🌟 Embracing the Gospel - Put away false gods 🌟

Now, before we get into this discussion, I will be answering some questions that have been asked of me:
I am pro-human, white, black, Asian, Jewish, mixed heritage, you name it. If you are a human being created in the image of God, you are of redeemable value. That means you are worth something. Jesus died on the cross for all human beings. And if you are one, then get on board and get with Jesus!
Yes! I believe in self-preservation of all peoples, including those with Western and Russian heritage. The big deal is that I see people making an idol out of it while hating on others who choose to do otherwise. As God's peculiar treasure, we are not to hate others who live differently than us. I cover that here.
This may not be the typical retro 1980s cool blog posts I usually write about. But this is a real problem I have come across in the Western positive community (and non-Western communities alike) when alt-right groups and individuals infiltrate it while attacking Christians and mocking Jesus. This needs to be addressed!
Growing up, I witnessed the pervasive influence of an "all-light features" beauty standard that seemed to idolize blonde hair and blue eyes. My mother, like many, bleached her hair, and I, too, felt the pressure to conform to this standard. Despite my pleas to experiment with my natural brown locks, I was met with resistance. This cultural obsession led me down a damaging path of hair bleaching and self-hate. The struggle to fit into an unrealistic mold fueled resentment and brought forth a stronghold of rejection which did terrible damage to my soul.
It wasn't until I renounced the lie of insignificance and embraced self-acceptance through my faith in Jesus that I found freedom. The pressure to conform to societal standards, often rooted in colorism, took a toll on my mental well-being. This journey taught me the importance of rejecting harmful narratives and finding solace in embracing one's authentic self. Ultimately, my story is a reminder that true freedom and self-worth come from the Lord, not from conforming to outward beauty standards dictated by society or misguided ideologies.
This served as a huge eye-opener to me. So, what does this have to do with the alt-right and their big white idol? Everything. And I'm spelling it out.
A healthy admiration vs worship
This is not to say that you shouldn't be allowed to have a healthy admiration for our Western-roots, our hues, heroes, history, cultures, and the biosphere. But we must differentiate ourselves between having a healthy admiration for something and worship.
People in the West seem to be extremely confused about what idolatry is. So, let's spell it out.
A healthy admiration encourages growth and mutual respect, while worship may risk creating an unhealthy dynamic with potential consequences for both parties involved.
Idolatry is inordinate affection which means that the desires of your heart are not balanced. They've moved out of their normal place (If you are claiming that you are supporting or advocating for something) and is now edged into the worship of something other than God!
For example, idolatry could be: The claim that Western identity is the most important thing to focus on and the belief that possessing traits such as recessive genes make one exude the most valuable things.
What are the consequences of this, you ask? Idolizing this creates a measuring stick that bases your value on whether or not you possess such characteristics. To hang your value on this promotes the show of partiality, rejection, hatred of self, hatred of others, jealousy/envy, and hatred of anything that is not white or anyone who does not reflect that image. The show of partiality can result in a destructive mindset like this.
In God's value system vs the Aryan worldview - "Putting things in order of importance", I discussed this show of partiality based on color in the Western Positive sphere, and how dishonorable it is.
The Bible speaks against the sin of partiality, emphasizing that God shows no favoritism and values all people equally (James 2:1-9). When society or individuals elevate one particular identity or trait above others, it goes against this principle and creates divisions.
Idolatry, in its broadest sense, is the act of placing ultimate value or worth on something other than God.
When you base your value or identity on anything other than your relationship with God, that thing can become an idol.
Idolatry isn't just about worshipping physical statues or deities; it's about the heart's inclination to prioritize something—whether it's wealth, success, relationships, or personal achievements—over God. Even our respective cultures and hues.
True value and identity are meant to be rooted in God’s love and purpose for your life. When something else becomes the foundation of your worth, it can lead to an unhealthy attachment or dependency, which is what idolatry essentially is.
To reflect on this, you can ask yourself: What do I turn to for validation or meaning? If it's anything other than God, it might be worth examining that attachment and realigning your focus on what truly matters.
