For stating that a man cannot become a woman. What a joke! 🤡
And this is coming from those claiming they stand up for REAL women? Yeah, right. 🙄

So why are they calling me, a biological woman; a man? Here is why.
I stumbled upon a post hyping up a man defeating a woman in the ring. The Olympics have definitely gone woke, and it's clear to everyone. Now, women are forced to compete against men who identify as women, creating a serious imbalance. Men naturally have greater strength and endurance—it's an unfair match from the start.
The system’s glitching, and it’s time to reboot.

I stated:
If you are a man who can't win against other men, why not put on female attire and compete against women? That's how winners are made these days. Congratulations!
Now, I've got some hate comments over that, calling me a ((dumb hater who looks like a man))! How disrespectful!
This sounds just like:
((“She just said that a man can’t be a woman. How hateful and judgmental! Off with her head!!!”))
It goes like this:
Mariam Naji
((Sonya Marlene ohh sweetheart you sound so dumb and uneducated. she is a female. Xx chromosome. Algeria laws make it illegal to be trans and would never send a man in place if a woman. She worked hard over the years to be the best.))
Justina Liew
Mariam Naji, the point is that he's being DISQUALIFIED for failing his gender test by the international boxing federation or IBF back in the day. Didn't you know that? Grow up, dude.
Dave Poz
((Sonya Marlene and if you are ignorant and uneducated about the topic, you post crap like this!))
Oh boy, here we go with name calling and put-downs! The only ones that seem to be uneducated are the ones who don't even know how to define what a woman is. The hate comments, telling me I look like a man; tell all.
((Bold accusation, considering you look a bit like a man.)), ((Sonya Marlene, you look like a man)), ((So, you are a man?)), ((Stupid)), ((Is that how you've got by in life?)), ((what a clown)), ((Sonya Marlene is a confused man.)), ((Is this what you did? You naughty, naughty boy you!)), etc.

This has to stop... She’s not a man. I'm not a man! Who, in their right mind; would label an actual woman a man? This is just stupid and slanderous!
But here we are...🙄

To those who support the lie while mocking truth-tellers, laughing it up with clown emojis and calling them 'uneducated clowns'—your time's coming. When the lies are exposed, you’ll be the ones on the other side of the joke. No rest, no peace, just the cold light of reality. 🌐⚡
James R. Hunt
((Sonya Marlene show one shred of verifiable bit of proof she is male.))
Oh, don't you worry James. The hard evidence will eventually be made known in the public ally.

There isn't anything hidden that will not be made known.
When the final day arrives, it's gonna hit hard for those who twist truth and call it a lie, choosing the sweet comfort of deception over the raw reality of God's message. ⚡ The truth is electric, and it’s coming. 🚀
It's your well-known female icons in Hollywood and the music industry that will be exposed as biological men. It's going to be stuff that will hit the hand that will expose the lies for what they are.
You who do not like proof, don't choke when it comes out. Because He is going to ram it down your throat.
((No, you are weird.)),
The woke lefties have no business calling Christians weird.
These are the same people who call cities like Austin and Portland home—where the unofficial city mottos, splashed across T-shirts and massive murals, proudly proclaim, (("Keep Austin Weird")) and (("Keep Portland Weird")). They’re the ones who coined terms like "Neurodivergent" and flaunt it like a badge of honor, all in a bid to normalize and celebrate what used to be considered outside the norm. So when they turn around and label Christians as weird, the hypocrisy is glaring—it’s like it's part of their program now.
But here's the real kicker: the very people who slap the "weird" label on Christians are the same ones who believe men can get pregnant. They're the folks insisting drag queens should be reading to our kids, demanding that LGBTQ+ propaganda be woven into the fabric of elementary education. These are the ones who stroll around, triple-masked, quadruple-vaxxed, and still clinging to their masks like it’s a fashion statement. The irony is cosmic, but in this neon-soaked reality, it’s all just part of the strange, twisted show.
So, these woker brokers want to think they are the "smart" and "educated" ones. huh?
So smart, name-calling is their default setting when their arguments crash and burn. They’re just echoing their own flaws while pointing fingers. Classic case of the pot calling the kettle neon!
And now for the character assassination.

