to use that against you.

They only want to make sure that you are doing exactly what they want you to do as they want (put them on the pedestal, put them above you, give them the 'god' status, etc.). If you are not doing as they want, they are going to use this shaming tactic as punishment. Keep this in mind.


Who or what defines importance or peculiarity?

((Every time I hear someone say "I have beautiful brown eyes" I think to myself "You aren't special, 80 percent of the world has brown eyes". I am not saying brown eyes are ugly but they aren't special. I saw someone with violet eyes once, now that is special.))

- Dr rd

If we go by that standard, then none of us are "special" because we all have something that would be considered "common". And I rebuke the lie that "brown features aren't special". Seriously, you can find beautiful unique people that exist in every color. These people just want to hate!

((Not everyone likes the color 'brown'.))

Since brown is a derivative of red, and it is such a reproach to you; why don't you remove the red color cones from your eyes then? That way, you'll never have to see it again. You can obtain the color vision of a cat or a dog (btw, they are red color blind and only see derivatives of yellow and blue).

I'm sure they've come up with gene editing technology that can do the trick. I will warn you though: that also would come with erasing other colors from your vision such as purple, orange, and pink. I wouldn't recommend it. But the removal of these colors from your vision would certainly be a good fit for colorist men like you. Maybe then you'd learn to appreciate it.

Good grief! These people seem to think that their human perception defines everything that exists. But imagine seeing the world without the red color. Imagine what brown haired people would look like if you are red color blind? It would look quite different. But why does the color brown look green through a dog's vision? Because the color brown is a mixture of 3 colors: red, blue, and yellow. If you take the red out, it makes green.

So, this begs the question.... if there are colors we can see that other species can't see, such as the red color; are there also other colors that we humans can't see?

red color blind
Brunette people seen through the eyes of a dog.

Could you imagine having green hair seeing through this perspective? And likewise, brown eyes would look green through this color vision. Yet green eyes are said to be 2% of the population. Not through the eyes of a dog it's not. Yet their argument is always:

((People like us are of the 2%!))

So how does it feel to know that you are more common than you originally thought? Through the lens of a dog, Green eyes would be the most common eye color in the world. Feeling insignificant yet? For those of you who are basing your value on this stuff, let me give you some words of encouragement.

Some people try to tell me: I'm 5% of the population or 85% of the population based on certain traits. What are you talking about? I'm custom made, not rare or mass produced. I have a unique set of DNA strands and fingerprints unlike anyone else on earth. God only made one of me! And God only made one of you! Therefore, you are unique regardless of color!

((You're not really that unique at all.))

Ok dude. Whatever helps puff up your ego. Actually, everyone is unique.

So here is the next pretext they'll say in response to that:

aryan worldview, pride, Human ego, pride, the pride of life, haughty eyes, superiority complex, hatred, race-hate, colorism in the white community, self-importance, arrogance
Colorism in the Western community

Blonde hair and blue eyes are just an absence of Eumelanin, and therefore makes you more susceptible to UV damage to your skin hair and eyes. How does that make you better than anyone else? Yes, blonde hair is pretty, absolutely. However, Eumelanin is also prized thing to have. Why? Because it is a refresher. It preserves youth and protects you from the suns UV rays.

The issue I see with many of these online neo-pagans is that they believe Eumelanin is a problem. These prejudice individuals who hate our hair don't realize just how prized this thing called "Eumelanin" really is. It is an extreme rejuvenator. It keeps the body young. It slows down aging.

Eumelanin is extremely prized! It is heavily sought out for by those with knowledge because it is a life extender. And for those who know what this thing does, those who know how to extract it, know that it extends life and brings back youth if you consume enough of it!

So why in the world is this devalued in the Western society? And in particularly brunettes? These people who devalue Eumelanin are without understanding.

The more Eumelanin you have the lower risk you have of melanoma and macular degeneration!

((And most importantly, it makes you look ugly.))

