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The Real Reason Why “They” Hate You!

Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Many of you may have asked this question: "Why are there certain people in my life that criticize me? Attack me? Refuse to support me?"

The real reason why they hate you, why do they hate me, why don't my friends support me, why doesn't my family support me, why do people bash my dream? Why don't people understand me? Why am I hated by so many people? Why do strangers hate me?

I want to tell you why. Because I think it to be important to know and understand. Because you may not understand it.

What is wrong with everyone? Why don't they like me?

You see, most of my life I struggled with acceptance. I struggled with the notion of people rejecting me. And there were multiple instances throughout my life when people would say things or do things that were meant to tear me down. And I often questioned: "What is wrong with these people? Why are they doing this to me?" Why did that person say that to me? Why did they treat me this way? I've had people that don't even know me say the most disrespectful things about me, such as: "I don't like you" "But you don't even know me"

"I don't care. What I know about you I don't like."

It never ceases to amaze me. I felt very perplexed by this.... until one day, I discovered a character in the Bible named Joseph. You see, Joseph had a dream. And it was his dream that provoked his brothers to try to kill him. His brothers hated him because of his dream. And of course, his dream did not represent his current situation. His dream represented his future. And his dream got him thrown into a pit. His dream got him put into prison. His dream ultimately lead him through all of those situations until he ended up in the palace.

You see, your dream represents your potential. It doesn't necessarily represent where you are today.

It represents where you can be or where you will be. A lot of us make this serious mistake: We often assume that just because we don't see our potential, that other people don't either. And that is a wrong assumption to come to. Sometimes people see your potential before you do.

And again, your potential doesn't represent where you are, but where you are going. A lot of the reason why you are experiencing hatred is because of Jealousy or envy. It may be the very people in your life who tell you your dreams are unrealistic or respond to your dream by saying something negative about it. They may even discourage you from pursuing it. The reason why they do this is because they are afraid of your potential. They're afraid of where you are going. They are afraid of your future.

You aren't being persecuted because of your current circumstances. You are being persecuted because of your potential. People hate what they fear.


Why do they slander my dream?

When I first started sharing my vision and dreams with others, I've had some people spew such hatred towards me and towards what I was doing, and even negatively spoke about my physical appearance, my accomplishments, or my dreams without knowing anything about me. I didn't even have a professional song out yet. Yet they spewed such negativity and vitriol. And I didn't understand why, until I realized that the grace on my life and the call of God on my life was a perceived threat to them.

This is why Saul tried to kill David because he knew that David was a potential replacement for him. He knew that David had a greater potential. People began to say: "Saul killed his thousands, and David killed his ten-thousands." And when Saul heard that, he was livid. He was so angry at the thought that this was someone who would ultimately become more successful than him. And this is what a lot of you are going through and don't even realize it.

Joseph's biggest problem is that he shared his dream with the wrong people. Some of you are doing that. You're telling the wrong people your dreams. You're telling people, who don't have the capacity to handle your dream; your vision for your future. This doesn't mean they are bad people. But they are not developed or mature enough to handle it. They don't have enough foresite to handle where you are going.

Here is what I've learned:

You can't devote your dream to everyone. You can't tell everybody what God has put on your heart. It's not for everybody to know.


Not everyone can understand your dream

You can't tell your "prison friends" about your "palace potential". They can't handle that because some of them are in solitary confinement. I'm speaking figuratively. Some people are in solitary confinement in their minds, in their way of thinking, in their attitude. So when you start talking about the palace to a person bound to the prison, you begin to exacerbate them. You begin to frustrate their lives because they're saying: "Who do you think you are? You can't get out of jail. You can't go and get out of jail because you want to. We're stuck in here."

I can't tell you how many times I have talked to people who had no intention of going any further. They had no intention of going any further in life! And here I was talking about all these things I wanted to do with people who could not handle what I was talking about because they could not perceive the dream that I was sharing with them.