So, let's look at what God's word says about what the most precious things are. Did you know that in the Old Testament, peculiar is used in the sense of a special or particular treasure?
Exodus states:
"If ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people."
-Exodus 19:5
This is not based on any biological factors, but that you are chosen of God and are set apart from the world.
((You are always telling me this while bleaching your hair and buying blonde hair dye. 😂 My genes have it and that’s all I care about. It’s like blonde people have to hide under their beds.)) 👇
Btw, you're not going to put any bleach in this beautiful head of melanated hair! That would ruin it! 😂 👇
Notice the key phrase (("and that's all I care about")). Oh, we know. Everything you talk about is centered around it, tied to it, connected to it. Light features are the new golden calf, folks.

So, how do you know when you've idolized something? It's simple, really. You know you've idolized something when you act out of character and your entire personality changes when you see or encounter with that something or someone.
Idolizing traits such as Western identity or specific physical characteristics like recessive genes leads to a harmful and misleading perspective.
Instead of finding value in external or genetic characteristics, true worth should be rooted in one's relationship with God and the intrinsic dignity that every person possesses as part of His creation.
This kind of idolatry not only misleads individuals but also sows discord and perpetuates a cycle of prejudice. By focusing on superficial traits as the basis of value, people miss out on the deeper, more meaningful connections that come from recognizing the shared humanity and diverse beauty in everyone. Instead of valuing people based on outward appearances or cultural identities, the call is to see each person as uniquely valuable and loved by God, irrespective of race, ethnicity, or background.
I believe in preserving the Western cultures and peoples, but not this.

((This is what we need to fight for! Our diamonds in Europe. Precious beyond compare!)) They declare as they put people with these features on a pedestal, just as you see in this picture with the golden calf. Let that sink in a bit. What's the difference? Wouldn't you say they worship this?
And before you write off what I'm saying, take it from the horse's mouth. These self-proclaimed red-pill/alt-right followers and thought leaders you will find under these said "European culture" pages will tell you exactly what they believe.
Ah, @whitedatenet, it seems like you've got quite the interesting perspective on life. I must say, your Twitter/X bio is a real work of art - (("My race is my religion.")) I'm sure that's a big hit at dinner parties and family gatherings!
Now, let's dive into your tweets, shall we? Your tweets about "white erasure" are truly remarkable. It's clear that you have a passion for preserving Western features, especially the redheads. My suggestion is: if you are a redhead, marry another redhead. That's what I would do. That is where the rubber meets the road. Am I right?
However, I can't help but wonder about the tone and direction of your messages, particularly those filled with anger toward nonwhites and people of mixed heritage. Do you believe this will accomplish anything? Guess who the benefactors of that are? Nobody! This makes it that much more difficult to speak on the subject, doesn't it?
So why bash people of other ethnic groups? Do I support preserving the West? Of course I do! But there is a right and a wrong way. The right way is to understand this:
You're not going to be able to reach everybody. You are beating a dead horse expecting everybody to follow your perspective. Not even Jesus reached everybody. What makes you think you can with something that is less important than the gospel?
We've got to accept the fact that others have different views, whether it comes to love or way of life. That's ok, too.
You only dictate your own decisions, not others. And people hate what they can't control. It's foolish to think that you can control everything!
Other people, with their different colors and physical characteristics; are just as important as you are.
God doesn't care about your race, hair color, or eye color. He cares about your heart. And so do the many people you will meet in life.
When you come to understand these truths, you will see no need to post things like:
((They're not a part of us.)), hold my Zevia! That's a bold move!
It's not like you're trying to incite division and hatred or anything. But even if that is not your intention, consider how it is going to be judged. I can hear the critics saying: (("Hey, maybe you're just trying to make a difference in the world, one racist tweet at a time."))
In my opinion, these mixed people are just as beautiful as the white redheads you promote and have equal importance. And some of these mixed-heritage people may even have red hair themselves. Imagine that!
But this is what you fear. Am I right? Here is a new piece of truth to realize:
Nobody can take your 'white heritage' away from you! Nobody has control over you except for what you give them!
