The story behind the music.

First of all, before I tell you about the story behind the Electronica 8 bit style song, I would like to announce that I have released a remastered version! New update is released and available for purchase. So lets get into it. Check it out! 👇👇👇👇
If you love the song, the style, the singing, and lyrics, I have the full version available for purchase on this site. Your donation of 1 dollar will go towards creating more electronica style songs just like this one! May you be blessed!
Listen to full version/purchase (optional):
The Story Behind The Music

"Loneliness is a very hard thing to go through. Especially when you have no one who is there for you. Searching for love in every which way, but unwanted & unclaimed, standing all alone without a name. But when I called on YHWH He became so near. Then he wiped away all my tears."
These are some of the lyrics in this song I wrote called "My God will Never Forget Me".
It was written in a time in my life when I felt abandoned. When people began to treat me differently because I was no longer a child. I was at the beginning of my adult life having to deal with real struggles that come with the weight of the world, the storms of life, and having to face these storms while alone. I had two choices: sink or swim. This world is full of chaos and sometimes we find ourselves facing storms that we think we are enduring through alone, those times when we are alone.
I have fought hard for years against the 'feeling sorry for myself' struggle. But it's a crazy world we live in. Bad things happen to good people sometimes. And sometimes that person is you. Like me, I was away from my family. No one to share good times with even when they came. So companionship was something I only dreamed of. I waited for what seemed to be a very long time for that.
My friends were getting married off and having kids before I knew it. I was not happy about the fact that I would no longer have them there for me when I needed them. So eventually, I found myself alone in a dark world, away from my family. It was then I had to put my trust in my creator like never before. And it isn't easy. Being alone is no walk in the park. But I wasn't alone. I just needed to realize that. I had to remember that my creator will never leave me nor forsake me.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).
It's a cruel world. And the world is full of chaos. Sometimes if we focus on the chaos rather than fixing our eyes on the creator, we will find ourselves sinking in the storms of life. We got to put our focus on God through the storms of life. God was and is the only thing that has kept me going and has helped me make it through these storms of the past. And he will now.
He is the only reason I live, breathe, and have hope for the future. But what other reason is there to live for? There is no other reason.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, not the storm!
MGWNFM Lyrics: "Growing up is a very hard thing to go through,
Especially when you want someone to notice you.
There was a time I felt worthless, thinking the world should treat me the same,
But what happened when I got older, those things changed.
There was a time I felt a void in my life.
And that people just didn't care as much as they used to.
There was a time it seemed as if there was no one left that cared.
I didn't know why my expectations got too high.
The more I looked into the mirror,
The more I see that I have changed.
But in spite of all changes, I know that his love will always stay the same.
Although this world may forget me, I know that my God will be all I need.
In this world, no matter how bad things are,
My God will never forget me, Nor abandon me.
Loneliness is a very hard thing to go through.
Especially when you have no one who's there for you.
Searching for love in every which way, but unwanted an unclaimed.
Standing all alone without a name.
But when I called on YHWH he became so near.
And then he wiped away all of my tears.
The one true and holy God who gives me hope and joy,
Has been the very one to fill that void.
The more I look into the mirror,
The more I see that I have changed.
But in spite of all changes, I know that his love will always stay the same.
Although this world may forget me,
I know that my God will be all I need.
In this world, no matter how bad things are,
My God will never forget me, Nor abandon me.
To know that he really cares,
I will always be aware that I don't ever have to be alone.
There he will always be any time I need love,
Anytime I can think of, There he will always be.
My God will never forget me."
If you love Western culture paired with Christian spirituality, you've come to the right place! Feel free to subscribe to the blog and Youtube/BitChute channels!
Also, check out "My God Will Never Forget Me" (80s Techno Remix)