Some are amazed that you survived the trap they set for you.

God says in his word that they who have set a trap for you will fall into it themselves. He says this to remind our hearts of his care and love for us. How that he is steadfast in his commitment to seeing us through to the end of the road that we are on.
Also, very important to note is that this establishes the fact that there are those who are not in support of your success. Some people don’t want to see you win.
There are those who will oppose you either from the shadows or right in front of you. For whatever reason possible, they find cause to prevent you from becoming the person that you are meant to be.
You have and will continue to meet them. This is not something you can wish away or rebuke.They could be close acquaintances or people who we don’t even know. As a matter of fact, most of the people who stand to oppose us or say bad things about us when we succeed are people who have never even met us.
Men seem to have a knack to want to pull other people down through their words or actions. That is life. Realize it and plan to live your life above the opinions of men, the gossips they spread, or traps they set up for you.
Never Lose Focus on God's Purpose For You
Listen! You have been through a lot. You have probably been through hell and back. But you stood strong all through, and now you’ve come out of it. You’ve stood firm and established in your call, and now you have come more into the reality of what he always wanted you to be.
That’s great! Now:
One of the character strengths you must gain and master is the ability to coexist with your enemies and opposers even in your success: not with a sense of competition, but instead with true focus.
Do not allow peoples disposition and perception of you (or wish of evil for you) determine you from your purpose or journey. You need to learn how to have and maintain focus.
Never Resort To Retaliation
Immature people notice everything done to them; they exert their energy in every little fight. If truly you have succeeded then it means you have been through things that have built and formed you into a person that can handle the challenges to come, especially the praises and pretense of men.
You have to gain the ability to look inwards. It is one of the greatest gifts God bestowed on those who stay through the process: that ability to stay focused despite the opposition of men.
Do not be one of those who repay evil with evil. Yes, some people have hurt you and have tried to pull you down. Some even attempt to do that by constantly setting traps for you or spreading fake news about you. This is to ensure that you don’t get to where God wants you to go, or pulling you off the ladder so they could rise.
But you see all of that is over. Because no matter how real it now feels, it’s all in the past.
You will end up losing the consciousness of the person God has called you to be when you follow the painful hurtful desire in your heart for retaliation.
The bigger man and a woman in the room is the one who is able to overlook the overwhelmingly obvious stares of haters, and stay focused on the job. To overlook anything and everything that does not have to do with “moving forward”, that is how you show that you are the bigger man, the better woman, by remaining focused.
Of course, you must guard your heart. Vulnerability in such cases is not wisdom. You will fold them at arm’s-length, yet you will watch your heart: So that bitterness and the need to use your newfound success or influence to prove a point does not take over you.
Guard Your Heart and Repay Evil For Good
Learn to love, in such cases; for your own sake.
Respect your heart enough not to cast your pearls before those who you know are obviously pigs or swine - those who will not value the preciousness of that which you give.
Forge on ahead. Let your good works and diligence continue.
If you allow bitterness to dictate how you relate to these people, you will end up not being different from any of them. And sooner or later you will find yourself being caught up with a desire to repay evil with evil.
Despite all you have been through, remember that it’s not your father’s will for you to repay good with evil. Do not expect the same from them. In fact, you could expect the worst they could throw. Yes, anticipate it ahead of time; long before they think of doing it, so that it will not shock you when it happens. But you make a decision for yourself now: A decision of what your response would be. That it would be that of love and good will. Nothing more and nothing less.
We can take a cue from David in the Bible. His life seemed to always hit a wall. There always seems to be a roadblock in front of him. But through all those periods of being considered an outcast from the family, God was preparing him for something greater.
Why don’t we take a quick pause and have you take a look at yourself?
If those people hadn’t set a trap they set, you would not have learnt the lessons you have now learnt. You won’t have had to allow the things you went through work their work in your life teaching you many lessons that you now hold dear to your heart that have built the strength of character in you and trust to God.
When they saw a Shepard boy, God saw a king

If David had not been an outcast, he wouldn’t have learnt the diligence of being a Shepherd. Neither would he have had the chance to face the lion or the bear. And therefore would not have mastered the compassion of a leader. he wouldn’t have grown closer to God as he did on those vast dry planes of Israel.
Those times taught him very dear lessons, and when the time came, God looked at David’s heart and compared to that of his eldest brother, Eliab. and God gave a conclusion that David the boy was a much better man than Eliab was at the time, despite the fact that Eliab was probably over a decade older than David. Why? Because he allowed the process.
He turned the reproach to his favor and saw it was God’s work in his life. You see, he was convinced that God was his Shepherd and that he was safe, absolutely safe in him. And he was anointed to be the king of Israel. This only brought a lot more jealousy and envy against him.
I can only imagine what he went through in the hands of his family members afterward. It was obvious that things only got worse. He was still sent off to the same labors that he had before and obviously Eliab did not soften in his interaction with him.
On the battlegrounds where David faced Goliath, The Bible says Eliab grabbed him and insulted him. David’s response proves that the insult was something he had heard over and over again and that he was now desperate to prove his innocence this time. At the end of the day, when his family should have been happy for him, they put him under more serious labour and through worse reproach, and it only worked to prepare him further for where God was taking him.
“You think killing a bear was good enough? Well, how about we kill a giant?” And this he did.
Life must have taught you now that men could be wicked, absolutely relentless in how they treat you, and that there will always be men to try to pull you down because ‘not all men have faith'. But realize that things will only work to make you better, to make you more focused, more given and talented, more conscious of gods call on your life.
And the day will come when you and those people will stand on the battlefield, and you will be the only thing between them and death, or destruction or a broken marriage, or the loss of their job, or bankruptcy.
Be cautious not to walk the path of this process with a sense that a time will come when they will need you. That is to have contempt in your heart. And if you do then you really are drowning in their traps.
Instead, stay through the process simply because you believe God and you trust his plan for your life.
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