I can't say this enough.
When trying to convince Western kind to come together for the cause of preserving the race while sowing hatred, division, pride, and idolatry? Is it not possible to promote cultural preservation without seeing the need to attack others?
So, before you throw this wonderful group of human beings under the bus, just remember they are people, too. And they are people whome God loves!
And to speak against this quote I found on twitter:
(("They are an abomination against Nature."))
-National Populist via @celticpoppulist2
Based on what? Your cookie-cutter religion? Would you like to be treated that way National Populist @celticpoulist2? I think we both know the answer to that question, don't we? Calling an ethnic group of people "abominations" as if that is the "noble" thing to do? If that is not race hate, then what is?
Some will even disguise themselves as conservatives. Watch out for them!
((Race is my religion. I worship my folk...))
-DayQuwan Sneerson @DayquwanRebbe via twitter
@DayquwanRebbe, oh boy, where do I even start? Your bio is a masterclass in contradictions. You claim to be "ultra-conservative" while spewing race-hate ideologies that are the exact opposite of what conservatism stands for. Newsflash: being "conservative" doesn't mean you get to cherry-pick which human rights to respect. And what's with the "Folk first"? Last I checked, humanity isn't just one folk, but many peoples of diverse backgrounds and heritage. Conservatives do not promote segregation. Your brand of "religion" is just a thinly veiled excuse for hatred: a direct contradiction to the second greatest commandment of all: "Love your neighbor as yourself"!
Let's dive into the differences between Conservatism and Folkish Right ideology, shall we? Spoiler alert: they are not the same.
All the while, they'll say:
((You believe in the lie of equality.))
Regarding the notion of "equality," understand that Biblical Christianity teaches that all human beings are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and are therefore equal in dignity and worth.
And do these people not also fall under that umbrella? I think you know where I'm going with this.
Oh, and while you try to keep us from realizing we're all connected (and have equal value in the eyes of our creator) by pushing this belief in hatred, racial superiority, and divisions based on color and ethnic backgrounds: we are uniting together, in the body of Christ; with the acknowledgment that we are one!
Let's also point out, there are multiple people who openly state that they worship this. In response to this post, I stated: "My first crush was a brunet with brown eyes. I would literally never judge a man this way, ever."
Here they go on to state why they believe that it is important to solely zero in on light features only. I received comments such as:
You can read more detail on how to combat these lies on: "Putting things in Order of Importance."
This comment says all:
((... gods above all))
Yeah, we know what he worships. When they say they believe something else, other than God; is the most important thing we should focus on, be aware of subtle seducing spirits that will try to mislead you into worshiping idols.
Whatever or whoever you deem as the most important thing, that becomes your God.
So, what are you worshiping?
So, for you skeptics and deniers, do you still believe they don't worship this?
Salvation through Christ is not about race.
Isn't preaching the gospel of Jesus, which is the power of God unto salvation; the most important thing that we could do for our people?
But Sonya....
(("Christ won't save the white race"))
Another thing they'll say. Tell me you've never read the Bible without telling me you've never read the Bible! For crying out loud, he created it, you numbskull!
And why does the white race need saving? Could it be because it's possible to have a funeral for it? 🤔 And what do we need to be saved from? Destruction, right? And do we want our unique peoples to be wiped off the face of the planet? No! Of course not! That's what the powers that be, the devils that are; want (for everyone). Everyone? Yes! They are looking at everyone, not just you!
Imagine thinking that you are the center of every single conflict in which the whole world revolves around.
Tell me, you must be joking, right?!
So, my question is: why would you want to worship something that needs saving? And not the creator and the redeemer himself? Food for thought. 💡
Unlike this big 'white idol' you worship, my God doesn't need saving. He doesn't need advocacy. He is the savior: the redeemer, the advocate.
And your misrepresentation of Christ is antithetical to scripture and to the purpose of God.
Did he not come to save his creation from death and destruction due to sin? And don't the white people fit into that equation? Does not the rest of humanity also fit into that equation? I am also not going to fall into the narrative that we are only important if we are a certain color. He created every color, and he has chosen them all. That way of thinking is a part of the fall.
