God's value System vs The Aryan Worldview - Part 6

Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
- Acts 10:34-35
A little bit of my back story:

I remember when I first caught wind of this demonization of whites promoted by the media back in 2015. I was very sickened to see this promoted, and even accepted, even by some of my own family members and friends. It caused a great deal of disappointment to me. The demonization of our history, culture, people, and promotion of white self-hate indoctrination was very prevalent in the media. I began to wonder: Where are the people who are standing up to this? Are there people who are actually speaking against this? They weren't on my friend's list on Facebook, that's for sure.
So, I began to search for and follow pages that presented Western culture, ideals, and history in a positive way. I wanted something that would be uplifting to our folk. I then ran into the Western Positive Sphere. In this sphere were various groups and individuals working to address this antiwhite dogma spread by the mainstream media. I was very happy to see that there were people who had the courage to challenge this ideology which is now being pushed on our kids in schools.
Western Positive Community Definition:
Any group, organization, or movement that advocates towards the cultural interests, concerns, and/or civil rights of Westernkind for their well-being. Any cultural website or group that shares positivity of culture, history, or influence of Europe and the West.
Dealing with prejudice in the Western Cultural Preservation movement.
So, what is my stance on Western culture preservation? I'm all for it as long as it excludes hatred against all others (including others who choose to do otherwise). Nothing wrong with preserving culture. However, there appears to be some Aryan apologist infiltrators within this movement. There are some real poisonous ideologies being spread within the Western Positive Sphere that need to be addressed! Let me explain further:
When I began to go down this rabbit hole even further, I also ran into people and groups that promoted partiality based on color by emphasizing recessive genetic traits rather than cultural influence and unity among the entire Western population! This brings dishonor to the others that don't fit into that box. How does it bring dishonor to them? Let's explain further.
One unintended consequence of the fixation on recessive genes is the perpetuation of biases against individuals with brunette features.
While blonde hair and blue eyes are often romanticized as idealized traits within certain circles, the exclusionary nature of this perspective can alienate a significant portion of the population. It's essential to recognize and challenge these biases in order to bring forth unity within the preservation movement.

When I first caught wind of this favoritism pushed in the Western Positive Community (and it's not all of them), the people who were put at the top were usually the people who were super pale, light eyed, light haired. Why? Because of this hyper focus on preserving recessive genes. Why are they only focused on lightness when Europeans have dark features, too? It was then I began to be faced with more hatred and prejudice, only it is now coming from a different group. All because I've got an abundance of Eumelanin in my hair? Really folks?? All the while, many will gaslight you if you dare speak up about it.
I've seen multiple posts putting down other white people who were born with dark features such as brown hair and/or brown eyes or black hair.
And is this empowering? Nope! It is quite the opposite.
((She has some non-"European" DNA.))
Yeah, Mr. Pious. We know you’re colorist and hate the fact that brunettes are also included on a European culture page. Hate away. The look is here to stay. #hatersgonnahate

This is an attempt, by some; to exclude brunettes from the category of "European" or "Western". And yet Westerners are the group of people that are most likely to have brown hair. Isn't it ironic?
The comment below Elon Musk's post on Twitter/X demonstrates the show of partiality based on hair color. If you find that you refuse to serve others because you don't see their value, then you, my friend; are filled with pride. Because God values every human being.
If you find yourself looking down on someone simply because of their color, then you are filled with pride. Because the love of God sees the soul, not the outward appearance.
If you find yourself talking more about yourself than God, if it's all about you and your status with men and what you have done, instead of what God has done? And what God can do?

Then you are in danger. The spirit of pride is dangerous because the Bible tells us:
Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
-Proverbs 16:18
Pride is a sure sign that destruction is around the corner. Know that you will be destroyed if you do not go before God to be delivered from that spirit.
Pride is to exalt or boast in one's self. That you believe that you should be put above others, that you are more "deserving than others", and that you deserve to be served. You are stripping God of the praise that is due to him and taking it for yourself.
Funny how they will try to justify their partiality by saying ((they are a global minority; therefore, they deserve special treatment)) and in turn treat them better than the others? We Brunettes are not as common as some would say. Brunettes are just as unique as the others and have the broadest variety of hair shades in the world.
Think about this: if Westerners of all hair colors are around 10% of the world population. how can they turn around and also tell us that we are 75% of the planet? 🤔 Do these Aryan apologists even think their talking points through? No, of course they don't! Instead, they would have us and everyone else believe that their world minority status based on color somehow makes them more deserving than others. I am so flabbergasted. Yet this form of prejudice and partial treatment is widely accepted here.