-Woman Posting L's

Colorism in the Western community, Aryan worldview
Colorism in the Western community, at its finest!

According to who's standard? Yours? Beauty is subjective. And I see you have an anime profile pic not showing your real identity. Typical of online Odin worshipers. So, its all about looks with you people? How shallow is that? But even when you do look at the physical, you cannot deny the beauty of this shade of Eumelanin!! 👇🏻

And I'm not changing it for you! It's people like you who want to bring back the hatred with your dirty lies!

And how do we combat the lies? With the truth! Eumelanin is not only prized, but it is beautiful! And this trait is often found in the hair of Europeans as well. It is precious! So cherish your Eumelanated hair! #BrunetteHairLove #BrunetteBeauty#DarkAndLovelyLocks

((Why don't you admit that you're jealous.))

Human ego, pride, the pride of life, haughty eyes, superiority complex, hatred, race-hate, colorism, self-importance, arrogance
You aren't the center of the universe! Get some realization!

Why don't you admit that you're colorist and downplay others based on their color?

I don't want our brunette daughters longing for something that they don't have. Get it? I want them to be taught to love and cherish what they do have. Isn't that what these pages are supposed to be about? Representing the Western biosphere in a positive and uplifting way? But if that is not what you're about, I will gladly accept your decision to show partial treatment between people based on color and move on. Because pages like that don't represent people like me who are just as much a part of the Western biosphere as the others. If you are about partiality, don't call it a European culture page. Call it what it actually is. Its the mixing of these bad politics that gives all European culture pages a bad name.

((I tell the 'truth' as my gods tell me. You're petty.))


The truth? You mean the personal bias that doesn't appeal beyond your own two ears?

These online neo-pagans want to deceive people like me into thinking they are a dime a dozen, call them "ugly", tell them they're “petty”, devalue them, try to make them feel like they don’t matter based on colors. What an insult these people are.

So, who or what defines importance or peculiarity? Your personal bias? Society? Human perception? The color wheel (what little of it we actually know about)? Who or what decides? This is like trying to define morality. Who makes the rules? I'll clue you in. The scriptures tell us:

"For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

- 1 Samuel 16:7

Don't get me wrong, I am by no means trying to take anyone's sense of self-love or confidence away! But it's time to gain a new perspective. God's perspective!

((Not all White people are blondes or redheads — I’m not, for example — but they represent something special about our race & our heritage, & are among the most envied people on earth.“))

- William Pierce, National Vanguard

People of any and every race can claim rarity. But can you imagine me needing validation from people who don’t like themselves? Imagine me needing validation from you.

Reds and blondes (which exist in every group) are unique and very special indeed. And you know something else? So are the ones that aren't. It seems you are missing some things that are also very real about the others.

I'll have to say, this partial treatment based on color was something that hurt... really bad. But do I really have to be different to be better? To be adamant to say that only this can define significance is narrow and a bit conceited.

And to the people spouting off this "colorist superiority" nonsense, when you try to spout the same lies and bad ideas that those of the Aryan worldview do, why are you so surprised when you receive this push-back you are complaining about? And I am seeing the same rinse and repeat cycle under many blogs, posts, and videos, that are meant to be uplifting to our folk. For example:

((No one cares about your brown features. They want our white skin and blue\green eyes gone. Who cares if you believe. It's fact. Look around and you'll see. Or don't. No one cares about you. Lol))

So why do you believe that everyone resents you for your light features? Because it looks cool? Because it supposedly makes you "look better"? So your pride can go up? Yes, that mindset is why people in general want these things. And that is why you go on social media bragging about it while telling all these people that they are the biggest victims. It is why we have endless blogs, videos, magazines, celebration pages centered around this. We even have celebration days and fests that glorify these things in our culture. It's why these features are so idolized worldwide. Am I right?