Salvation transcends race and color. Christ went to the cross for all. It's about redemption for all. Your misguided worship will crumble!
Jesus went to the cross to bring salvation to people of every nation and color!

As followers of Christ, why don't we single out a race of people? And a group of people of a certain color? Because Christ came to save people of every nation, tribe, color, and tongue. Christianity is about salvation and redemption (for all nations) through the cross. God came to save humanity from sin and death by way of the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ (God manifest in the flesh). All of humanity is equally broken and equally needing help. Salvation is the center of Biblical truth, and what the way of the cross was all about.
((It's about Western preservation.)) They say, while mocking Jesus, our hope bringer. There are many ignorant people, just like these people, who detest Christianity, obviously because they believe it didn't preserve "white culture" as they thought it should. Got to be more careful where you go and what pages you decide to follow. I'm so tired of this nonsense! I'm tired of it!
You will find these alt-right followers under almost every Western/European celebration page. It is inevitable to run into at least one of these people. I have found them openly mocking Jesus, ridiculing Christians for putting Christ above them, speaking lies against God's word, pushing their false narratives against all Jewish people, pushing their all-light features beauty standards on everyone else, saying:
(("This is what you have to be in order to be valued")),

And gaslight you if you dare have something to say about it, telling you: ((You're trying to make yourself look like a victim)) or shame you by saying ((You're just jealous.)).

Ok, you can think what you want. But showing partiality between people, according to the scripture; is transgression. It brings dishonor to those who are being treated unfavorably.
Basically, they use these shaming tactics to gaslight you and tell you that you're the "problem". Really? And what would that make you, as someone who constantly points fingers of blame at other racial groups and Christians? While downplaying people of other hues? This ideology you are trying to push is pure poison! It is an enslaved mentality that brings division, rejection, and hatred against other people on the basis of their color. And all under the guise of "saving the white race"? Are you kidding me? All the while promoting pride, jealousy, envy, and boastfulness. Pride comes before destruction! Your pride will be your downfall.
It's all about pride. It's all about the pride of life. It's all about being put above other people. The root problem is this: people want to be God. ((Them Christians... how DARE they put Jesus Christ above the white race!!!)).
What they are actually saying is: ((How dare they put Jesus Christ above ME!!!)). These same people get mad when you treat people of other ethnic backgrounds with the same love as you treat them. Because again; people want to be God. And pride is about exhorting oneself above others, and that you should be served, and that you deserve to be served. It's the oldest lie in the book that Lucifer sold to Eve in the garden, saying: ((Ye shall become as 'gods')).
And this truth is what they hate!
So, keep tweeting those nonsensical rants and rambling diatribes, because we all know that's what the world needs more of. Just remember, if you ever want to be taken seriously, you might want to get your nose into God's word and start getting to know what you think you're bad-mouthing. Because over half of anti-Christian pagans don't even know the Bible they speak against while also thinking they're a Bible scholar.
And now for the pretexts:
It goes like this:
((We need to preserve and protect our recessive genes. They are precious!!))
Red, brown, yellow, black, and white: we are ALL precious in His sight!
But sure, let's all promote this recessive gene value system push while ignoring the world crisis we are facing. You know... the fact that humanity and all of God’s creation are now facing genetic manipulation and threats of destruction by bioweapons. Souls are lost, heading toward a devil's hell, and need saving! And all you care about is whether a baby is born with blonde hair and blue eyes??
Dominance or recessiveness doesn’t define worth—the beauty of His holiness and likeness does. So, I’ll let that speak for itself. Real strength isn’t determined by genetics; it’s measured by respect and humility.
I'm also speaking to other cultures and perspectives as well. I've heard other things said such as:
((Our eumelanin is the most valuable thing we have.))
((Eyes that kiss in the corners is a blessing.))
The creator of the universe deserves more of our focus and endeavor than that which can be seen with our eyes! His purpose matters more than anything! Because guess what? He has all the colors! He created them!