Europeans, like any other population, exhibit a wide range of genetic diversity. The notion of "recessive genes" oversimplifies this diversity, implying that certain traits are more valuable or authentic than others. In reality, they have a spectrum of features, including various skin tones, eye colors, and hair shades.

Attempting to homogenize this diversity under the banner of recessive genes neglects the richness of European heritage.
The focus on recessive genes can contribute to the marginalization of individuals who do not fit the perceived ideal traits within the preservation movement.
This bias against certain features, particularly those associated with brunette hair and brown eyes, creates a divisive environment within the community. Instead of fostering unity, such biases can lead to exclusion and alienation, undermining the broader goals of cultural preservation.
Many go so far as to use 'possibly mixed ancestry' as a pretext to justify their show of partiality of them. This is dishonorable snake behavior!
Imagine being treated as 'less than' on the basis of your color. Is that not colorism?

This made me think.... how does this make people of other ethnic backgrounds feel? It made me really think. The darker hues are just as amazing as the lighter hues. And I'm not going to lie, some have even turned my head!
There is beauty in every color.
So, what can be done about this? My suggestion is to avoid people that do this.
My color doesn't mean anything. Neither does yours. And therefore, minority status based on color also means nothing!
Confidence is knowing that you are just as deserving as anyone else and that you are a unique human being! Every single human being is unique, regardless of color. I am not common. I am custom made! Because God only made one of me. And he only made one of you. We each have a unique set of eyes, fingerprints, and DNA strands. And we are not to be compared to anyone else.
Our value as individuals is not determined by what we have or don't have. And that revelation is power!
So, my next question is: Where are the people standing up to this?
My critique: If the Western positive community is going to succeed in their goal of bringing whites out of self-hate indoctrination, it's time we stop showing partial treatment to Westmen and Westwomen based on color, and to also treat people of other ethnic backgrounds with the same love as we treat ourselves. Stop demonizing Christians and Christianity (for those who do). And again, it is not all of them. But we've got some bad apples we have to deal with!
Addressing the pretexts
So, after catching wind of all of this bias, I've come to realize that I cannot expect these people to step up and give me what I need. Many people (not all) in the Western positive sphere are only interested in one thing: preserving recessive light features. So, I've come to realize that most people within these interest groups are not for me. And they aren't going to come to my rescue when things go wrong (my personal experience). They aren't the people who will stand in my defense when things like colorism are perpetuated against those of the darker hues, such as myself.
This is my personal experience: the demonstration that they will only stand in defense for those who are discriminated against due to their light features. This idea that only white people with lighter features can possibly be hated due to prejudice is plain dishonesty. This show of partiality will turn more people away from your movement than you know. You want to be against race-hate and colorism? Be against all forms of it. This one-sided partial treatment I have continued to receive has left a very bad taste in my mouth.
In light of this, who do we need to turn to for our cares?
In order to get what we need; we must first acknowledge that Christ is ALL we need. Not interest groups formulated by man that will undoubtedly fail.
He came to break down the middle wall of partition. My God will be the one to fight for me. He is my deliverer, my counselor, my redeemer, and the rock of my salvation! He is the one who overcame the world so we could overcome the world through him!
Let's also deal with some other forms of partiality, shall we.
In the "trad movement" women were only valued if they could bear children. If you didn't have any children, you didn't have a say on any subject. I was barren and couldn't have children. That was heart wrenching enough, but to have it thrown in your face? As if it is your fault? And be treated differently? This is another example of partiality I have seen.
Favor based on economic status is very prevalent in our world. The more money you have, the more people will look up to you, want to be like you, want you to come sit at their table. This is not just in our culture, but in pretty much every culture around the world.
The first time someone wanted to comment on my appearance, my facial features, weight, hair color, and eyes, and my family situation, I was very distraught. Really, guys. REALLY?? Why should any of this matter??

I was the poor girl with the brunette hair, introverted, and didn't have very many followers on social media. I had underlying health conditions that caused weight gain, weight loss resistance, and infertility. I was singled out for having features others didn't consider as your traditional Eurocentric look.
And because I was perceived to have the "low value cards", who came to my defense when that happened? No one. This partial treatment is what set me off.
To find myself surrounded with people who would only value what I have to offer if I looked a certain way, are a certain ethnic background, age, weight, or even a certain hair color? How in the world did I end up here? This seemed very shallow to me. I have a lot more to offer than my self-image. It's time to start from scratch and find a new circle of friends at this point.

