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Writer's pictureRetro Sonya

I don't care if you don't like me!

Updated: Oct 7

The last I checked the road to heaven wasn't through your yard!

social media toxicity, growing an audience, creative struggles, retro neon music, synthwave art, few social media engagements, finding genuine followers, creative content vs popular posts, social media discouragement, building a community, music and art promotion, creative journey on social media, retro synthwave struggles, online engagement issues, #TheStruggleIsReal, avoiding social media politics, sharing personal testimony, making meaningful content

Boy oh boy have I been receiving some hate mail lately. Just when I've hit a plateau of finally getting my first music album completed, I let my followers know. Here is the problem: I've got no engagement.

Here I am shouting: "Hello 800 plus followers on FB!!! Where are you all at? Don't you want to check out my new hit piece I released on Bandcamp? You don't want to miss it!!

Crickets!!! Not a yawn, not a burp, not a peep from any of my said friends or family, or anyone! But why? Click on the button below to get the full scoop on that.

So.... to my disappointment I get none. Here I am, as an artist trying to share my music on social media in a total failed attempt. I found that it's really hard to find an audience. I have a good 3 people that interact with me on social media across the platforms. No wonder my friends think I've failed. And if that isn't bad enough, I've got some haters stopping by just to tell me how much of a failure I am for my 'lack of engagement'.

((Judging by the lack of engagement, it seems I'm not the only one who thinks your content is cringe A.F.))

Awww! Thank you kindly, ((Wouter Simens))! I'll be glad to give you the front row seat of the show and let you enjoy it!

Meanwhile, someone's pointless cat video gets millions of views while your music gets buried under the sea of the internet with a minimum of 1 acknowledgment... by a hater of all people. I'd be lucky if I got any at all, so I should take what I can get, right? After all, I'm finally getting noticed!

Head Sheep @1ThinkingSheep

Yes. The fun part is if you don't post on someone else's popular post, you really don't get seen at all even if you pay for the checkmark. I can't just hit the post button nobody will ever see it no matter how "good" it is.

I've got the same experience. But now I have an idea! Why not engage with other's popular posts that have millions of likes and shares. Let's do this! Let's see what happens with this. Read on!


How can you know 3 languages if you're American? Oh wait... you're from Asia. 🤭

I saw this meme floating around telling Americans how 'stupid' they are for knowing only 1 language while other people know more than one. How derogatory.

My response:

"And here I am an American who speaks 3 languages".

And now here comes the flood of bullies commenting on my physical appearance while telling me I'm not really an American because: (("You look Asian.")) while poking fun of my looks. And these are the people who look down on Americans for a 'lack of knowledge'? They don't sound very educated themselves. How about learning the difference between hooded eyes and Asian eyes? White people have brown hair, too (the most common hair color scheme in the West while black hair is most common outside the West). Brunette hair is just the lighter expression of Eumelanin. Also, high cheek bones are historically considered an aristocratic trait in Europe. So, how about taking the time to get to know who a person really is, not what you assume them to be. I have this look, and both of my parents are white.

To the race and color obsessed world that keeps telling me I’m not really American and that I’m really from Asia: Happy #GermanAmerican month!

I just hope these strangers on the internet who school people like me for having brown hair, hooded eyes, and high cheek bones don't also try to accuse me of cultural appropriation for wearing a dirndl on Oktoberfest. #GermanGirlsRock
social media toxicity, growing an audience, creative struggles, retro neon music, synthwave art, few social media engagements, finding genuine followers, creative content vs popular posts, social media discouragement, building a community, music and art promotion, creative journey on social media, retro synthwave struggles, online engagement issues, #TheStruggleIsReal, avoiding social media politics, sharing personal testimony, making meaningful content
Apparently, these people neither like Americans or Asians. Go figure.

So, here is the starters of this commenting under people's 'popular' derogatory posts. How did I find myself surrounded by people who not only hate Americans, but Asians too? It's time to block every single one of these accounts. This was a bad idea to begin with.

Ok... moving on to the next attempt!


