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Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Updated: Jul 31, 2024

A warning to God's people: Do not take the mark of the beast. But what is the Mark of the Beast? Read on:

I found this video going around that warns against the COVID vaccine. Take with a grain of salt and exercise your own discernment. Because there will be many things that we will see in the future that will resemble some of the characteristics that Revelations describes as the Mark of the Beast.

So now I will be diving into a frequently asked question. The question that is asked by many people:


Is the COVID vaccine the Mark of the Beast?

Some say it isn't. Some say it is. But do you really know what makes something the mark of the beast?

Is it a microchip? Implant? A tattoo? Will the Mark of the Beast change your DNA so you don't hear God anymore? Can you take the Mark of the Beast accidentally?

These are all very good questions to ask. And here is a scripture that would help answer all of these questions.

"Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.”

Mark 7:15

It's not what you put in your mouth that makes you dirty. It's what comes out of your mouth. But what about when Eve ate the forbidden fruit? That is when sin came in. Let's talk about this.

So... what is the Mark of the Beast? Here is what we must consider: The thing that will set the Mark of the Beast apart from the bio-weapons being formed against us is the worship of the anti-Christ. But what about the Covid vaccine? While it is important to keep yourself aware of the enemies' devices, the problem is; we can end up calling something the Mark of the Beast when it is not. I see this happening often. And people often say: "But what about the fact that people are unable to buy or sell without the jab? Or go to school, or participate in daily activities? That's the red flag."

I will even go so far as to say that just because something is required to buy or sell also does not make it the Mark of the Beast.

Does that mean that it's ok to take the jab? Am I suggesting it? No. Not in the least. And here, I have listed: 6 reasons not to take the COVID Vaccine!

  1. It causes Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart). - There is no cure for this!

  2. It causes blood clots.

  3. It changes your DNA - This is unlike any other vaccine in the past. It has the ability to alter your DNA. And it is irreversible.

  4. It's cannibalism - it has aborted fetal cells

  5. It can cause death - Thousands of deaths have been reported that have been swept under the rug by the mainstream media.

  6. It destroys your immune system.

Need I say more?

Not only will this change your God given DNA, but it will be irreversible! You will become as the living dead and enslaved to the master of lies, Satan.

And it has even been stated, that once you take this vaccine, you are no longer fully human. And just as Monsonto has patented their genetically modified crops, these vaccine companies have also patented this strand of DNA they inject into people with this vaccine. So if you take the Pfizer vaccine, or the Moderna vaccine, or any other company that you took this vaccination from, they now claim ownership over you. And what does this sound like? It sounds an awful lot like what was done in the days of Noah.

If the powers that be, the devils that are had their way, the new world would be without those created in God's image. But they tried this before and failed. Read Genesis 6. Also read the book of Jasher and the book of Enoch to find out more on that story. We need not to be ignorant of the enemy's devices. They think they can destroy the future of God's image. But they won't be able to. Because God will have his say every single time. Jesus warned us: "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the son of man."

So in this, it is perfectly rational to take a stand and say no! I will not allow you to alter my DNA!


The DNA of God and overcoming the Mark of THE Beast

Will you overcome the image of the beast?

For more about the Mark of the Beast, the Beast System, and the Revelation of Jesus Christ, see: The Truth is Terrifying on Rumble. 👇


Do not let the dark days ahead take you unaware!

We MUST be prepared! For there will be a day coming when no man can work! 👇

Don't listen to the crooks who are trying to push this vaccine mandate! Listen to your conscience, and to what God is saying! It's the only way that your family is going to be good, and you're going to be good! You already know how to survive and if you feel some type of way about food, and survival during these dark times, or during the storm that is coming, you do what you have to do to prepare.


What about the COVID tests?

Now, I will have something to say about this because I took it twice due to family members who attacked me for being sick and having us forced to take it. This is serious. I have learned that we must be careful. Posting about your sickness on social media for your friends and family to see can also have bad consequences. People getting into your personal business including work and medical is a very unpleasant situation. Lesson learned. Don't do it! Be wise in these dark times.