As TheSumOfAllColors sumed it up for me:
((Brunettes with brown eyes are beautiful, but they are not under the same kind of targeted attack as the more fair features, so I decided to pump them up a bit.))
This assumption comes from the idea that the only devil out there is antiwhitiesm or prejudice against light features. Tell me that you haven't looked into other perspectives without telling me you haven't looked into other perspectives.
So this is the idea you are pushing? To justify your show of Partiality based on color? Showing partial treatment towards those born with lighter features while disregarding the struggles of others because of the color of hair or eyes they were born with? Why can't you represent all of Westernkind with their history and struggle? But to ask this question I am met with colorist bias? What an insult these people are. This should not be acceptable! Can you imagine if somebody said that to your child??
Dear Sum of All Colors,
If you leave your echo chambers you will see every group of people are being attacked by a particular group. It's not rocket science but I understand, it's easier to think the world goes around you and it's the evil society vs you, it's a simplistic explanation of life.
((Echo chambers? Whites are the only ones who have actually been outside an echo chamber. We've been conditioned by the state and the MSM for decades to believe hateful lies about ourselves. We saw that side. And we realized it was lies, BS and anti-White superstition.))
-The Faminist
Almost everyone knows, if they've been paying attention; that the media is only there to sell us what they want us to believe. However, you guys are buying into this idea that the world is about whites vs non whites... light features vs dark features... That is a very dangerous way of seeing the world. That's the mindset that lead to Nazism. Can't you see there is a broader way to view the world than through the lens of color and ethnos? Can't you detach yourself from that, for one moment; to see the bigger world? Outside the internet, people don't care about your skin or ethnic identity!
Thanx mainstream media. You've done an amazing job at dividing us, even by hair color. How much more are people going to fall for this divide and conquer strategy before they begin to wake up and realize they've been diabolically manipulated?
You can read more about this on: God's Value System vs The Aryan Worldview - Part 5 "putting things in order of their importance!
So what does this have to do with the subject of partiality? Everything! And I'm spelling it out.
I was labeled "antiwhite" for teaching Biblical instruction on how Christians should treat their neighbors. What???
What is up with that? So here is a little more about what made me come to the conclusions I have. After catching wind of this partial treatment within the Western Positive Community (And again I say 'Not all! Not all! Not all!), I began to go back to the scriptures to see what his word had to say about this. I came to realize this is the opposite of how God's word teaches Christians how to treat their neighbors. God's people are not to show partial treatment to people based on culture, ethnos, or economic status in the church. Paul rebuked Peter for this very thing.
Well... I got a few negative responses for sharing this. And it honestly surprised me. But why did this surprise me? They began to treat me like some deviant and accused me of being a hater. I got a few things to say about this. So here are their comments ((in the yellow)) with my responses in blue.
((Lady, Galatians 2:11-21 has NOTHING to do with pretending race doesn't exist. Paul himself calls Jews his "kinsmen according to the flesh" elsewhere in scripture and wishes they would accept Christ SPECIFICALLY because they are his people.))
-I Am Become Death, Destroyer Of Grifts
I'm going to stop using the word 'race' and replace it with 'nation' or 'ethnos' at this point. We are one species with different variations. Not different species.
Here is how race is defined by them:
Race is a categorization of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct within a given society. The term came into common usage during the 16th century, when it was used to refer to groups of various kinds, including those characterized by close kinship relations.
Their definition of 'race' actually describes what the Bible calls "ethnos". As the word 'race' came into usage to describe differences between groups long after the Bible was written.
And yes, this illustration has everything to do with the show of partial treatment. You've misunderstood me. This isn’t to say different nations and tribes do not exist, if you have been following me. The physical characteristics which define them do not create value or status with God. Salvation is not about phenotype, physical characteristics, or color. Salvation does not require you to change your culture to be the same.
"But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors." -James 2:9
((That's contrary to human nature. Antiwhites tell us to treat others equally. We have a duty to look after our children, siblings, and our tribe above others.)) -PP, Serious Wellbeing Advocate
Notice, this guy is trying to be clever: to accuse me of suggesting that we shouldn't take care of our families first? NOT. MY. WORDS!
It is important that you take care of your own first. That is a given. If you don't regard your own family and nation first, how will you be able to help others? That's your position, right? No one is trying to suggest otherwise. But when you regard others of a certain ethnic group or color as being higher than the others, and treat them as such, that is a whole different thing. And that subject matter is what I am addressing!
If you think I am pushing some "fairy of fairness" doctrine, then you've misunderstood. Yes, we get it, life is not fair. The world won't treat you fairly just because you try to be fair. I'm not for "playing fair". I'm for doing what is right! It is God's will that we be not like this world but to be transformed to be like him instead. This means that we must regard every person (including the poor man and the racial other) with the same love as Christ showed us. Even when it comes to our own people.
((“It’s against human nature”)) some say. That is what I hear a lot. We got to look through Gods perspective, not men's. Gain a new perspective!
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
-Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV
To be clear, I will defend my country first and foremost, as everyone else does. I will take care of my family first. That doesn’t mean we show partial treatment between others based on biological factors or economic status.
Even among the Western Positive Community, as I have mentioned; we have people who believe that those with lighter hair and eyes are "superior" to the people who possess the darker hues in their eyes and hair. And in turn will treat those with the lighter features better than the others. And I have also been at the receiving end of this nonsense. And I was very perplexed by this. You want to uplift your people? You lift everyone up and everyone rises together. That's how you uplift people. You don't uplift your people by showing favoritism for some and treat the others as if they are inferior. That's not how you do this!
((Equality is made up concepts used by antiwhites. You can't define it. Advocating for "equal treatment" is just antiwhitism.))
-PP, Serious Wellbeing Advocate
Why? Because I don't believe whites are 'superior' over anybody else based on their skin/ethnic background/hair color/eye color? Or that I don't treat them as such? How does take away from you in any way?
The subject matter of impartiality has everything to do with how you treat others, not your outcome in life or talents. The Bible teaches Christians to treat their neighbors impartially. That means we treat our neighbors with equal love. Are you trying to tell me that the Bible is wrong or antiwhite? These are not my words. This is scripture. Do you not understand that?
At no point are Christians taught to support an Aryan superiority worldview.
We all have one creator. He values all of us. No one is inferior to anybody.
((No one ever said anything about "inferior". That's just projecting from the antiwhite narrative.))
-PP, Serious Wellbeing Advocate
Oh really? I'm just going to leave this right here. Swept under the rug, as always. 👇🏻