There is a lot of this talk I have caught wind of from people of all differences who have made their physical characteristics, their ethnic background, their melanin (or the lack thereof) their identity or value system. I’ve caught wind of all this talk regarding what the most precious things are, and from a very biased perspective. But they are all left speechless in light of what God deems as most precious in his eyes. So, let’s view this through his lens. what does God regard as precious in his sight?

The only objective standard of beauty is HIS standard. Focus on God's beauty ideal, and you will go places! #OnlyGodSetsTheStandard #Proverbs31Woman
You can't measure worth by human standards. That's always a lie. You got to see through heaven's eyes!
What God put in me: his spirit, his likeness, his power, is worth far more than anything these people are showcasing as 'valuable'.
So, my advice to anyone who has had this thrown at them is to focus on the adorning of the hidden person of the heart with imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is, in God's eyes, of great price!

Beautiful children, beautiful people, and peculiarity can be found in virtually every color across the visible light spectrum. It seems that people are failing to realize this.
So why is this put above all other things including good character, faith, hope, love, joy, gentleness, righteousness, holiness, meekness, kindness, patience, truth? And furthermore, a positive representation of Western kind, history, and culture? Accomplishments?
Color don't make us who we are. You are who you are based upon your heart, your relationship with God, how you act, and character. Isn't that more important? Wouldn't you put that above hair, eye, or skin color?
Your truest identity is in your relationship with God.
Your so-called 'gods', who have not made the heavens and the earth; shall vanish from the earth!
I am going to get into all the reasons why we should not worship the Western biosphere or mere men/women. This is idolatry! Worshiping the Western biosphere, the "spirit of the West", light features, European features, European culture, European paganism, people with light features, the Western kings and kingdoms, your race, your earthly identity, your history, your ancestors, or yourself!
Exalting mere flesh to the level of 'gods'? If this is your heart, your 'gods' will die. These people have died and will die. And you will, too.
A God is not a person that you have to hold a funeral for!
And likewise, if the Spirit of the West is your 'god', your 'god' will fall. There is no way of getting around this. And it will be very hard for those who are extremely patriotic and to those who have a strong sense of self that is tied to, connected to, or centered around Western civilization and identity (or any other racial group or culture). The anti-Christ will work to destroy everything that America and the West means.
((But Sonya, the glory is not in the future. The glory is in the here and now!! Wake up!!))
You are so focused on this rat-race, this temporary world that is passing away; you are like a vapor. One day you are here. The next day you are gone! I've known many people who have died before they hit 40.
My question is, what eternal value is there to what we are doing? What about the truth? What about eternal salvation for our people? Does that not matter more?
((Our Western buildings and historical monuments are being destroyed. Why don't you care?))
This isn't about apathy. The idolization of it poses the problem.
His word states.
"He that loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me!"
Imagine growing up with deep pride and identity tied to your country's flag, only to one day witness a new flag representing a federation or a global entity. The beast system employs psychological warfare, aiming to destroy those who derive their identity from such symbols. This system seeks to obliterate Western civilization by removing its inspirations and values. However, God will allow this as a test, searching for a true remnant that isn't deeply attached to earthly symbols but is focused on a heavenly home. He looks for those willing to dissociate from the world, and therefore separating themselves from the influence of the beast system.
Know that His destiny for you is much higher than anything that is of this world.
((The truth is, early Christians behaved very much like a woke mob or Islamic extremists. They demolished, vandalised, or melted down a staggering amount of art. Statues were routinely knocked down, defaced and defiled, torn limb from limb by frenzied fanatics.))
European pagans complain about how Christianity "destroyed" their culture. Did you hear that Christians? Western civilization is "falling", and it's all your fault! I mean, who would have thought that the fall of pagan worship and child sacrifice, and putting your faith in Jesus could actually benefit a society? Who would have thought?
If your said 'gods' could not even save themselves from the fall, what makes you think that they will be able to save you from the fall?
And although there were extremists under the umbrella of what is recognized as Christianity (as there is in every group), does this truly represent all Christians or people of faith?