But once you get past the point of trying to please the world, once you stop trying to puff up your ego, and you begin trying to please God instead, you will then realize that what you look like isn't important. It's how you hold yourself. The bible is clear on what God see's as peculiar.

"Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:"

-Exodus 9:5 gives us an example of how God sees peculiarity.

“And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels.”

-Malachi 3:17

This is not based on outward appearance but on the fact that we are chosen and set apart from the world!

Being chosen doesn't mean you are "superior" to others. It is about your own unique and special calling or purpose. Your ability to influence or lead should be used to inspire and support others.

These worldly men (and women), on the other hand; who wish to put us in their little box, this colorist mindset based on outward appearance, attempt to define us by this measuring stick they set for us. And they have the audacity to get angry when we tell them that we disagree with them? Now is the time to kick that little box to the curb and break that measuring stick. Now is the time to gain a new perspective! God's perspective!

What does it matter what this world thinks? When God's word tells me that my worth is far beyond rubies? - Proverbs 31

And as we have progressed as a society in the past 20 years we are drifting further from God. We are becoming more degenerate as a society, and therefore; deviating further from those things God sees as peculiar. We, as a society have lost our heads. We've lost our perspective. We can't rank anything in order of its importance. Because we no longer know what it truly means to be a peculiar people.

So back to the original point. You cannot honestly tell me that that outward appearance is more important than righteousness, obedience, love, his likeness, and the beauty of his holiness, and the inner adornment (which is imperishable): which greatly outshines anything this world calls beauty.

Being of redeemable value is what is important: God's original DNA! This is why the demons attack all those created in God's image! And they wish to diminish it completely!

Three absolute facts:

  1. God chose the color I am to be.

  2. I am not ashamed of his decisions, nor do I have the desire to change it; period!

  3. His ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts than our thoughts.

As those created in the image of God, we are all blessed to have what we have. One cannot define importance by human perception alone. And if you wish to know more about that, read on.


Empty facts vs Useful Knowledge

I am of the 2%, does rare mean more valuable

So now, the pretext they will use to justify their colorism and show of partiality between people based on colors. It goes like this:

((But... people with my phenotype are only 2% of the population.))

Why does this matter?

((Specialness! To stand out! For solidarity!))

Is the image of God not the ultimate reflection of specialness? Is his likeness not what truly stands out in a world of darkness? Does solidarity not fall upon those who are set apart from the world?

((Redheads are unique. You're too common... nothing special.))

Everyone is unique regardless of color. So why does it matter whether I am or am not like someone else? We are all custom made and possess different characteristics that make us unique. Your words are ignorant.

((But Sonya, scarcity equals value.))

So then... does it appeal to you to show partial treatment with people based on colors? That you believe this one trait somehow makes you more deserving than others? That people of certain colors matter more than others? And is that not colorism? Why does it matter whether I am or am not like someone else?

((We are of the 2%. We are the "chosen" ones. Cope!))

Do you know what's truly rare? Theoretically speaking, it is estimated that 300,000 people die a day, and out of that number 3 are saved. That means that .0001% of that number are saved on average. That is unbelievable scary! Well that's just a guessing game, right? How many of those people do you suppose are saved? What does the scriptures say?

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

-Matthew 17:13-14

Do you know what's truly rare? Do you know what's truly of the smallest percentage of people on the planet? Those who are chosen by God almighty. I don't know about you, but that is the 2% or less group I'd want to be a part of! So lets stop focusing on colors and start focusing on being what God wants us to be!

"For many are called, but few chosen."

-Matthew 22:14

Fun facts:

One does not gain God's favor based on color. We are all custom made by our creator and his likeness is worth far more than worldly beauty standards based on outward appearance.

Meanwhile, these Aryan apologists will throw you under the bus over a color they see on you that they don't like: the brown color. All the while they completely disregard everything else about you that makes you who you are and treat you partially. This is hatred, plain and simple.

((They are more important! Deal with it! They are RARE and the most unique people on the planet. Therefore we must protect them or they will disappear from the earth!))