And you just said:
((Equality is made up concepts used by antiwhites.))
So, what is your objective? Either you believe that everyone has the same value, or you don't. Inequality = inferiority/superiority.
If you truly believe that equality is a made-up concept used by antiwhites, then you are implying that there is a natural hierarchy of superiority and inferiority between different groups of people. This directly contradicts your previous statement that ((No one ever said anything about "inferior". That's just projecting from the antiwhite narrative)). Would that not make you antiwhite by your own definition?
Putting your family, country, or nation first is not the same as projecting that one group of people are superior over the other. I am talking about a completely different subject. You twist my words!
I have seen people on social media deeming non-white groups as being “undesirables”, promoting racial superiority and talking trash. I have also been at the receiving end of that nonsense which is something you choose to ignore.
Do these people even read my blog? It is evident they probably don't even know it exists. Nor have they ever picked up a Bible and actually read one. And it shows.
My point still stands. We are all gifted in different ways. No one is inferior to anybody.
((Sure. But every societal advantage has been geared to helping nonwhites, leaving Whites out in the cold. Help going to those who don't need, and are disproportionately favored by every metric, is a waste. You should be helping the people who actually need it.))
Finally! Someone with sense! Yes! That is also an example of partiality I don’t agree with. It’s crazy how our government supports that.
((Well, I'm glad we can agree antiwhite discrimination is evil.))
Of course it is! I have repeatedly spoken against it before I had my say about this topic! But may I also point out how some of these people (certainly not WestmenMedia) are only for non-partial treatment of others when it comes to antiwhite discrimination? If we are going to stand against that, lets also treat the racial other how we would like to be treated. Equality of opportunity for all (not equality of outcome, that depends on you)!
((As long as you don’t oppose Whites putting Whites first you aren’t antiwhite. But if you are you should feel ashamed. As even God hates antiwhitism and will send all antiwhites to hell.))
-Master R. Foster
I'm not opposed to whites putting whites first, lad. But if you believe whites are superior to all others and treat others likewise you will go to hell, for that is hating man in whom God loves. For loving God whom you can’t see and hating man whom you can makes you a liar void of truth.
My point still stands. No one is inferior to anybody.
((Is this in the Bible somewhere? I can’t find it.))
-Spencer Penrose Oh really? I addressed this earlier.
"For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor man.'
-James 2:2-6
Any system, whether religious, secular or otherwise that dehumanizes or diminishes the worth of any individual is evil. Any system of thought that exalts one person above another whether it be based on religion, race, color, or any type of caste system is evil.
((Or based on science. It’s just virtue signaling to say otherwise.))
-Spencer Penrose
You aren't better, holier, or worth more than any other person on earth. We are all of the dust. One piece of dirt looking down on another piece of dirt is really sad and infuriating to God. A proud look is an abomination to the Lord.
Even Jesus himself stated:
“Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone."
-Luke 18:19
I am not good. Only God is good!
"For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself."
- Galatians 6:3
Those who go against the grain are guilty of the "ultimate sin".... so they say.
((You want to virtue signal, don't you?))
You are conducting yourself like the thought police you claim to be in opposition of. Do you not realize that? You're trying to tell everyone what to think. And if I disagree with you, I'm guilty of the "ultimate sin"? I stated earlier that there are people that assume someone's worth based on their color or ethnos is prevalent on social media, and again; that is something you are choosing to ignore.
I stated earlier that we all have one creator. He values all of us. No one is inferior to anybody. And yet you say ((No one ever said anything about "inferior".))
((I meant no one on this conversation. Assuming someone to be the villain from antiwhite fiction is what antiwhites do.))
-PP, Serious Wellbeing Advocate
And yet you assume that we are not all equal? And that we must treat others as such? Do we all not have equal value in God's eyes? I'm not suggesting we treat white people with partiality, but simply reproving it.
