Despite the fact I have disavowed this Antique Nationalist movement and their Hitler idol publicly, many times, why do these Comrades still lump me in with these people? Another group of people that hate me? What did I do to deserve this?

If you are one who is easily triggered by political things, especially things of this nature, I suggest you not read this. But for the record, this needs to be discussed.

There is this rumor going around about me on the internet that suggests that I'm a National Socialist, a Neo-Pagan, or an anti-semite. Obviously, that's not true. However, If you are one who is concerned about this, I'm writing this for you. Or maybe you might be one who tried to google my full name and was surprised to find that the first thing that popped up was a Nazi post about me. It's cringe. So here, I am getting to the bottom of this defamation of character and putting this whole thing to rest.
First of all, this site is NOT about politics. It's about Synthwave EDM with a touch of German culture, crimped hair, and neon dirndls. After all, my cultural background mainly consists of the German and English ethnic groups.
So, it's no wonder they would make Nazi jokes about me, right? Big surprise.
And since the nature of this accusation is political, I will also let you know that:
I don’t belong to the right, I don’t belong to the left, I don’t belong to politics, I don’t belong to the society, I don’t even belong to this world. I belong to Christ.
So why are they spreading these ungodly rumors about me? Here I explain.
Who is this individual spreading Nazi rumors about me?
I googled my name and found not one, not two, not three, not four, but five different websites defaming my character!! Five!!! I was very outraged. 🤔 Why me? My old Twitter account was taken down. My Bandcamp was deleted (with only 5 songs). Now, this! I'm such a small fish in a very big pond. Why are these people attacking me?? I'll tell you why people do this. They are afraid of your potential.
Despite the fact I have disavowed this Antique Nationalist movement and their Hitler idol publically (many many times), why am I still having issues with people who wish to spread this fake news about me? If you hate someone, what better tactic can one use to defame someone's character and ruin their lives? And to ensure that someone fails to reach their potential?
What would be the fuel behind this? Why so much hate?
This "Anonymous Comrade" (also known as "Heresy Labs") has made an ill attempt to smear my name all over the internet. This spreading of rumors about people they have never met and probably will never meet is at an all-time high for these anti-white Marxists. It's evident. Why overuse the term 'Nazi'? It's the "ultimate sin", that's why.
(("...Nazi thirst trap sites.")) What type of nonsense is this lady rambling about?? This is a site I created to showcase my electronic music and game art masterpieces. Where is she getting these ideas from?
She states in her latest post in 2022:

What? Black origins??? Is this person trying to put words in my mouth I never said? I think she is. It is evident. NOT. MY. WORDS. Why do these people always have to bring up race?? Salvation is not about race. Race/color/ethnic origins/culture do not create value or status in God's kingdom, as I have repeatedly stated. Also, God glories in the different.
Furthermore, everything I do reflects my Judeo-Christian values and German/English Victorian cultural influences. Why? Because that's my history and heritage. That's who I am. But this negative brush you are trying to paint on me is not. And it is defamatory!
(("White pride propaganda"?)) Ok, ma'am..... 🙄 The truth I speak of is not propaganda! And furthermore:
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with being content with and exalting one's European ancestry and Western culture. Other cultures are told to be proud of who they are, so why not the folks of European descent? Generally speaking, virtually every nation, culture and creed has had its low points and high points, but God made us all and He said what he created was good."
This "Anonymous commie" spreading ungodly rumors about me on the internet, misrepresenting me, and lumping me with a certain hate group because I promote Western culture influences in my music or Brunette Beauty on @BrunetteDiva101 via Twitter and FB? Yeah... she's going to be judged for her hatred, too. You know who you are.
Neo-Pagans are all about light features. Not brunette hair. But maybe I’m just wrong? 🤷Brunette Beauty via @BrunetteDiva101 celebrates women who are brunettes.
I find it very interesting that they would put such a label on me for starting a brunette beauty page: failing to realize why I started it in the first place. After all, it promotes the opposite of what their all-light features beauty standard is shooting for. The reason why Brunette Beauty FB page and Brunette Beauty blog exists is because of this anti-brown features beauty standard that had been floating around and promoted in both Western and non-Western communities.
It is a meme pathogen that teaches most of our women to hate themselves, and people of other groups.
This also applies to men, too. I've had men tell me things like: (("I have brown hair and brown eyes and I hate it!")) While they insult your physical appearance and put you down for having dark hair. Yeah, that's my experience with these online Odin worshipers.
Imagine needing validation from people who don't like themselves. Imagine me needing validation from you?
I address this problem on a blog I wrote called: "God colored me the way he did... because he liked it." It's a lengthy read, but it's worthy. I encourage my #brunettes to stop falling for this deception!
My intention for creating these pages and blogs was to encourage confidence for our Brunette women and girls to counter this blonde hair & tanned-skin beauty ideal.
🤦♀️ Do they even know what the term Nazi means???? This "genius" calling me that (and telling it to her audience), I have one question to ask her:
"Tell me what a Nazi is AND what evil deed(s) I have perpetrated to merit such an accusation?"
Before she answers (if she even bothers to read this at all) and while she's stuck between stammer & stutter, I would like to remind her that words have meaning.