Karen Tracy
((You know you are one of the hateful people they are talking about. Be better.))
Because speaking the truth is apparently the new "hate speech". Ok, Karen!
Alexandra Mersiovsky
((Judge not, lest you be judged. But I thank you. Until today, I didn't know that there were Christian extremists who defined themselves as musicians.))
Twisting scriptures to fit today's re-brand of watered-down lukewarm Christianity. The rules are:
1. Be nice!
2. Tolerate anything and everything.
3. Never judge anyone ever!!!
I don't know what religion that is, but it's definitely not Christianity.
In this digital glow, the script's been flipped, but let's get real—it’s not Christianity they're selling, it's a hollow shell, a bad remix without the heart of the original. I'm not 'judging,' just observing the obvious—like the clear distinction between male and female anatomy. You don’t need a neon-colored PhD to see it.

Low Beam
((Sonya Marlene how bout use your brain for something other than a paper weight ...Iman is 100 percent female))
Still in denial? Just wow! They'd come up with the indisputable truth and you'd still be convinced he's a woman. What an absolute joke!
Because you live in the midst of deceit you refuse to accept the truth. Overwhelming evidence will be presented that these are men. A cascade of evidence, a cavalcade of proof and documentation that will erase all doubt that the matter at hand is true.
Kirenia Martínez
((Sonya Marlene you're wrong lady.))
Thanx for acknowledging my femaleness. Also know this:
New evidence will be shown in such a way that no one will ever say anything in defense of that person who is being exposed again!
Victoria Leonard
((Sonya Marlene just say you're willfully ignorant.))
You are failing to grasp what I am saying because you are so full of pride and unbelief. You are rejecting what God has established because you want to embrace what YOU believe.
As a 3D artist, I've mapped out the intricacies of both male and female forms in every dimension. It’s not rocket science, but apparently, it’s controversial. And when a biological woman is told she “looks like a man,” the silence is deafening. But flip the script, and suddenly, it’s a crime to acknowledge reality.
As for the biological female being told she "Looks like a man," well, that's just plain rude! But that's perfectly fine. That's not 'misjudging' or 'misgendering' anyone at all.
Actually, it's quite hateful and degrading.
The woke mobs rally, pitchforks in hand, while they conveniently ignore the hypocrisy of their own words. Meanwhile, Ricardo Freitas Calado swoops in with a patronizing lecture on evolution, trying to question my intellect while failing to grasp basic biology.
Ricardo Freitas Calado
((Given that you are the product of 3.5 billion years of evolution I suggest you act like it. Right now it looks like intelligence has been chasing you and somehow you've managed to stay one step ahead. Imane is a CIS woman. It's interesting how confident you are in judging someone else's identity, especially when understanding your own seems like it might be challenging enough.))
But here’s the kicker—where was the outrage when they misjudged my identity, calling me a man? And if Imane is truly a REAL woman, then why is he threatening to sue J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk for speaking against this gender bender madness? And why does he have male anatomy?

Because Imane is a man, plain and simple! If you can’t see that, maybe you should check your own circuitry before questioning mine. This isn’t about intellect—it’s about truth in a world that's slowly forgetting what that even means.
Thank God I am not a product of today’s mainstream government public school brainwashing. We have no right to re-define God’s design of man and woman. I fear for this generation.
The pretexts they use to "justify"