((You look like a man for stating that a man cannot be a woman.))

social media toxicity, growing an audience, creative struggles, retro neon music, synthwave art, few social media engagements, finding genuine followers, creative content vs popular posts, social media discouragement, building a community, music and art promotion, creative journey on social media, retro synthwave struggles, online engagement issues, #TheStruggleIsReal, avoiding social media politics, sharing personal testimony, making meaningful content

Says the woke mob who are obsessed with sexuality and pronouns. ((It's not like male and female aren't the natural order or anything. Let's just twist it up and turn it over on its head. Then we can poke fun of all the people who state the obvious truth by calling them 'dumb and uneducated'.))

social media toxicity, growing an audience, creative struggles, retro neon music, synthwave art, few social media engagements, finding genuine followers, creative content vs popular posts, social media discouragement, building a community, music and art promotion, creative journey on social media, retro synthwave struggles, online engagement issues, #TheStruggleIsReal, avoiding social media politics, sharing personal testimony, making meaningful content

Nothing like being told you 'look like a man' for telling the truth. A man cannot and will never be a woman. It seems these men dressed as women are taking advantage of this in the Olympics and women's sports. So much for women's rights.

So, now that I have received endless hate over this, I am off blocking these accounts trying for raise a muck about this, as well as the others. What is the point of living in a delusion? What is there to profit from it? Popularity? To be cool and trendy? When the truth is right in front of your eyes? And you don't even want to acknowledge its existence? Oh wait! Sounds like a music album I just published.

So, these are the people who have been 'educated'? It seems they are. How else can an entire generation be so out of touch with reality? It takes a special kind of government brainwashing (run by Luciferians) for this to happen.

So, how many followers did I gain from this? None. How many enemies did I make? Quite a few maybe? So, while the internet keeps trying to push this propaganda in my face, I will be blocking these accounts. I will give them no more of my time as these people cannot be reasoned with. Hell is a place where there is no reason.

Another failed attempt. Why didn't I learn the first time?


Let's be positive... let's share faith.

I just wanted to share my faith in God and why I choose to follow Jesus, which is something we Christians should do. So, lets follow Christian accounts that are extremely popular and comment on them. But note, not all of them are fans of the particular genre of music I'm doing. But it's a start, right? Or am I doing it wrong? I don't even know what the heck I'm doing. So, let's get the music going. And although sharing your faith on social media sounds like a good idea, and it being the point of what I am doing; we got to be careful not to cast our pearls before swine, either.

Uh oh! Here comes the angry atheists under the Christian post, and my comment!

social media toxicity, growing an audience, creative struggles, retro neon music, synthwave art, few social media engagements, finding genuine followers, creative content vs popular posts, social media discouragement, building a community, music and art promotion, creative journey on social media, retro synthwave struggles, online engagement issues, #TheStruggleIsReal, avoiding social media politics, sharing personal testimony, making meaningful content

And boy oh boy, are they angry! Well, I think that the meme is self-explanatory. I've got many angry comments coming from Atheists, and they are getting angrier and angrier! Oh boy!

social media toxicity, growing an audience, creative struggles, retro neon music, synthwave art, few social media engagements, finding genuine followers, creative content vs popular posts, social media discouragement, building a community, music and art promotion, creative journey on social media, retro synthwave struggles, online engagement issues, #TheStruggleIsReal, avoiding social media politics, sharing personal testimony, making meaningful content

These atheistic comments are the 'gift' that just keeps on giving. I bet evangelism would work better the old-fashioned way. The internet seems to be way too cluttered with non-believers and people who just want to argue and not want to get right with God. It's time to get involved in my community. Arguing on the internet is a waste of precious time.... time I could be spending effectively reaching someone who wants to come to Jesus.

So how many followers did I gain from this? Some. There are Christians out there who love EDM but have a hard time being able to find Christian EDM artists.


Let's start a conversation about random thoughts on the personal account.

Ever since I have encountered with these Aryan minded people online pushing their beauty standards on everyone else, I've made the conservative effort to encourage myself and others to find unique characteristics about themselves and even share it.

But then here comes the haters ready to shoot it down. Noting like being told that your unique golden/hazel eyes are 'nothing special' and that you should get a hobby.

social media toxicity, growing an audience, creative struggles, retro neon music, synthwave art, few social media engagements, finding genuine followers, creative content vs popular posts, social media discouragement, building a community, music and art promotion, creative journey on social media, retro synthwave struggles, online engagement issues, #TheStruggleIsReal, avoiding social media politics, sharing personal testimony, making meaningful content

Well... what if my hobby is to study eye color or the genetics behind it? Maybe I have hobbies outside of music, too? Ever considered that? No, of course not. You just want to throw hate at another person. I will post anything I please on my account, thanx.

Did this get me any traction? Well.... not at all. But it attracted some haters. Hate away! Still posting. And that's perfectly fine. Just don't expect a flood of followers for it or praise on social media. That is... if you're not famous or considered to be 'exotic'.