Uniqueness? Yeah, they are unique alright, just like everyone else. We see people like this everywhere across the West. They aren't going anywhere! More important? No life is worth more than the other. And again, we are all custom made.

But I’ve found it counterproductive to care so much whether I am or am not like someone else. It has absolutely no bearing on my life.

So why focus on it, then? The ((We are 2% of the population)) pretext to justify colorism is an empty fact. After all, what other reason would you focus on this besides ego or self-importance?

We should focus on things that will help us look outside of ourselves, not to be put on a pedestal of worship. Only God is worthy of that!


Does rare mean more valuable? Real talk!

((But Sonya... the things that are rare are valued higher.))

Another pretext they will use to argue their point. This saying comes with a position that people often hold that "scarcity equals value" or importance. But is that really true? Does RARE mean more valuable?

Let’s address this topic. There is an idea expressed by these particular white identity groups I’ve mentioned (even in the mixed community) which stated that to be rare is to be more valuable. And again, any ethnic group in the world can claim rarity.

I've received comments such as:

accused of being jealous, you're just jealous gif, they accused me of being jealous, what to say when someone accuses me of being jealous, why are they saying I'm jealous? I'm not jealous.

((Colored eyes are rare and anything not majority is always desired.))

Rarity does not always mean desirability. Just as commonality does not always mean less desired. As I pointed out here: Blue eyes are the 2nd most common eye color in the world. And they are greatly praised.

So does commonality mean less desired? Not always. Rare just means there are few of them. Speaking of Automobiles, for example; dollar value should increase only if it is a desirable item. People try to capitalize on the fact that if something is rare it automatically makes it worth more - not true!

It is all in matter of perspective. For me rare is something with a limited production. Something that has say 1000 or less of them made. Too many people tend to think rare is anything older than yesterdays newspaper. On the other hand, some of those rare cars with limited production tend to be ones with high performance engines and such. It is this reason you would consider these rare cars valuable.

"RARE" is just about the most overused word there is today, besides "AWESOME".

Look at the 69z...There are about one zillion out there, ie, not rare but considerably desirable. The same concept can be applied to blue contact lenses, even though blue eyes are considerably more common than than all other eye colors except brown.

The "blue eyes are superior" opinion
The "blue eyes are superior" opinion

Value = demand + desirability... I think rare by itself does not equal value.

There was a 70 Malibu 6-cyl convertible on eBay just recently. Owner had installed a small block thinking the car would sell better. As there were only 381 6-cyl Malibu convertibles in 1970, owner is now considering putting the 6-cyl back in it due to its rarity. Would putting the original engine and driveline back in make it more valuable? To a historian collector, maybe. To a hot rodder or cloner, probably not.

Green eyes are 2% through human vision and the most common eye color through a dog's vision.

This goes to show you: what one person may consider undesirable another person would treasure. It's all about perspective. Always remember that.

God created you with a specific purpose for a specific audience. Have and maintain focus on him and his purpose for you, and you will attract the right people! Your people! Your audience!

Unlike cars and other material things that are mass produced, we humans are ALL created to be unique. Every single person on this planet. And some of these people that I have come across have deluded themselves into thinking that they are objectively and universally superior. Based on what? The standards that are set by this world?

You want to know a simple truth that will set you free from this enslaved mentally?

Human beings are much more valuable than vehicles. You can't put a price on a soul. Unlike automobiles, you weren't mass produced. You're custom made. You're not rare/common. You're unique.

And if we think about it, as I am reiterating this with these circle of arguments:

I don't want to be "rare" I don't want to feel "superior". I just want my Westerners to stop hating themselves.

To come to God and be set free from this enslaved mentality called the "pride of life", which is not of the father, but is of this world!

So, why are human beings allowing themselves to be defined by this Aryan worldview? And if you are one of those who try to measure others by it, then prepare yourself to also be measured in an unfavorable way by that same ruler. The judgement that you are casting on others, it will be measured to you again.