Just pointing them out for entertainment purposes, and I would encourage everyone not to argue their pretexts. Just reject their conclusions. End of. Their arguments are in the ((Yellow parentheses)).
Rae-el Caldicott
((Sonya Marlene, You sound extremely ignorant. So a test that identifies XY chromosomes does not offer a complete picture.))
How? Those with XY chromosomes? That’s straight-up reality, not a glitch. No amount of wishful thinking can rewrite that code. Truth is hardwired, and you can’t just reboot it to fit your preference.
((And in the case of Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting, the IBA has not disclosed details of the way they were tested. There is no direct evidence that DSD athletes have the same advantage as typical males. When it comes to Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting, we don’t have enough information to know if they have a DSD that would need to be regulated.))
Blah blah blah! He has an Adam's apple. He has male anatomy. Why over complicate it?
((Regulating elite sports, which typically rely on male-female binary categories in competition, is complicated because human biology is complex.))
The difference between male and female definition:
A woman—a female human being with two X chromosomes. It’s so simple, even a kid could grasp it. Why can’t you?
Looks like it’s time to reboot the system! But wait... the public schools have been hacked by this woke glitch!

It’s like watching a corrupted file overwrite reality. This is one serious malfunction, and it’s disheartening to witness.
((Those who shared stories claiming Imane Khelif was a 'biological male' were deceived. They failed to demonstrate basic media literacy skills, such as fact-checking and source examination, and instead uncritically accepted and spread false information to further their own agendas.))
Oh, so you’re putting all your trust in the “fact checkers”? Major glitch detected. Truth isn’t just another program to be manipulated. Male and female biology is coded in reality, backed by science. Looks like someone’s operating system crashed during biology class.
((The IBA's recent decision to disqualify Imane Khelif has sparked intense debate and scrutiny. The organization has faced accusations of transphobia, misogyny, and racism due to the seemingly arbitrary nature of its rulings.))
So, questioning the Olympics organization makes you a target now? Shouldn’t we have the right to ask questions? It’s time for good people to stand up instead of bowing to the woke mob. We need to start promoting real fairness for a change. But if you dare question it, suddenly you’re labeled transphobic and racist? That sounds pretty absurd to me.
Let’s cut through the noise and focus on what’s real.
These people are now saying that they do not want to be defined by any gender. They will protest that (depending on things like sex, gender, and biology) is "limiting" them. They will call respecting any form of biology "discrimination".
So now, Rae-el Caldicott continues to list her pretexts to justify her position.
((The IBA's lack of transparency regarding its testing procedures and criteria has further fueled speculation and public outcry. Additionally, the IBA's history of being banned from the Olympics since 2019 raises questions about its credibility and ability to govern the sport of boxing in a fair and impartial manner.))
Fair and impartial does not equal letting men compete against women. That brings an unfair advantage for women! Men are greater in strength than women.
Men are generally stronger than women due to several biological and physiological factors:
Muscle Mass: Men naturally have more muscle mass than women, thanks to higher levels of testosterone, which promotes muscle growth. This gives men greater strength, particularly in the upper body.
Bone Density: Men typically have denser bones, which supports heavier muscle mass and contributes to overall physical strength.
Body Composition: Men have a lower percentage of body fat compared to women, which means more of their body weight is made up of muscle, giving them an edge in physical strength.
Hormonal Differences: Testosterone, the primary male hormone, plays a significant role in muscle development and strength. Women have lower levels of testosterone, which influences their muscle mass and strength.
Size and Frame: On average, men have larger frames and more robust skeletal structures, which support greater physical power.
Acknowledging that these general differences exist, it's important to remember that men and women are physically different and have different capabilities.
((The controversy at hand is not concerned with fairness, testosterone, hormonal conditions, or XY chromosomes. It is, rather, a result of transphobia, misogyny, racism, and Russian attempts to discredit the IOC for their ban on Russia and deepen existing political divisions among their adversaries.))
In other words ((Everything I disagree with is RACIST and I'm ignoring the physical realities of male and female.)) While claiming to be for women' rights? Did I hear you correctly? It doesn’t matter what your reasons are if your conclusion leads me to believe a lie.
The scripture state:
A woman must not wear a man’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing. This kind of thing is an abomination to GOD, your God.
-Deuteronomy 22:5
Dear Rae-el Caldicott, where did you even pick up these wild stories and fictional narratives? Did you get them from Alycia Baumgardner, or maybe one of the IBA members? As if biological realities, genetics, and sex hormones don't determine male or female, what does?
So why are the youth of today so confused? This is a demonstration of how graphically our world has already changed.
And before diving any deeper into this absurd debate—which I won’t—let’s just take a step back and realize how ridiculous it is. Now, let’s shift gears and look at this from a Biblical perspective.
Time to cut through the noise and get back to the truth.
A man is NOT a woman! In the Bible, both Genesis 1:27 and Matthew 19:4 emphasize that God created humanity as male and female.
In Genesis, it states, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” 1. Similarly, in Matthew, Jesus responds, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’”.
This highlights the foundational understanding of human creation as a complementary union of both genders. 😊
The core of all these excuses they use to justify their actions? It's pride, plain and simple. A mindset that turns away from honoring the true source of life. The mystery of lawlessness keeps spinning in the hearts of many.
If I speak the truth and you mock me for it, that's on you. If you stay lost in the darkness, it’s because you chose it—chose not to break free, not to stand against it, not to resist with all you’ve got.
Only Jesus resisted every sin and conquered the world so we could rise above it too.
God says:
"My word is eternal. My word is the power that hung the stars. It holds the earth in place. It can never be undone. It can never be removed.
A man will never be a woman and a woman will never be a man.
It doesn't matter what people say. It doesn't matter if the government says its ok. It doesn't matter what is "allowed". No government can change my word. No power in this world or in any other place can speak louder than my voice.
I say to you: A man will NEVER be a woman. And a woman will NEVER be a man. This is MY word. And my word can NEVER be changed!"
-Thus saith the LORD!
All the while they promote sexual deviancy, they are going to be against the Adams and Eves coming together in marriage.