Also, consider this:
I would venture to say, the West is falling: not because it is more Christian than ever before, but because it has become less Christian than ever before.
Change my mind!
This is why I find it amazing how much these neo-pagans try to blame all of their problems on Christians and Jews while putting their trust in idols made by the hands of men, little 'g' gods who have never helped them, not once. They weren't even able to save themselves from the fall. And yet they would rather sacrifice their children to molten gods, which were powerless to save themselves; than repent and obey God's word.
I also find it very interesting how they use the evils of the papacy as a pretext to point fingers of blame at Christianity and all Christians. Even though there were groups of Christians and born-again believers who suffered just as much under their rule!!
God is indifferent to the corrupted edifice that is here, akin to a decayed apple infested with worms. These pagan religions demanded child sacrifice and have committed unthinkable crimes against children throughout history.
Because the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would never demand that his people sacrifice their children in the fire to Moloch. And how horrible of Christians to say no to harmful and misguided ideologies that promote such behavior.
Some practiced cannibalism and homosexuality, while others practiced heart-ripping human sacrifices. European pagans are no exception to this. They promoted violence and murder against Christians by throwing them to lions while promoting apathy and even encouragement towards such behavior.
@TriratnaSamudra, the ultimate apologist for, well, everything. It's impressive how you can fit so many contradictions into a single tweet. (("I don't care about Christian persecution"))... but then you proceed to care enough to downplay it, deny it, and even justify it? That's some next-level mental gymnastics right there. And that last part, (("if it is as bad as they say it is then they deserved it"))? Wow, that's a stunning display of empathy and compassion (said no one ever). You know, it's cool that you're trying to be the contrarian Twitter philosopher, but maybe try being consistent in your apathy instead of giving us whiplash with your contradictory statements.
Is this what you call European culture, @Philosophi_Cat? Is this what you are pushing for?
I say God over culture! Because the creator of the universe exists outside of culture, ethnicity, race, and religion.
"There were elements of classical antiquity some Christians destroyed and replaced, there were also elements were integrated and “saved”. We know this specifically because Christians preserved and perpetuated the elements we do still have, which is why you are able to come on here and speak of them at all. If that were not the case, pagans wouldn’t be able to come on this platform with all this petty, pseudo-intellectual posturing about Christmas trees, Easter bunnies, and the like. I find the fact that you see it as some sort of own hilarious. The Catholic Church (and Christians alike) have always had the practice of appropriating and integrating compatible elements of our pre-Christian culture and, I for one am happy about that.
I also agree with smashing the faces of those Venus statues from Corinth that you all posted the other day. It was a degenerate, disgusting cult of filth. The fact that the adherents of it happened to be white is irrelevant.
You make the mistake of attributing the highest value to any element, even disgusting ones, of our pre-Christian culture/“religions”, simply because you see them as “ours”. I do not. Truth is above all culture, even ours."
-The Anointed One @Thee_DiMaggio
Your idols will fall! And that includes idols of money, presidents, movie stars, etc.
God's central focus revolves around the acknowledgment that Jesus Christ is Lord. Those who align with this are the ones God seeks for His kingdom. The biblical statement, "I will shake both heaven and earth," implies a profound upheaval. Everything tied to selfhood, identity, patriotism, flags, anthems, and the essence of being a part of Western civilization will crumble beneath the influence of a power-hungry beast system. In this upheaval, individuals will reveal their true colors — some may despair, others may turn to substances for solace, but those anchored in Jesus will know that their hope isn't in this world but in him alone. They will stand firm, eagerly awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus.
The forthcoming events will sharply distinguish between those deeply rooted in earthly attachments and those whose ultimate allegiance is to that which is greater than the kingdoms of this world.
America will be in unrecognizable shambles. You will not even be able to make sense of it. Now do you see why we should not worship Western civilization or tie our importance to it? What is more important? Temporal value? Or eternal value? Kings and kingdoms of this world will all pass away! But His kingdom will never pass away!
So again, why would you want to worship something that could be destroyed?
((What about white erasure? It is what we are advocating against!))