Although I believe that the Lord has protected me from whatever was put in my body through these tests... I am pleading with you! Do not trust them!

This is my thing: you better listen. You better know when to take information in and when to let it roll off your back. But I'm going to tell you something... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this or figure this out. I knew this vaccine was going to be bad long before they rolled it out. But the tests? I had no idea about... at first. Think about it. Why are they are pushing the tests just as they are the vaccines? Why? They are trying to hit you with their poison either way it goes. Either way it goes, they want something up inside of your body.

So, they are going to do it by any means necessary!

You trust these people? In any way? That could be your demise. That's just what it is. That is why I am finally speaking out against this. Because at the end of the day, you better listen to these warning signs. When it's all said and done, and you fall for this? There is going to be no turning back. That's what you got to understand. That's what you got to know.

There is no doubt these crooks are putting some questionable eerie things on these tests, too. Are you going to find it on google? Nope!

But how do we figure out what REAL information is? Take a look at what these crooks are trying to censor, and you will find out.


The dangers of Ethylene Oxide:

You deal with the people. Get into these chats. Get into these different groups discussing this stuff. Learn how to discern. People are trying to share their experiences on some of these networks and they are being censored. The people want to be heard but are being blocked. The truth is right in front of our eyes if we will be willing to see it. There is no doubt they are putting poison on these new COVID tests. Because they know that not everyone is going to take these DNA-changing vaccines. Because if you don't take it in certain areas and job fields, they will tell you that you have to be tested every week. Don't fall for this, guys!

But whatever you do, keep this poison out of your body! That's the only thing you own in this world is your body. That's the only thing you've got control of, and they want to take that away, too!

So, if you took the COVID test, does that mean your DNA is altered? Some have suggested that it is a microdose of the actual COVID vaccine itself because it contains dangerous nano-particles. Would you want to take that chance? I sure don't. One thing to know for sure, Ethylene Oxide can damage your DNA and cause cancer and other health complications. Want to rid your body of it? Check out Using EMP to Rid Your Body of Nano and Nano Poison.


What about those who have been unwillingly forced to take this?

Now, if you have made this mistake of taking these tests (as I have) or had the vaccine forced on you, and you still want to serve God and do his will? Do not fear. This is a sure sign that God has not rejected you, nor has he forsaken you, nor has he stopped loving you. Don't give up or feel discouraged. Turn to him, once again! The mark of the beast has to be received willingly, and if you did not willingly receive this, and if it was forced on you, God will judge those who have forced this evil on you.

John 12:32

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

John 15:16

Ye did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that ye should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should abide: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

Now, some have even shared with me their personal experiences months after taking the COVID test and showed me that they had some of the same reactions as those who have gotten the COVID vaccine. For example: the magnetic effect on the arm or head. But I have not gotten the same reaction from the tests. Not everyone will. But I have the seal of God on me, already. Can God supernaturally protect us from these side effects? Is this biblical? You better believe it! And for those who have unknowingly contracted it through food, air, COVID testing, and such like; the scripture tells us:

Mark 16:17-18

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

My salvation is forever! No man can snatch me out of my father's hand:

John 10:27-28

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

What if my DNA was altered? Without my consent?

So let's just say that it's true that your DNA might have been altered unknowingly through these tests or forced vaccinations. Remember...


"And fear not them that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear Him that is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

They might be able to destroy your earthly body, but they can't touch your soul! God is just! If this were true that they could destroy our faith and our souls with these tests, they would have gotten me at the beginning of this whole COVID pandemic. As a matter of fact, if Hell had its way, it would have killed me a long time ago. But here I am with my soul intact, with my faith intact, with my DNA intact. My God still answers my prayers. My God still showers his presence on me. I still pray in the spirit daily. This is proof that not only that God protected me from this, but he has not rejected me.

These bodies are only shells. We need to know that our hope is in Him alone! And our hope is beyond the grave. And greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world! We need to put our focus on Jesus through this storm!

At the same time, we should not put God through foolish tests, either. I won't be taking another COVID test, and I will not be taking this vaccine because it has the ability to alter your body. Let's not be foolish!