And to know the truth, and yet still fall into this worldly mindset is a person who lacks knowledge and understanding. It's time to brush up on the truth again. We need to get our noses back into our bibles again!


All cultures are not created equal?

Has anyone heard this saying? I have plenty of times. I will address this as I see fit as this subject is very heavily opinionated and often this argument may come from a position of bias or subjective opinions.

So, all cultures are not created equal you say? Who said anything about culture? I never did.

((What I mean is ethnic groups who hold to certain standards of living.))

Oh... that... My point is very clear: every person in this world is unique. No life is worth more than the other.

((But we have to consider, everyone is not created equal.)) Another thing they will throw at you.

We are gifted in many different ways.

Nowhere did I ever say that we all should have the same talents, gifts, education, knowledge, or skills. But all this comparison among ourselves helps no one. And it is pointless. It achieves nothing.

My point still stands: No life is worth more than the other. Period! God made you fearfully and wonderfully made. You are a unique individual! And he gave you only what you have. And to care for what he's given you and to nurture that, you can't compare yourself to other people. Because God made them different from how he made you. And we are not all to be the same.

And to the Western positive people: Do you want Westerners to be empowered? You want Westerners and Non-Westerners to come out of the antiwhite hate brainwashing? Stop comparing them!

Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.

-2 Corinthians 10:12

We have been deceived into hating ourselves and our neighbors.

The powers that be wan't to hide the divine truth from us: that we are one. This they do not want us to know. They don't want us to know that the 'color' is an illusion and they have made us all to believe that we are not equal.

The unseen realm hidden from the human eyes:

It is said that there are colors in heaven that are not seen here on Earth (for those who lived to tell the tale). Those who have witness this have said these impossible colors are indescribable. It has been stated that we only see 5% of the color spectrum. That is mind blowing! But can science prove this?

Although there are plenty of scriptural truths we can point out that oppose this value system which is based only on what man can perceived with his eyes, we can also come to an understanding through scientific truths as well. It is discovered that our color receptors and ability to perceive certain wavelengths is very limited!

The truth is, science entails that our physical eyes do have limitations. We have only 3 color cones in our eyes: Red, Blue, and Yellow.

We see our world in a huge variety of colors, and color combinations. However, there are other “colors” that our eyes can't see, beyond red and violet, they are: infrared and ultraviolet. Comparing these pictures, taken in these three “types of light”, the rainbow appears to extend far beyond the visible light.

invisible colors, impossible colors, visible light spectrum, ultraviolet light spectrum, infrared light spectrum
There are colors we can't see! Human perception is limited.

The video below will make you question everything about this Aryan worldview and will indeed show that there is more to our world than what we can see with our eyes.

Did you know that there are colors that cannot be seen through our human eyes? And you are going to base the worth of a human being only by the very limited color spectrum you can physically see?

You can't help but to wonder. This will make you question some things. We may have colors on us we can't see. Ever thought of that? Here are some more scientific studies on the subject:

Take the flower for another example:

Human perception

Here we see what a yellow flower looks like. Well... that's what it looks like to you and me. And that's because we see it according to who or what we are. In this case I mean - our structure. Specifically the structure of our eyeballs. That's why that thing looks like it does.

Bee's perception

If you showed the same flower to a bee, and if that bee were sitting right on your shoulder looking at that same flower, it doesn't look like that. That is because the bee's eye has a different structure. And it can see wavelengths of light we humans can't.

Although we humans can see some things the bee can't, we also miss some things that are real about that flower.

So which one of those is the real flower? Both are true. The only difference is how it is perceived.

And how true is it about humans as well!

One cannot define the world through human perception alone.