Erasure? This brings us back to the original point: the worship of Westernkind and the Western biosphere, and/or the political/religious system that is said to 'help preserve the race', and this so-called 'god' you call 'the spirit of the West' that you have set upon the throne of your heart.
If your 'god' needs advocacy, and if it is possible to have a funeral for your 'god', then I submit to you that it isn't much of a 'god'. Is it?
This is why we should never be misled into worshiping ourselves.
We cannot save ourselves. You cannot trust in your own strength! For it is only in Him that we live, breathe, and have our being. And only in Jesus Christ do we re-capture our destiny!
Yet you have allowed yourself to be completely enwrapped into the worship of the idol of this world: the pride of life.
If you want to follow Christ, you must deny yourself, take up your cross, and stop worshiping mere men as 'gods'. Cast away your idols. And repent! Sit down, look into the word of God, and follow Christ!
But what about the European pagan 'gods'? They don't need a funeral, right? Let's take Odin for example. Odin has been in European folklore for a long time, right? But nobody has held a funeral for that 'god'. Why? It is an unseen principality. Same with the spirit of Jezebel. Same with the Leviathan. The same with the pagan entities mentioned in the Bible such as Moloch, Astharoth, and Ba'al. Funerals aren't held for the mighty beings above because they transcend earthly needs—they don't require food or sleep to thrive. Instead, they thrive on humanity's follies, drawing sustenance from our foolish actions. The ultimate judgment for these powerful entities rests with God alone, in His time.
Nothing on earth is supposed to take the worship that we owe God.
All glory, all worship, all praise goes to YHWH alone! He is the only one who has immaculate credits to his name! He made the stars of heaven. He made all of the colors (including the colors we can't see through our limited vision). He made the earth and all things in it. He made the seas and all that is in it.
I understand your desire to preserve your heritage and culture, but if your culture and likewise religion contradicts God and his will, who will you serve? God? or your culture? God or your religion?
Nothing comes before Jesus Christ. You can't modify who he is. You can't modify God!
If you worship the Western biosphere instead of the creator of the universe? Your 'god' will fall.
Mark and Avoid
Do you know how risky it is to share a space with people who don't care about a word that God says? So, what should we do? As born-again Christians: when we encounter with idolaters and witches who will not repent of this? Mark and avoid those who sow division among you based on evil and falsehood.
Mark and avoid those who use fetishes and serve other 'gods'.
Now I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who create divisions and obstacles that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Turn away from them.
- Romans 16:17
We got to be careful what we stand in agreement with and who we listen to.
In addition, mark and avoid those who know Satan and rely on witchcraft to keep their pedestal and fame (which pertains to the pride of life). Mark and avoid those who are on the dark side. Because in the hour that you do not expect, their life will be acquired of them.
We must understand that anything that is put above God, any individual or collective that teaches you things that are wicked, divisive, or offensive to the doctrine that you have learned must be avoided.
You claim to be a Christian, his name is on your lips, his spirit is on you. You proclaim your faith to others. Yet you are giving ear to doctrines that are contrary to God's holy word without realizing it. Why? Because you don't know the word, or you have forgotten. This is what happens to Christians who don't arm themselves with the truth or read their Bibles as they should. I speak to myself on that as well.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
-Galatians 1:8
If you love the God they are mocking, yet you think that sweet and salt can come from the same water stream? You are a hypocrite! And the lord God sees you!
This alt-right doctrine is contrary to the doctrine you have learned. And yet most Christians today are unlearned. They do not love God's word. And those who know the word twist the word to suite their desires. Do not allow yourself to be tied to doctrines that lead people astray. Lest you give a foothold for the enemy!
We pledge to slavery only when we agree with a lie. The kingdom of darkness can only have a foothold over those who stand in agreement with the lie.
And what is that lie? ((Ye shall become as 'gods.)). I know this by experience! Don't do it child of God! Turn to Jesus, turn to his word for answers. Only he can give you what you truly need!
Have you made the mistake of agreeing with the lie of insignificance? Or the pride of life? Are you struggling to break free from the stronghold of rejection? If so, don't hesitate to reach out!
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