Finding Light in the Darkness of Rejection

God will bless you right in front of those who rejected you!

Rejection—it’s like a glitch in the matrix, a harsh static that interrupts the rhythm of your life. We've all felt it at some point, like a neon sign flashing "Not Good Enough." But guess what? The ultimate Synthwave story isn’t about how rejection derails you; it’s about how you rise from the ashes, pulsing brighter than ever.
God’s Word lays down some serious beats when it comes to rejection.
Remember Psalm 118:22?
“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”
Yeah, that's you—once rejected, now the foundation of something epic. Let’s dive into this synthwave journey, where rejection isn’t the endgame but the start of your ultimate level-up.
1. The Static of Rejection

You do not have to lose yourself in the process. If you're rejected by someone who feels you have to look a certain way or behave a certain way, you should distance yourself from them immediately.
No need to brood over it. Just dodge the bullet.
Now, these types of people do not have a mindset of their own. And if we pretend to be someone else to fit into the perspective of what a person should be, we'd have to keep up with the act. And when you decided to pretend to be someone you are not just because you don't want to be rejected by someone else, then you're giving them power over your life.
They know this and would use it against you. You then become a slave to them and their desires. You then lose your values and other people begin to perceive that you as someone with little to no importance. And they will also treat you as someone who is worthless. And this slowly becomes your reality.

Now, this does not have to become a reality for you.
Now, anyone who isn't comfortable with how you are, shouldn't be with you. They do not appreciate you, so they don't deserve you. You only hurt yourself allowing people like this into your life.
Some people would take the frustration of being rejected to God. This was the mistake I made. So do not blame God for how you look or how you were created, just because you don't fit into someone else's idea of what a perfect human being should be like. Remember, they are not your creator.
Now, anyone who wants you to conform to the standards set by this world do not deserve you. It is God's desire that we do not be like this world, but be transformed to look like him instead.
Read Romans 12: 2.
Jesus was also rejected!
When we are rejected because we want to follow God's standard for us, we should not feel bad. We should instead count it all joy as we would be rewarded when we stand our ground.
Even Jesus was rejected, but that did not change him. He didn't sit down and become so sad that the people he loved so much and would die for were the same people who could cry 'crucify him!'. He was rejected, but it didn't change the fact that he's the son of God. Jesus did not have to go to the cross to die for us sinners. Yet he did.
He didn't die chilling with friends or partying with wine. He didn't die old or die a painless death for something he did not commit. He should have at least died without pain, but he chose to go through the pain, the humiliation, and the separation.
Even today, people still reject him. You cannot even sacrifice as much as Jesus did, so why do you even imagine trying to change who you are. Who accepted you? He did! And his is the only acceptance that truly matters.
The key to fighting rejection

Joseph wasn't rejected by just anybody. He was rejected by his own brothers. Let that sink in: his own brothers! They hated him because he was doing the right thing by reporting their bad deeds. They hated him for his dreams. They hated him because his father loved him so much. And they planned to kill him.
The key to fighting rejection is to love yourself and know who you are.

You know, God gave the commandment, love others, as you love yourself, it means you have to love yourself first. If you don't love yourself, how are you planning to fulfill God's command to love your neighbor?
You cannot give what you don't have. You cannot even love God if you don't love yourself.
Again, you cannot give what you do not have. And remember, you are loved and accepted by God, fearfully and wonderfully made. So don't let anyone make you feel less of yourself. You cannot afford to dwell on rejection, brother. You cannot afford to dwell on rejection, sister. And you do yourself wrong when you do not overcome these struggles.
Remember others went through it and came out victorious, stronger, and better. Sometimes it's in your best interests that you're rejected like Jesus and Joseph. It's clear that rejection can bring out the best results in you if you let it. Jesus was rejected and crucified. They never knew crucifying Jesus was the best thing to ever happen on earth.
Philippians 2:9-11 says:
Therefore, God exalted him to the highest places and gave him the name that is above every name. That the name of Jesus, every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.
Now thanks to this we can live victorious lives in Christ. Joseph was also rejected by his brothers and they planned to kill him. But later sold him as a slave. Now, what they didn't know was that selling him would lead him to his destiny.
I pray for you that what the enemy meant for evil, God would turn around to the glory of his name. Now, they didn't know that selling him would lead him to his destiny. He later became the prime minister in a foreign land. Can you beat that?
Psalms chapter 118:22 says:
The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.
And that's what you get when you refuse to dwell on the lies that the enemy tells you through people. Remember you attract who you are. When you love yourself, you begin to attract people who love themselves, too; and know how to treat people right.
Allow God to give you his best for you. He has the best plans for you and everyone is in our life for a reason. And when it's time for them to go, let them go. That rejection saved you it's the reason why you will be strong. It's the reason why you become free. And it is the reason why you will strive to be a better person, it's the reason why you will become happier and get the best things of life that you deserve.
The Stone That The Builders Rejected