I want to encourage someone who's asking these questions: "Why won't people support me?" Half of the people you want to support you, they can't support you. They don't have the cognitive ability to support you. They don't have the sense to support you. They don't think big enough. You're getting upset saying: "Why won't she do this for me?" or "Why can't he be happy for me or support me?" "I don't understand why they don't see my vision." They're not going to see it! They're not going to see it because they can't see it.

God in his omniscience and his sovereignty has blinded certain people to the dream he's put inside your heart. Because he does not want them to know. Because if they knew your potential, they would seek to sabotage it.

Some people, if they really knew who you really were; they would try to destroy you. That's why the wise men didn't tell Herod about Jesus. Because they knew that if he found out about Jesus, he would try to kill him. He would feel threatened by this upcoming kingdom. See, this is why some people do the things that they do. There are people that will slander you, not because you did anything wrong; but because they are upset with your potential.

Some people will look at you and they will see you going through something, and they won't lend a helping hand, not for any reason other than the fact that they are disturbed. And some people are even upset that the traps they set for you didn't stop you.


Some people will try to divert you from your potential

Some people are angry because they were watching you. They gave you the poison. And they thought they could kill you with it. And it did not affect you. And you went on about your business.

For example: The audacity that you went through that divorce and it did not destroy you? And my divorce destroyed me? How dare you survive? How dare you go on and be great? Who do you think you are? You mean you succeeded and I didn't??? How dare you succeed!

This is the psychology of those who are hating you. And it's not even personal. They don't even know they are doing it. And sometimes it's subconscious. They're not even aware of the ramifications of what they are doing. That's why you don't need to take it personally.

There are people that are upset with you because they tried to close the door and you still went through it anyway. Because you've got to understand, when God opens the door, no man can shut it.

I've even been at the table with people who told others not to invite me to the table. And I'm sitting at the table, and they're upset. "How did you get here? When I did everything in my power to keep you out? I did everything in my power to destroy you. And it didn't work!" It's your potential!

Some of you don't even know your potential or don't realize how dangerous your potential is! Your potential is dangerous! You have to be careful. Your dream is dangerous!

You need to understand how dangerous your dream is! And some of you are mishandling your dream because you don't realize how dangerous it is.

It was Joseph's dream that got him thrown into a pit. It's the hand of God upon your life. If you don't see this, that's your problem. You are underestimating and devaluing the dream. You are underestimating the grace of God that's in your life.


They don't hate you only because of you, but what's on you!

You didn't survive what you've gone through because you were smart, or because you were savvy, or because you were well connected, or because you were well-aware. That's not why you survived. You survived and are still breathing because of the grace of God upon your life, the hand of God upon your life which has preserved you, kept you, and blessed you, and increased you, and protected you all these years, even until now.

There are powers that be operating in people: demonic spirits who hate you. And they don't even know why. But I'm telling you why. They hate you because of what you carry. It's not just you. It's because of what's on you! It's because of what's in you!

They are threatened by your potential. They're threatened, not only by who you are, but what you can become.


Never be satisfied with less than what you could be!

There is nothing more diabolical than someone in your life who knows that your potential is greater than you realize. And they don't want you to know. So they try to keep you satisfied. There is nothing better for your life than a friend that won't let you be satisfied. You need to thank God for the dissatisfying friend. There are those types of friends that will agitate you and get on your nerves because they recognize that you have more potential than you realize and they are constantly pushing you towards your potential. They're constantly telling you: "Go back to school. You can do it." "You don't realize how beautiful you are." "You're handsome" "You're smart!" And you get annoyed with them because you have another sub-set of friends who are satisfied with you being content. They have sold you the poison of satisfaction. There is something about being discontented. But...

"How dare you dream bigger than your environment?" Your destiny is bigger than what you could ever imagine.

Keep dreaming. Keep pressing. Keep standing on the promises of God (whether they support you or not). Keep moving forward. If God be for you, who can be against you?

That's why they hate you!

I credit this message to Dr. Kynan Bridges. And I hope it benefits you!


🏰 #GodWins 🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗


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Full Sail University Graduate | Game Artist | Singer Song-Writer | EDM Producer | Faith & Heritage | Member of Christian Game Developers Community

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