If you are in favor of this censorship of Christians, be prepared to be next.

One day, I tried to open up my Instagram only to be met with a strange message. It told me that my link on my bio was spam. So it warned me to delete it.
Now, as you know; my link tree was featured in my bio on Instagram and Gab. I am guessing many Instagram users have been posting links to their LinkTree bio. So I changed it to my website name, and it was just fine. So let's take a look at some reasons why Instagram flags link tree links as spam.
Why was Instagram banning link tree links?
According to Gnosys Digital, Instagram has become quite cautious with that one precious link allowed in your bio. This is due to the amount of spam accounts they see. Which is why Instagram is continuously making a lot of LinkTree links as SPAM.
Instagram sees linktree as a way to link sites that are not allowed by Instagram. While many people use it innocently, especially businesses and nonprofits, others use it to link inappropriate or dangerous websites.
-Megan Newman
They won’t allow links to websites with explicit content.
They’re blocking links that appear on a number of accounts within a short period.
Shortened links – such as bitly – are suspect since it’s unclear what you’re linking to.
Funny, fake website names may be blocked (don’t use a fake URL).
Domain names using elements or misspellings of Instagram have been blocked.
And in some cases, it may simply be your WiFi connection to Instagram. Really!
This is something that can happen with no notification to you – so your IG bio link could stop working and you would have no way of knowing!
Apart from Instagram blocking, the Linktree website is known to have downtime causing all the links to stop working and your audience is shown an error when they click your Bio link in your social profile and there will no way for you to know that your efforts to drive traffic via your Biolink is not fruitful just because of downtime on Linktree.
Online business is ever more competitive. Being an online entrepreneur you can only one shot to connect with your potential customer via your bio link if the bio link is not working you have lost your potential sale.
So now that we established the why here, let's move on to LinkTree.
LinkTree flagged me as a sex worker!
Sex workers took to social media over the weekend to share their shock in finding out that their accounts were banned for “inappropriate use” without warning or notice according to Junkee.com.
Some users also alleged that they were billed for the premium service, which costs US $6 per month, and weren’t refunded when their accounts were banned.
In a statement provided to Junkee, Head of Trust & Safety at Linktree Marlene Bonnelly confirmed the company has banned a “small number” of accounts for violating community standards.
“Per our company’s policies, Linktree banned a small number of accounts which stemmed from sharing a URL that violated Community Standards by sharing advertisements for the sale of real-life sexual services,” Bonnelly said.
You can find out more here:
This is what I've been accused of by Linktree and Instagram with no evidence. Where are they getting this idea from? I've always been very keen on modesty, traditional values, and Biblical principles from a young age.
Ok... if you know me then you know what I personally stand for. If you want to know what I am about, visit my blog. You'll find out real quick I don't go for that. But for whatever reason, those CEOs behind LinkTree had the nerve to accuse me of this. They accused me of being a sex worker and posting links that lead to inappropriate sites? That's just messed up! If you can't find fault in someone, just make it up. That's their game. Did they visit my social network sites? I bet you they didn't. I post about music and video game creation. And also, I talk about Biblical things. So is this what they are talking about? So why does this not surprise me? I'm only spreading the gospel, spreading love, and promote Western style art and music. #CensoredForSissies
Don't think you will suffer the same fate on social network sites. If you are in favor of this censorship of Christians, be prepared to be next. Especially if you are promoting ideas that are contrary to the mainstream narrative. You will be excluded for the Gospel. There are lots of cowards hiding in the shadows. And behind computers. I'll tell you, it's happened to me a number of times before. And it all started with the ban of Alex Jones, then the president, and now they've come for the very small fish in really big ponds such as myself. But why me? It has to do with the fact that people are afraid of your potential.
Ever since they banned me from Twitter, they have been giving me this suggestion on my feed as to how to became an influencer on Twitter. All you have to do is go with the mainstream media and woke propaganda, just like a Jellyfish. Just go with the flow. Go along to get along. What a joke.
It's time to break up with LinkTree
Here is why. We all know who is behind these mainstream social media sites like Twitter, Bandcamp, LinkTree, YouTube, and Facebook. They've been bought out and sold to the same 150 people who owned the mainstream media. Can we still use these networks? Sure we can. But with caution and along side of having alternative networks such as Minds, Gab, Truth Social, and MeWe. Also, there are alternative video sites such as Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee which I am also on. You can find me on all of those sites. So be sure to follow me on those alternative networks. See my connection page for more details!
So, aside for the fact that I do still use Bandcamp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, why did I decide to dump LinkTree? Maybe you were banned as I was, or maybe you were thinking about using it, but decided to do some research on it first. I will have to say that LinkTree is not only a site that will ban you for no reason given, but it can actually hurt your branding. The following reasons I will give you are legit.