Ever heard of the scripture that talks about the stone that the builders rejected? Turning out to be the head of the corner? (1 peter 2:7)?
Usually, the most fulfilling kind of revenge isn't when those who plot your downfall die, No. Rather it's when you do what they claimed you were not going to do right in front of them, and they are incapacitated from doing anything to stop that blessing. Oh, what sweet revenge that is. I can just imagine the look on their faces. Do you know that this is one of the promises of God for your life? How that God intends to make a mockery of those who think they would see your end?
Let's look at a portion of scripture that I love so much. This scripture speaks of shows a certain group of people come together and take counsel against the anointed of the Lord, but he that sits in the heavens shall laugh, and have them in derision. This portion of the scripture paints a somewhat vivid image of what happens when people make plans against someone God intends to bless. They would eventually watch you succeed in that place they wanted you to fail.
Yeah, sounds amazing, doesn't it? I want you to know that GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOU! No matter how things seem right now, irrespective of this stage, God definitely has a plan for you! And we understand from God's worse that his plan for you is always good and not evil. And it is to give you an expected end.
Things may not look it right now, the road might seem bent and full of rough patches. But if he says his plan for you is good, then believe it because it is. You know one really amazing thing about God? It's how he never makes mall plans and as long as you remain on his side, your victory is guaranteed.
So let me take you down memory lane. I remember who I started getting involved in the Christian Game Creators Community doing volunteer work. But many others were skeptical about this volunteer work I was doing and tried to publicly shame me for my lack of work experience: telling others that I had no idea what I was doing and that project I was doing was a waste of time and that it was unsuccessful. But with hard work and God's backing, I'm getting to where they are. And I'm not even done yet. And if they don't move, I'm going to surpass them. Today the game is successfully published on Steam. And this is now something I can show for work experience.
The way God arranges things and gives a surprise to those who rejected you is going to be a shock: an unexpected one! But then, he's God. So learn how to not expect any less than a shock.
The Psalmist talks about how that God prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemies, and not just that, your cup would run over.
So the question is, have you been rejected at your place of work or belittled in school? Or told that you will not amount to anything? Have people let you down because of this? Be of good cheer, because God is going to prepare your table right there in their presence. And if not careful, they might be the one to hand you your cup.
How to obtain God's favor and blessing
As long as God has not rejected you, any form of rejection from any man is merely a stepping stone to your greatness. You have a father that makes and removes kings, so who is that person who has written you off? Like the case of Mordecai and Namaan. He can cause them to prepare the throne you're to sit upon. But the question is, do you believe this?
However, there are certain important things that must be in place to hasten this process. You must be diligent.
"Seeth though a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings. He will not stand before ordinary people."
A man who is found diligent in his work would eventually find favor. So how much more a man who knows God? And is found to be diligent in what his hands find to do? He will not only find favor before men but will also have the backing of God in all his life endeavors. In this new phase of life, you must do whatever your hands find to do well. This gives you an avenue for God to bless you and uplift you right in front of all those who have rejected you.
So my question to you is this: Are you faithful in what you're doing? To him that is faithful, more would be given. Sometimes we can be the enemy of ourselves. Because God will not bypass natural laws to bless man. A thousand multiplied by zero is equal to nothing. God does not work in a vacuum. Are you faithful in the work you are doing? If he wants to bless and uplift you now, would he find you consistent in doing something?
Someone once said and I agree that "What we call grace many times is God finding a man who has because of his consistency stationed himself to be blessed by God."
So, if God searches now, would he find you?
Lastly, when people reject you, let God do the talking for you. There is wisdom in knowing when to react and when to watch. To continue with what you have been doing and let God do the talking for you.
Many times, we are not able to discern and we just try to fight things out by ourselves, but sometimes, we need to not influence the process of the Lord's decision and understand that he is wise. It is a great feeling to know that the one who never loses a war is fighting your battle, right?
Can you trust him with this battle as well and just watch him do what he does without trying to speed up the process? The way God turns things around in only ways that he can is just fascinating and beautiful. He is a master at orchestrating beauty from ashes, and in that manner, He's going to uplift and not just uplift you, but also bless you in the very presence of those who rejected you like he did to Obededom (whom he caused to excel in the very presence of those who could care less if he died).
So the question is: do you believe?
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