Why do humans have only three color receptors in their eyes when other animals have 16? This shows us that human perception is very limited and therefore should never be the basis for an individual's worth. There are a variety of colors and frequencies that may be invisible to the human eye. These impossible colors, seen from the ultraviolet and infrared light spectrum may be an eye opener to all of us one day! And how much more would they add to the beauty of the individual, as well as our world, and what lies beyond it? We may never know in this lifetime! But what may be perceived one way may look an entirely different way through the lens of another. Our physical perspective is only one way to see the world out of many! We should strive to look beyond our level of perception to see the bigger world. This serves as a reminder to all of us that there is so much more to reality than what we have been shown. And that my friend, is powerful!

And I feel sorry for the people who actually fall for this deception and are made to believe that their value comes only from what humans can see and not the inner adornment that God gives us which is imperishable. This is a deception, guys!

This broke my heart growing up. It was a long process to get restored from the damage this made in my life! Read more about it on "God Colored me the way he did because he liked it".

And this is to address those people who believe they are more important than others based on colors. In the grand scheme of things, how our eyes see the world or how others see it (color and all) is really insignificant, especially when it is compared to what God sees as important. So know the truth, because it is the truth that will set you free!


Only God sets the standard, not people!

I would like to point out to you all just how deceptive and slick the enemy is, to divide people based on colors.

I've encountered with many people with this destructive mindset that point out certain characteristics about a person or group and calling them "undesirables" or calling people of certain groups "special" based on what is seen by men? Saying: (("These people are special and RARE")) or (("They are too common and nothing special")) or saying they are more 'special' than other people based on colors (even colors that aren't rare, because we know its not really about rarity). These are all pretexts they use to justify their show of partiality. Because remember, every human being is created to be unique, regardless of color.

((They are more important, period! And if you can't accept that, I can't help you.))

If you are not God, you don't get to define importance. And without God, we cannot define objective "importance".

((Redheads and blondes whites with blue eyes are RARE and critically endangered. Therefore, it is important that should preserve them. Are you suggesting that they should not be allowed to have an in-group preference?))

The Jewish Zealots thought the same thing about their people. And are these people you mentioned worth saving? Absolutely! If you are a redhead, marry another redhead and have more children that look like you! That's what I would do. Nobody can take that away from you! Nobody has control over you except for what you give them!

As far as importance is concerned, which is a different subject matter; also know this: Jesus Christ came to die for all of humanity, not just a certain group of people as the Zealots thought. He came to save that which was lost. All of us fall under that umbrella! Not just some of us!

I'm not saying that you're not allowed to have your preferences. I'm not saying that you shouldn't want to preserve your likeness and want to see more of it in the world. I'm not saying you shouldn't defend your nation if there is an existential threat to it. What I am saying is that without God, you cannot define importance or worth. After all, how can you call a crooked line "crooked" if you don't know what a straight line looks like? And how can you be the determining factor of what all of reality entails when you can't even see more than 5% of the color spectrum?

Without God, worthiness only exists in our subjective thought. The highest we would achieve with this is a collective subjective thought. Let's look at how God's word defines worth!

((“But... most people of all races prefer what is rare, blonde and red hair”.)) You don't have to be a blonde or a redhead to be beautiful. I'm not choosing anyone who isn't choosing me. And you know who chose me? Jesus! What matters is that I am chosen by God almighty.

Anyone who judges you by the standards that are set by the world, they don't deserve you! And here is the thing about love: it doesn't see color. Imagine that! So why would I need any of those things to earn somebody's love? I don't. Knowing that Jesus has already given me the greatest love there is and that he chose me is enough. And he colored my hair the way he did because he liked it.

Btw, SOME men prefer whatever quality you are fixating on. There are exceptions with every popular opinion out there. You don’t have to be confined to what a specific society or individual says you have to be confined to. Forget about the alls, the somes, and the mosts and only zero in on what God sees as peculiar. I don't need the approval of men to know that I am God's peculiar treasure: accepted in the beloved!