And for the record: Why would I want to promote a mindset that teaches people like me that we're inferior? Because we're not blonde?
This lady does not have a clue about me! SMH 🤦
By the way, the word is short for “National Socialist” for those who don’t know.
Just because Hitler promulgated hatred through the use of nationalism does not mean nationalism is wrong and/or Nazi. Nationalism is good if you exclude hatred.
The identity of Anonymous Comrade (Heresy Labs) is now revealed (2023 update):
Since Twitter is censoring the link to this article, I will be providing it for you here. So much for free speech on Elon Musk's new twitter, huh? This needs to be addressed. So here it is, folks: the identity of the Anonymous Comrade (Heresy Labs). And you would have never guessed who the culprit is. And all this time I was trying to find out who this person was. When I saw this posted on Twitter, by a follower of mine; I was shocked to find out that the perpetrator was a white blonde woman by the name of Hilary Elizabeth Sargent of Roslindale, MA! She was someone you would have never expected it to be. Full scoop below.
This is the exact person that put me on a hit list of “Nazi” artists to target. Can you believe it? Is this woman kidding? What evidence does she have to prove that I was ever involved in a National Socialist political movement? None!
Her and her cronies have been targeting a lot of Western positive artists: People who just want a positive representation of their culture and nation's history. This whole thing is some kind of woke witch hunt. We are having our culture, history, ancestors, and nation demonized by the news, public school education, Hollywood, and political movements. And now it comes down to being targeted and defamed if you have something to say about it?
So you could only imagine how I ended up on this witch hunt hit list. Let me take a wild guess... did I post something on Twitter speaking against antiwhite hatred? Yes! And that’s all it takes for these "comrades" to come after you. I don't just speak against antiwhite race-hate, you know. I also speak against hatred of all others, too.
Why do whites do this to other whites? For standing up against dogma directed against them for the color of their skin? I will never understand. I wonder if she realizes that her hatred of her own ethnic group won't actually earn her any credit with non-white antiwhites. Today, she is still is doxxing people, giving out their personal information; on Twitter and other sites.
She targeted a number of artists that were featured in WAC, which features art and music done strictly by Western artists of all different backgrounds and beliefs. And if that is their wish, they should be free to do so.
As long as they are not inflicting harm on anyone else, why persecute them for that? If there was an African Art Collective, or Asian art/American Indian art/Arabic art collective, they would be OK with that. So why are Western art archives demonized? Because there could be "bad people" in them?
There are bad people in every group. Because where there are people, there is evil. Why demonize an entire group for its bad apples when we all have them?
I was also featured on WAC Fedora Favorites show for two years in a row. Why did I allow them to feature my songs there? To share the gospel of Jesus through art and music!
And I would like for Hilary, and anyone else from her group to know this: I am not a part of a Nazi group. That is a lie you are spreading and that will not go over well with many people like me. And if you are spreading this lie, you better be prepared to back up your statement with solid evidence (if you have it which you don't). Because, at this point; I have a right to sue you for defamation of character. And you better believe, if I don't; someone else will! So, I'll just say; I am sending prayers for you instead. Because you are going to need it!
Although there are some real Neo-Nazi pagans she lists on her page, there are also people she is lumping in with them that aren't. It seems to me that this woman is not reaping any immediate consequences and actually receiving support her unjust persecution of some of these peaceful, law abiding artists who don't share in her hatred of White People.
She now goes by the name of @AnonCommieStan and @lilsarg on twitter. Be aware! I suggest you block her wherever you find her.
This is a dirty thing these "Comrades" have done. They're literally trying to get people socially lynched, canceled, and fired from their jobs for what amounts to "thought crime". Spreading lies, misinformation about them, and giving out their personal data on social media? These American traitors are committing grave offenses against innocent law-abiding citizens. When will the institutions of free expression and free speech finally stand up to them?
We need to hold these people accountable! This should never be acceptable.
Are you being accused of the "ultimate sin"?
Why is the 'woke' movement lumping so many people with this hate group? And why me? Could it be because of my Western positive stance?
So, what does “Western Positive” mean? It means a positive representation of Western-kind, Western culture, and Western history.
After all, this is the opposite of what the 'woke' movement is shooting for which is the antiwhite agenda: to paint a negative brush on all of Western history, culture, civilization, and peoples.
We would like a positive representation of our history, nation, and peoples. We are allowed to feel some type of way about this, and if it were any other group of people who were being demonized for their immutable characteristics, they would be the ones complaining about it!
So, Westerners; you are not crazy for feeling this way!
So, what are some other reasons they would lump someone with this race-hate group?
Hey conservative, are you wondering why you're called a Nazi?
Are you:
-For Borders, language, and culture
-Pro-traditional family
Guess what? You have those "awful Nazi values". 😂😂😂😂
My Instagram account is centered around celebrating my music/art accomplishments, the people and the things that are connected to me, and my faith in Jesus. It's all a part of me. It's who I am. It's what I do.
I promote uplifting content that encourages and inspires Westerners to love their skin and their history as well as people of other cultures. And since many of us have been taught to hate ourselves from youth, I hope this inspires many.
For presenting European and Western culture in a positive way I have been wrongly accused of:
1. Wanting to feel superior 2. White supremacy 3. Racism (anti-white slur) 4. Nazism 5. Neo-Paganism
I don’t want to be “rare”. I don’t want to feel “superior“. I just want my Western people to stop hating themselves.
So, what can be done about this misrepresentation of me and my motives and stances?
I find it very interesting that Western people who stand up for themselves are pointed out as Nazis and fascists by those in the 'woke' movement, even though most Western people have been taught to reject such erroneous ideas. And they do. And they are in the millions. And we should reject such ideas. But this is the reason why many Westerners are afraid to speak out about their legitimate concerns and fail to do so for fear of being called a Nazi, being doxed, or losing their jobs. And can you blame them? And it seems to me that no matter how careful you are, this can happen to anyone.
The blatant demonization and hatred that is constantly being promoted against those of European descent are at an all-time high! It is right in front of our faces. Since when have we grown accustomed to thinking that this is acceptable? Why is this even allowed in our schools? Media? News outlets? Why don't authorities choose to put a stop to it? I can't even stomach the mainstream news anymore! And likewise, we also see a lot of this promoted on alternative media and social media platforms as well.
So what do we do? Maybe we all should start standing against it. But before doing so, here is what you must also be wary of. This is the reality of what you will be faced with when making a choice like that.
There is a cost for standing for truth. Many may think badly of you because of that. You may lose jobs, lose friends, or opportunities because of that. You may even get arrested or wrongly labeled because of that. Surely, there are many famous historical figures who have gone through that.
The handbook they hand out at the DNC. I've been called some of these.