No one is assuming anyone to be a villain except you. Are you sure you are not antiwhite? You are trying to twist the argument.
And yet you wish to throw “antiwhite” at Christian believers to demonize them. You are trying to paint me as a villain because I quote scriptural instruction teaching Christians how to treat other people. If you disagree with that, you are disagreeing with scripture. And you are anti-Christian.
If you wish to use the same tactics and strategies as those who oppose you do, you are guilty of the same thing they are.
For example, I was also accused of spreading Marxist ideas. It goes like this:
((If you claim to be a Christian then please stop misrepresenting scripture by intermingling your Marxist anti-white principles with Holy Scripture and inserting your dogmatic post-modernist racial ideas where they do not exist. Being anti-white has never been part of the faith.))
-I Am Become Death, Destroyer Of Grifts
Whoa! Is this not an attempt to paint someone as a villain? When have I ever tried to do this? Do you not realize that 3 years ago; I was put on a Nazi hit list and publicly defamed all because I dared to have the courage to step out and speak against antiwhite hatred in the media? Where were you when that happened? Probably playing video games or hanging out with your friends, huh? Not a yawn, not a burp, not a single peep out of any of you. But I'm the bad guy, somehow?
And since you just inserted yourself in the conversation to misrepresent me as a Marxist, do you even know what Marxism is? And how it differs from Christianity? Your comment points to the 'no'. Why not read and learn something? I am not going to re-post these things here because I have already an entire blog written about it. If you will, you can take a look at it. Or don't. It doesn't affect me, really. The only thing that will be affected is your credibility. And that's on you. But I am not going to accept your demonization for making a point of reason from scriptures. THE SCRIPTURES! And now you wish to attack me? The Steampunk community did the same thing to me 3 years ago. They spoke all manner of evil against me falsely because I said something their “woke” community disagreed with, like what you are doing.
Why is my relevance in these communities based on whether or not I agree with a certain political view, rhetoric, or philosophy? Even if the rhetoric is wrong?
You didn't have a problem with me before. You didn't have a problem with what I said before. As God's peculiar treasure, we've got to have a biblical perspective.
Why do they make such accusations against Christians? It's because Marxism promotes the idea of "equality of outcome" and the equal distribution of goods. But is that what I'm referring to? No.
When we speak against favoritism and partiality, as the scriptures do, people often misinterpret our message. They assume we're advocating for Marxist principles and then demonize us. This misunderstanding can lead to unfair accusations and mischaracterizations of our true intentions.
My goal is to spread the gospel of Jesus, and to stand for God's love for all; not to follow populace leaders and communities that wish to attack Christians.
You can't walk hand in hand with a community of people who attack Christians and think "Oh, they're going to be tolerant". No! They're not.
After all, how can we walk together if we don't agree? Trying to judge someone's motives as "evil" without getting to know what they are saying is a big red flag. That tells me all I need to know about these individuals who do not even try to at least seek understanding.
I've been called every name in the book. I'm not bothered by it at this point. Anything evil that can be said about a person probably has been said about me on more than one occasion. And it's never original either. There is nothing new under the sun.
People put labels on you because you don’t fit into their little box: “you’re a Nazi”, “you’re antiwhite”, “you’re a leftist Marxist”, “you’re and alt-right supremacist”. A friendly reminder: I am NOT your labels!
Trying to call me any of those labels will not work with me.
The fear of not being accepted speaks to ego. Therefore, we are to speak God's word without fear or favor of men. The truth is not popular. But it is the truth, nonetheless. And it is the only thing that will set you free from this enslaved mentality.
Who must we put first?
When they say they believe something else, other than God; is the most important thing we should focus on, be aware of subtle seducing spirits that will try to mislead you into worshiping idols. Whatever or whoever you deem as the most important thing, that becomes your 'god'.