Getting involved with a same-interest community

I don’t always get responses from people under other people's popular posts with millions of likes and shares. But when I do it’s usually negative. And sometimes it is met with little to no response at all. Social media can be a really toxic and negative place to try and grow an audience, it seems. Someone’s cat post which has millions vs my creative retro neon-soaked music and art I've spent countless hours on…. Which have maybe 1 or 2 acknowledgments? Where are my people? And so, I’m now asking myself: why am I here? In hopes to find a few good people maybe? I've got maybe 3 people who engage with me. It is what it is. #TheStruggleIsReal

social media toxicity, growing an audience, creative struggles, retro neon music, synthwave art, few social media engagements, finding genuine followers, creative content vs popular posts, social media discouragement, building a community, music and art promotion, creative journey on social media, retro synthwave struggles, online engagement issues, #TheStruggleIsReal, avoiding social media politics, sharing personal testimony, making meaningful content

Now, I heard that groups are really useful for engagement. The problem is the many rules you have to follow that are set by others, mainly the moderators. I don't really care for following anyone else's rules. I begrudgingly do it anyway. For example, one of the Synthwave groups banned all AI based art. I've had my say on that.

Now, I've used AI art to connect with others of the same interests and start conversations with people in groups that got me hundreds if not thousands of likes and comments. I make memes with AI art like the one above and discuss some of the favorite topics of the 80s and Synthwave music. That is the most I have ever gotten with engagement. Not on my personal page, but in groups. Imagine that. So, I found at least one thing that works.

So how do I turn them into followers? Well, you can invite them to like your page. But there is no guarantee they will support you. I tried that once and it got me about 3 people out of the bunch.


Yeah, it does get discouraging, sometimes.

But giving up is far from an option for me. I have a lot more to offer than the pointless things I see on social media. And the politics…. I'm through with that. I don't want to be doing pointless things that won't matter in the end. Just making music and sharing my testimony, that's what will carry on long after I leave this place.

So, if you feel the same way.... I want you to know that there is a way to market yourself more effectively than the examples I have shown here. You just have to know your audience, where they hang out, and what they like. I am currently taking "The Online Musician" class. I am learning from those who have already been successful. And if you wish to learn with me, check it out!

It is worth every penny! So, get into it and learn how to grow an audience right! I will be showing some progress very soon!

Feel free to share your experiences below!


((Nobody cares about your silly dreams."))

Thanks for informing me of what I already knew. Hate away. Still posting. Still making music. Still singing. Still living my dreams. Because unlike you, I'm not throwing away my dreams over a lack of interest of others. My life is not about trying to be liked by everybody or becoming 'world famous'.

You think my posts are cringe now? Just wait until I post this song. Cringe is as cringe does, trollies! There is so much more coming. So, hang on tight. You're in for some great 80s inspired music that will lift up your soul. So, if you want to have that front row seat, be my guest.

As for the people who don't engage with me, I am not concerning myself with them. Most people won't give a care about you anyway. This is the harsh reality I've learned in all my 41 years.

But hey, you do you. Go hang out with your many online and offline friends that are cool to hang out with. You might even go on vacation with some of them. But at the end of the day, they are not going to be there for you.

You might have around 2 or 3 people in your life (if you're lucky) that you can count on if all hell breaks loose. And most of us spend our entire lives making decisions around what the people, who do not give one care about us; think about what it is we're doing.

We get scared they're going to make fun of us. We get scared they're going to laugh. We get scared they're going to criticize. We get discouraged when they don't engage. And so, we often decide to do nothing with our talents or visions. Instead, we just hang out with them and engage with things that least interest us... day in and day out.

And then we wonder why we feel cheated in life. You're leaving all your dreams and potential on the shelf. And all for people's opinions that aren't even relevant to you. And if you were to end up on the streets for some unfortunate reason, they wouldn't be there to help you.

That's why I say, to hell with caring about people's opinions or whether they like my posts! I post for me. I post for my dreams and for all others who share in them. All others that don't, they will do what is important to them and that may not be synonymous to what is relevant to me. And that's ok. I wish them well.

But one thing for sure, I won't be the one dying with unrealized dreams. Having a dream is about having a real purpose, and if you don't have that, you don't have much. So, I would encourage you to get one. And for God's sake, don't let a lack of interest of certain people hold you back. Everything has an audience. Find yours as I will for what I do.

Everything has its time. And when the time is right, I will find my people, my audience!

Oh, and one more thing, I might go ahead and include this song on my next album. Get ready neon dreamers and vintage collectors! We're going places! Because dreams really do come true!


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