You're the one. In the vibrant neon glow of the universe, there lies a profound truth about you—yes, you.

You’re the one God chose. And amidst the pulsating beats and electrifying lights, you find yourself wondering, "Why am I going through all this?" You've faced trials and tribulations, and each one makes you question, "God, why me?" But that's precisely the point. You are a chosen one.
You might have heard the saying, "God gives his toughest battles to his toughest soldiers." It's a comforting thought, but the reality goes even deeper. The reason for your struggles is because the adversary—the devil—can see the extraordinary person God created you to be.
You can only see yourself for who the world has told you that you are. That's why it doesn't make sense to you.
You keep asking God, "Why me?"

And God's response is, "Why not you? Do you not see who you are? You are the only one that I've ever made like this before." The forces that oppose you are not scared of who you think you are; they're terrified of who God knows you are.
These devils, these distractions, they try to veer you off course because they can sense the greatness within you, even if you can't see it yourself. If you need proof, look at the persistent challenges you face. They're still there, and you’re still wondering why God allows it. But God is trying to reveal something crucial to you: "I've placed something incredibly valuable inside you, something even you don’t fully realize."
A chosen person looks normal to everybody but the devil.
Yes, this means you will face more obstacles than the average person. But it also means that God plans to use you in ways that are far beyond ordinary. If you’re not willing to endure the struggles, don’t ask God to take you to new heights.
Imagine seeing yourself the way your enemies see you. Everything would suddenly make sense. But here’s the thing: you haven’t yet grasped who you truly are. And that’s why you’re still asking, "Why me?" God won’t do it all for you; He’s pushing you to discover and embrace your divine potential.

So, in the neon-lit landscape of your life, remember this: You are God's chosen, His peculiar treasure. The synthwave journey isn’t just about the beats and the retro aesthetics; it’s about realizing your worth and purpose. Keep moving forward, through the trials and the noise, because you are destined for a purpose that is greater than you. And in this cosmic dance, you will shine brighter than ever. 🚀✨
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