Don't Sacrifice Your Branding
The free version only has a handful of color schemes. It is most likely that does not fit your branding so you are not creating a cohesive brand experience.
It’s an additional step further from your website
The aim of Social Media is to get people to your website. If you are using Linktree you are just adding another step before people can reach your website. A linktree bio link is taking your audience to a site that isn’t yours with the hope that all of those work smoothly. Being a 3rd party tool you have zero control over it. That extra step is totally unnecessary and makes it more likely for you to have problems getting the people to your website (I can’t tell you how many times I’ve clicked on someone’s Linktree and it just hasn’t worked).
Linktree Logo
The free version also has the linktree logo on the bottom. Let me ask you a different question, would you allow let’s say a 3rd party logo on your website? If you are not allowing another brand logo on your website why should you allow a linktree logo in your bio profile?
Not your own URL
The link to your Instagram profile is a linktree link like https://linktr.ee/my_link – this takes away from your branding. The visibility of your URL diminishes. Always remember that Linktree is not a brand. It was considered to be a SPAM tool or even looked down upon as a cheap tool.
Hurts your SEO (Lower page ranking)
One of the key factors for SEO ranking is the bio link. Search engines in general index bio links. Having your website there improves your rank. I have been experimenting with SEO and I could rank “Turnkey Website” without any link building on the 1st page without any link building but just using my twitter profile and my bio link.
If You’re Not Paying For It, You Become The Product
-Megan Newman
All the effort that you make on your social account will help linktree and other bio services and not you! It’s for this reason Linktree has got a higher ranking and became one of the top IG Apps.
Linktree links could be banned and/or marked as spam by Instagram at any time with no notice – leaving you with a broken link on your Instagram bio. This has happened before as recently as July, 2018 when Instagram temporarily recognized Linktree as against community standards. And now permanently.
No Personalisation
When you are starting your online business, you need to create a more personalized experience from your social media profile right up to your website. With Linktree you can’t do that. It restricts the use of colors, photos, or let’s say additional bio at the button of your links etc.
Cost Money
The pro version of linktree allows you to customize your color scheme and add a short description in addition to some other features – for a monthly fee. As an online entrepreneur, every penny counts and you could be doing the same thing for FREE on your own website or pay much less when you are using WordPress + GCH Micro Hosting. Linktree pro version will cost you 72$ per year. When you use GCH Micro Hosting you are only paying 25$ per year.
No Analytics or FB Pixel
3rd Party apps like Linktree give you no easy/free way to track analytics and figure out if your links are converting. There is no data that is being collected for a re-marketing campaign. A simple re-targeting campaign can be set up using FB Pixel within your profile bio link. This is a big set back when you can’t re-market your services to people who have visited your profile links.
Instead of using LinkTree, do this instead.
Nothing. I’m serious! You shouldn’t use anything other than your own website. If you don’t have a website, you need to make one. Now, before you go getting overwhelmed at creating one and making it look all professional and such I’m here to tell you, there’s no need for that.
You can go right on over to Go Daddy or Bluehost and purchase a URL. They’re all on sale right now and a great URL costs less than $20. You can also use Go Daddy’s website builder service to create a quick and easy one-page website. If you want something a little more customizable, are interested in learning a new skill and have the time, here’s what I recommend for the best results.
Obviously you still need to go forth and purchase a URL, you will need one no matter what. After you’ve purchased a website (with privacy and SSL certificate) upgrade with a WordPress website, and head over to Elegant Themes and purchase the Divi Builder. I’ve been using Divi Builder for many years and it has grown into an incredible builder service is by far the easiest to use app that works seamlessly with WordPress. You won’t feel like a pro in 24 hours and that’s why I say “If you have time.” Learning how to properly use Divi could take you a little time, but once you understand how to use and manipulate the builder you will create a beautiful website.
Let’s say you don’t have any interest in creating your own website or maybe you just don’t know where to start. There are a lot of really great tutorials, freelancers, and consultants who can teach you how to build a website or build it for you.
When we can have a cheaper and much better alternative to Linktree why depend on linktree for your bio links?
Have you been banned from LinkTree? Don't consider it a loss at all. Now you know why you shouldn't us it. So what is the better alternative to LinkTree? You can do as I have done and link people to your connect page on your personal site with all your links. There are also other options, but you do what is right for you. I would suggest using a landing page featuring
Purchase a domain name
Decide on a website builder, and build your site. I use WordPress as page builder
Host your Website
Or Create a custom Instagram Landing Page hosted on your own website!
Customize the page with your branding, logo, navigation bar, footer, and any other desired branding elements.
Include your photo or logo and bio below the links to personalize your landing page and make you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD
Use FB Pixel, Google Tags etc. for each link and retarget people who click
Test your page. Do all the links work?
Get in the habit of updating this page every time you release new content.
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