((Why make a rule for the exception? Or, more accurately, why allow the particularly sh@$% exceptions to make the rules? Seems that kind of “NAXALT” type of reasoning is what got us here in the first place.))

That is an extremely dangerous way of thinking because when you say: (("If it is the majority opinion, that makes it more relevant")), then; my God; It must be true. Right??? There was a time when the majority of people thought that slavery was ok, too.

For something to be "objective" we must appeal beyond ourselves. And if you are not basing your worldview beyond yourself, especially if you believe there is no God beyond yourself, or a reality beyond that which you can see, then your sense of "worth" is subjective.

So, before you say: (("You are nothing special")) or (("You aren't important")) based on the limit amount of colors you see or any other biological factor you are measuring others by, let me ask you something: What makes something peculiar? A lack of Eumelanin? Or the abundance thereof? Both sound beautiful to me. If your worldview is correct, what is undesirable about either or? Go back and read ***Exodus 9:5***, then tell me how God defines peculiarity!

((**My preference** is correlated on **what I deem unique**. Again, brown is neither unique nor a genuine indigenous strain of Europe.))

Then neither are blue eyes, if you want to use that measuring stick. 27% of the world population has blue eyes. Definitely not "rare", and at least as common as (or more than) the brown locks you despise. But you don't go badmouthing that, do you? Brunettes are every bit as part of the Western biosphere as the others. Your words are ignorant.

Furthermore, what you are trying to do here is say that you are the determining factor of what makes a person "peculiar" or "qualified" according to your set standard of "acceptance". So, you can determine the factor of what makes a person worthwhile. You want to be God. And others want to be put on that pedestal. And then we get down to the root of the problem: People want to be God. At the end of the day, there is no human objective standard of beauty or peculiarity. If we are a bunch of evolved "monkeys", as you claim to we are; then my monkey brain has no right to declare the set standard of what is important any more than your monkey brain.

If a group of 100,000 people on the right believe that a lack of Eumelanin adds more value to a person, and another group of 100,000 people on the left believe that an abundance of Eumelanin adds more value to a person: where do they appeal beyond their monkey brains?

Some may claim: ((What we believe is for the benefit of our society.)) But why does the benefit of society matter? If 100,000 people believe that the entire world should become exactly the same culturally, religiously, ethnically, and economically, under a one world rulership because it benefits them? Why should they care what you think benefits your ideal society? No matter what you say, if God is not the defining factor of what is important, there is no objective importance. There is only subjective human opinion based on a given time, place, or mindset.

So at the end of the day, you don't get to set the standard of what is important. The real problem with a lot of these people, who attack Christians; is with a creator God existing because that means he has a say on what these things are above the opinions of men. People want to determine what their said "truth" is instead of the truth! As Romans declares: It's not that these people don't believe. They just suppress the truth.

As opposed to this worldly mindset, the scriptures tell us:

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

- Psalms 139:14

I am not rare/common. I am custom made! And so are you! You are of immeasurable worth to God!

You can’t be any more unique than custom made. You’ll never find another single person in this world that is exactly like you! And again, no matter what people try to compare you to, you should always recognize that you have your own uniqueness.

People do not get to set the standard for what is special or important. They do not get to decide that for you, because that standard can only be defined by God alone. And only his word has the final say over your life, not people.

So, remember this the next time someone wants to lean over to you and tell you that you don’t fit into their box or that you’re not different enough. You have a unique set of DNA strands. You are one of a kind and precious to God! And only He defines importance, not colors, not worldly beauty standards, and not people.

So lets stop comparing ourselves to others! Nuff said!


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Apr 09, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

There are people who dislike people based on colors maybe. But the other side wants you to like people regardless of their personality. Both honestly seem stupid. you can't just dislike people anymore. they automatically have a victim-hood complex.

-Nik Clay

Apr 09, 2023
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Be as it may that there are differences in IQ & Race, IQ's can be improved and all IQ is one's ability to learn & do things, not what one knows.

-the Hegelian swing

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