If you are going to be a Christian, if you want to be faithful to scripture; we have to have a Biblical worldview. Not a white worldview. A Biblical worldview. Same thing for any other ethnic group who are Christians out there.
((But you must put other Whites first.))
-Master R. Foster
God first, your neighbor second, and you third. 1. Jesus 2. Others 3. Yourself
((God first but others of your own race before others of other races.))
-Master R. Foster
And who is my neighbor?
((It doesn’t matter who your neighbors are. The point is, to be averse to the idea of White people putting their own race before others is antiWhitism.))
-Master R. Foster
It seems you've misunderstood the message, once again. This has nothing to do with adversity against Westerners putting their nations first. So, let's not change the argument.
Who is my neighbor? Everyone, including the racial other.
"But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors."
-James 2:9
I also encourage all of my followers to read the story of the Good Samaritan.
-See Luke 10:25-37
Who is my neighbor according to Jesus? Of course, everyone. It's sad that we have to relearn this because of the hate and division of this world. As God's chosen, as his peculiar treasure, we have got to be different!
Now, there are those who see their skin color, hair/eye color, or ethnic background as central to their identity. I don't.
This isn't to say that I don't appreciate my pale skin, my beautiful brown hair shade, and Amber colored eyes. I love the history and the people that are connected to me. But my outward appearance isn't who I am. It is my outward shell. I was born a white woman and will die one. That's a given. But there are people that seem to think that when a white woman speaks up against things like colorism or partiality based on color, those of you who think you are entitled to get special treatment from others based on yours get offended by it? Yet you all are so quick to gaslight people like me, who have experienced that form of prejudice; and in the same breath shame them for not showing you favoritism above other people?
White people are not a part of a hive mind. We share culture, values, and physical similarities. But we are also individuals who think for ourselves and have different experiences. And we all should be regarded as such. White women like us, who also receive bias based on our color; are not your support animals that you can just train and slap a certificate on, then claim that we owe you special treatment! You are not entitled to special treatment above others.
Using the term antiwhite to guilt someone into giving you special treatment above others is manipulative, and its gross. I don't know who you thought you were talking to, but I'm not weak minded to fall for something like this. You can count me out!
I will be dissociating myself with any individual, movement, or community that attacks Christians or demonizes them for teaching scriptural instruction. I am not going to accept your partial treatment or any of these ungodly labels you wish to put on me. I am not your labels. Either you repent of your hatred or stop lecturing others about their perceived "hatred". To say one thing and to do another, that's hypocrisy!
My final notes
Sure, we can't afford to take in the entire world's sick and poor when we can't even take care of our own. So, let's take care of our own first! Let's also have a balanced view at the same time, as the scripture tells us. We need to put things into perspective on how we must treat other people, regardless of, color, ethnos, tongue, tribe, or culture. This treatment is supposed to be with love.
So let me re-state this:
Taking care of other starts with taking care of your own first. Taking care of our families and our country first is a responsibility and a duty. And it is also our duty to protect them.
For it is written:
"And he said to Judah, “Let us build these cities and surround them with walls and towers, gates and bars. The land is still ours, because we have sought the LORD our God. We have sought him, and he has given us peace on every side.” So they built and prospered."
-2 Chronicles 14:7
Why did they build the wall around their cities? To protect themselves from possible invaders.
So remember this the next time you want to assume the worse about someone you don't even know. We Christian believers aren't all antiwhite Marxists as you have tried to paint us as. We believe in taking care of our families first! We do also recognize the value of the racial other as well as ourselves! So, lets love one another as Christ has loved us. And that means we also treat the racial other with the same love we treat our white brothers and sisters!
God bless you!
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