A message to the critics and skeptics of this message

And to those who want to poo poo what I am saying, and to those who don't wish to take this message seriously and wish to call us all quacks and conspiracy theorists: you can think this is a joke if you want to. And I've even heard Christian believers call other Christians idiots for even suggesting that this could be the Mark or the prerequisite of it.

I don't care if you want to call me an idiot! We need to be wise and not be ignorant of the enemy's devices. Or we will be destroyed, just as in the days of Noah.

The scriptures state: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Why? Not because they weren't given the knowledge, but because they rejected it!

And if you put your trust in these crooks who are pushing this vaccine and the tests, when all hell breaks loose, you will realize that you put your trust in the wrong people and individuals. And by then there will be no turning back. So, pay attention!


What it means to be a pureblood:

If you have been untainted by this, congrats! Or if you have been protected from this, as I have; then consider it to be a blessing from the Lord himself. So what does it mean to be a pure blood? To be fully unadulterated seed of Adam and Eve. To be created in the image of God, to be unaltered. And to be born again and be washed in the blood of the lamb! Pure blood, and not ashamed!

I belong to Jesus forever. God has his name written in my DNA!!! He has placed his mark on my right hand and my forehead!

The Mark of the beast, pure blood, covid vaccine the mark of the beast, covid tests the mark of the beast, unvaccinated,

#DontTakeTheMark! (of the beast)


Jesus is coming soon!

You better get right with Christ while you still can! Jesus is coming soon!! Seek the Lord while he may be found. Call him while he is near.


So what must we do?

What I know is this, Jesus is the only means of protection from this evil. So turn to him today. If you don’t have his mark on your right hand and forehead, if you aren’t sealed by his Holy Spirit, you better realize you won’t be able to escape from what’s coming without his hedge of protection! Understand, Jesus is the only way you will be spared from this.

For those who have not yet received salvation:

If you have not yet received Jesus Christ as your savior and received his seal of promise on you, read my personal testimony and find out how you can receive salvation!


  1. Repentance - Turn away from your sins and turn to God.

  2. Baptism by water - When we are baptized into Christ we are baptized unto his death. 1 Peter 3:20-21

  3. Baptism by fire - We must receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For without his spirit, we are none of his.

  4. Don't wait until tomorrow! Check out my testimony to find out more!

For the born again: watch and pray! 👇

We must be diligent in our prayer life, not just once a week, but every day! We MUST stay close to God and pray without ceasing! For Jesus will come as a thief in the night! Don't be as the foolish virgins who did not bring enough oil with them in their lamps, but as the wise virgins who did! Keep your lamp burning bright!

What is the oil? The Holy Spirit living in you, according to the scriptures.

Watch and Pray! Be wise and diligent!


What will happen to the Christians who have taken the jab?

So now, here is the big question I have asked:

"God, what is going to happen to the Christians who have taken this and later realize their mistake? Will you accept them when they turn to you saying 'Oh God, I never should have taken this. Please forgive me!'? What will happen to them?"

I finally got my answer. Finally!!! And I thank him for his faithfulness and mercy!

"They who call upon my name, I will in no wise turn aside. They'll be forgiven, but they'll go in an early entrance into eternity that I never meant for them."

Yes, God will forgive you. But the ramifications of this vaccine are very sad. So, if you haven't taken this, please take heed to this warning! DO NOT TAKE IT! More info here: 👇

Don't make the same mistake!


The Lord will Protect those who are his:

If you are genuinely afraid for the things you see happening on the earth, and you can't wrap your mind around what is happening, the antidote for fear is faith! Believe in God's promises. Here are his promises to his children who obey him and put their faith in him! Memorize these scriptures.

-Isaiah 54:17

-Luke 10:19

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

- Proverbs 3: 25-26

Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

Mark 16:17-18

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

John 10:27-28

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

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Full Sail University Graduate | Game Artist | Singer Song-Writer | EDM Producer | Faith & Heritage | Member of Christian Game Developers Community

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