And what is there to misunderstand about my message???
I am reinforcing the moral framework that I work within.
Of course, I am not going to misrepresent who I am as the antiwhites have done. They have mistaken who I am. And here, in my own defense; I'm setting the record straight! Here is my pinned tweet (from 2019) these ignoramuses failed to acknowledge before posting this garbage about me: 👇

Btw, this account was banned for reasons discussed on another blog. But you can re-follow my new account @retrosonya via Twitter.
No, I am not an antique nationalist. And, no; I am not a neo-pagan or a Nazi. I don’t care about Hitler, nor would I endorse a worldview that demonizes people based on their color, origins, or race.
All people should be open to constructive criticism, but to demonize anyone for their immutable characteristics is immoral. We are demonized for our immutable characteristics. Only criminal people (of any group) will not operate inside of a moral framework.
Why am I promoting Western culture in my music/art?
Not everyone will understand the message you are trying to present when you do this, and that should be expected.
I encourage a love for one's self, for others, for country, history, and most of all our amazing creator.
And if that makes people feel uncomfortable that I promote a positive representation of the things and the people that are connected to me, and if it makes people feel uncomfortable that I encourage Westerners to love their skin and their history as a RESPONSE to the hatred that is encouraged by this 'woke' movement in public schools and media, then good! I'm not sorry that this makes people feel uncomfortable. I'm not sorry for being the way the good Lord made me.
I will not apologize for my skin color. I will not apologize for the past mistakes of other white people. Because the only one I have to apologize to is the LORD for MY sins!
They hate me, not because I am a Nazi (Far from it). They hate me because I want my people to stop hating themselves! To stop hating their skin! To stop hating their history! To stop hating their ancestors!
What about you? have you ever experienced being defamed online for standing up for what you believed in? Have you ever been misunderstood, misrepresented, or spoken evil of for your stances? Let us know about your experience in the comments below!
Also remember:
If you're not hated, you're not doing anything important!
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🏰 #GodWins 🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗
Also read: MY BANDCAMP WAS DELETED: What's going on???
You'll always be misunderstood by people committed to misunderstanding you. My issue is how they wish to make people see you in a negative light when they don't even know you, I've seen this with you certainly but you're not the only one.
-Nik Clay