I am officially announcing the rebranding of my stage name from "Sonya Marlene" to "Retro Sonya". I've also re-designed my logo to a much better one as the old one was a little kiddish and perceived as unprofessional. If I am going to sell music and merch, I need to treat it as a profession, not just a hobby. I've had people ask me: Why the name change? It's not just because it sounds cool. There are a number of reasons why a stage name would suffice over using your real name. Here I list 5 reasons why I decided to rebrand my name.

In the world of music, the stage name, also known as a nickname or pseudonym, has become a common practice. Many artists choose to adopt a different persona when they step onto the stage or into the recording studio, rather than using their real names. This practice isn't just about anonymity; it offers a range of benefits that can help musicians in various ways. In this blog, we'll explore the advantages of using a nickname for music instead of your real name.
Creative Freedom
One of the most significant benefits of adopting a stage name in the music industry is the creative freedom it provides. Musicians can use a nickname to create a unique identity or persona that aligns with their musical style and brand. This freedom allows artists to experiment with different genres, personas, and artistic directions without feeling confined to their real identity.
For example, David Bowie famously used multiple personas throughout his career, such as Ziggy Stardust and the Thin White Duke, allowing him to explore various musical styles and personas that wouldn't have been possible under his birth name.
Privacy and Security
In an age of social media and constant connectivity, privacy is a valuable asset. Musicians, like anyone else, may want to maintain some level of privacy in their personal lives. Using a stage name can help shield their real identity from the public eye, allowing them to separate their personal and professional lives more effectively. This separation can be particularly crucial for high-profile artists who are frequently in the public eye.
This is especially important because I've had people try to raid me in the past over something I posted on Twitter they didn't like. Well... following that, there were a few people posting my personal info using my real name while trying to defame my character, and spreading false information about me. They issued threats to have me banned from every social network. Did they manage to get me banned? On some of them. All of them? Nope.
I didn't appreciate that at all. Who wants their real name and personal information out there to make it easier for stalkers and doxxers to have access to you and your family? Not today, Satan! Some people have become so addicted to the pursuit of taking everything good from the lives of people over small disagreements posted on social media. We are living in dangerous times. There are some crazy people out there, so be careful. I learned that the hard way. Don't let it happen to you!
Brand Building
A stage name can be a powerful tool for building a unique brand in the music industry. The name itself can become iconic and synonymous with the artist's music, image, and style. This distinct branding can help musicians stand out in a crowded market and make a lasting impression on fans and industry professionals.
Think about artists like Lady Gaga or Elton John. Their stage names have become synonymous with their unique personas and musical identities, contributing significantly to their brand recognition and success.
This is especially important for a few other reasons. If you want to sell clothing, for example; that you personally designed: a brand name is important for identity and association with your music.
Versatility and Adaptability
Musicians often evolve and change their musical styles over time. A nickname provides them with the flexibility to adapt and experiment without feeling tied to a particular sound or image. As they grow and explore new artistic directions, the stage name can evolve with them, allowing for a seamless transition.
So why do the songs on my first album not sound so retro if my stage name is "Retro Sonya"? I started off doing straight electronica with some world music influences under my real name. As my music expertise began to grow, so did my micro niche. So, I started off doing electronica with no particular style in mind. The first idea was to create something such as "Victorian Electronica" or "Celtic EDM". However, I later began to be drawn to the idea of doing Synthwave, which is another name for 80s music. The name "retro" is associated with a certain culture, time frame, and music style: mainly the 1980s. Not only have I rebranded my name and logo, but I will also be rebranding my music. Why? I found that retrowave, synthwave, and 80s are what I am particularly good at creating!
Here is example of what I created by accident. I didn't mean to make it into an 80s song. But when I listened to it afterward, I loved it so much, I made the decision to rebrand my music to this particular genre! Think 1980s electronica with world music influences!
Cultural and Artistic Expression

Using a nickname can also be a form of artistic expression. It allows musicians to explore their identity and connect with their audience on a deeper level. Some artists choose names that reflect their cultural heritage, pay homage to their influences, or carry a deeper meaning related to their music. This creative aspect adds depth to the artist's persona and can resonate with fans on a personal level.
Yes! 1980s is a cultural expression as well as a musical expression! And likewise I would also like to create a atmosphere that reflects German culture influences, because that is where the majority of my ancestors came from. Isn't that awesome? What would a 1980s dirndl look like? I guess this is what would make me stand out as an artist. I may even use this as an album cover!
In the world of music, the use of a nickname or stage name is a powerful tool that offers numerous advantages. From creative freedom to privacy, brand building to versatility, and cultural expression, musicians have ample reasons to adopt pseudonyms. These nicknames not only enhance their artistic careers but also contribute to the rich tapestry of the music industry, allowing for a diverse range of personas and musical identities to flourish. So, the next time you hear an artist performing under a pseudonym, remember that there's much more to it than meets the eye; it's a deliberate choice that often leads to a world of creative possibilities.
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