They are going to be protesting against heterosexuality within the bonds of matrimony because Satan wants to erase the last traces of God’s blueprint.
They’ll try to spin the idea that sex is just a label, claiming that no one should be confined to male or female. They’ll push the falsehood that marriage isn’t necessary to bring life into the world. Next up? Alternate methods to create life—like figuring out how to have men carry babies while they sterilize women. This is the drive of transhumanism.

They aim to dismantle traditional marriage, families, and the natural act of intimacy, replacing them with everything that’s off-limits. The way God designed intimacy will be condemned, wiped out, and flipped on its head. God's natural order will be demonized, hated, and cursed. Soon, trans, non-binary, and pronoun trends won’t just be fringe—they’ll be mainstream. Many will buckle under the pressure, choosing conformity over truth to avoid the backlash.
As a Christian, if you’re not ready to be hated, you’re not ready for what’s coming. In the end times, everything—including the storms—will be pinned on born again believers.
So, if you are the type of person that wears their feelings on their shoulders and seeks to be liked by people, the future is going to be very hard for you.
Christians will be the neon lights shining in the darkness, reflecting God's vision on Earth. But those lost in the shadows, following false idols and the path of lawlessness, will despise this radiant truth. The enemy can't stand the glow of God's design, so he'll aim to snuff it out. Revelation warns us of the battles ahead, where the faithful will face the ultimate test for walking in God's way.
View Transgender Reprobates: A Prophetic Warning!
What about Gender dysphoria? Exceptions do not make the rule. Having your body parts cut off is not the same thing. Trying to change your sex is not the same thing. You cannot change what God has already established.

People have been taking the rainbow ideology so seriously that they are now using their own bodies for billboards for their beliefs.
People are fighting for the right to be what they want to be. Yet people today are also unhappy because they are trying to be what they were never created to be.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
-Isaiah 5:20-21
Whoever does not receive God in themselves will be handed over to the reprobate mind!
His word is forever settled in heaven. And it will never change!
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