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Writer's pictureRetro Sonya

The True Beauty Within:

Reflecting on Jesus and the World's Obsession with Outward Appearance

Jesus wasn't handsome, beauty obsessed world, designer babies, genetic alteration, beauty standards, traditional beauty, female gaze, God's purpose, inner beauty, beauty of holiness, spiritual worth, wisdom and age, experienced woman, societal expectations, male gaze, true value, Lucifer's deception, holiness and God's likeness, women of God, imperishable adornment, spiritual beauty, self-worth, modesty, scripture on beauty, 80s synthwave, Christian synthwave, vaporwave aesthetics, godly woman, faith and beauty.

In a world obsessed with outward appearance, Jesus Christ stands as a stark contrast to society's standards of beauty. The Bible tells us that Jesus was not handsome by worldly standards. He was not exalted for his physical appearance, nor did He come to seek the praise of men or the admiration of women. Instead, He came to accomplish a far greater purpose: to redeem humanity from sin and death through the cross.

The prophet Isaiah describes Jesus’ appearance with these words:

"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him" (Isaiah 53:2, NIV).

This verse serves as a profound reminder that true worth is not found in physical appearance but in the character and mission we are called to fulfill. While our world increasingly values physical perfection and beauty, the life of Christ teaches us that there is something far more valuable: the beauty of holiness and God's likeness within us.


A Beauty-Obsessed World and Designer Humans

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Today, the notion of physical "perfection" is no longer limited to magazine covers or Hollywood screens; it’s seeping into the realm of science and technology. With advances in genetic engineering, we’re inching closer to a world where designer babies may soon become a reality—children crafted for the best physical traits: striking beauty, the most luscious hair, enhanced intelligence, and physical superiority. These genetically modified individuals could embody society’s ideal of "perfection" in a way that surpasses the current beauty standards.

But where does this leave the "average" person? The everyday humans untainted by genetic alterations? In this imagined future, the naturally born people—those considered "average" by appearance—may be overshadowed by genetically enhanced individuals. They might face increasing pressure to fit in or measure up to these new standards, driving even the already "exceptionally beautiful" to pursue more. We can imagine the redhead on the bus, a naturally beautiful woman by today's standards, seeking to escape from an ordinary existence to blend in with the genetically altered—her desire fueled by pride and ego, longing for society's approval.

But where does this quest for perfection lead? It points toward the lie that outward beauty, physical excellence, and worldly achievements define human worth. Yet, the Bible tells us otherwise.


What Truly Matters in the Eyes of God

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Jesus’ life demonstrates that significance doesn’t stem from outward appearance or physical traits. He chose humility and servitude over outward beauty and pride.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’” (1 Samuel 16:7, ESV).

The heart’s condition is what matters most to God. In a society driven by surface-level judgments and expectations, we, as believers, are called to shift our focus to what truly lasts—our inner character and spiritual beauty.

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight" (1 Peter 3:3-4, NIV).

As women, we often face a barrage of expectations: to be thin, youthful, attractive, fertile, and charming. We are told that our worth is measured by our ability to "keep" a man, raise children, and maintain a certain physique. And yet, God calls us to something deeper, more profound, and more beautiful than society’s expectations. Our value is not found in how we measure up to the "beauty standards" of this world but in how we reflect God’s likeness and holiness.


True Beauty in the Eyes of God

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The true "superior" things are not the traits that we can enhance or measure, but the qualities that God gives us through His Holy Spirit—qualities like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). These are the things that cannot be genetically engineered or purchased. They come from God and are imperishable.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" (Proverbs 31:30, NIV).

It is this inner adornment that truly matters—the beauty of a soul in communion with God. While outward beauty fades, the inner beauty that reflects God’s holiness is eternal and will never perish.


Age, Wisdom, and Experience: Treasures Often Overlooked

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In our beauty-obsessed culture, age, wisdom, and experience are often overlooked and undervalued. Yet, these qualities bring depth and richness to life that cannot be measured in outward appearance. A person who has walked with God, gained wisdom through life’s struggles, and grown in faith, is far more valuable in God’s eyes than someone whose life is merely a pursuit of outward perfection.

Jesus' life illustrates that we are called to follow in His footsteps, valuing the spiritual over the superficial. We should not pander to the world’s standards or seek to exalt ourselves based on appearance, success, or any other worldly metric.


The True Battle for Humanity

Jesus wasn't handsome, beauty obsessed world, designer babies, genetic alteration, beauty standards, traditional beauty, female gaze, God's purpose, inner beauty, beauty of holiness, spiritual worth, wisdom and age, experienced woman, societal expectations, male gaze, true value, Lucifer's deception, holiness and God's likeness, women of God, imperishable adornment, spiritual beauty, self-worth, modesty, scripture on beauty, 80s synthwave, Christian synthwave, vaporwave aesthetics, godly woman, faith and beauty.

The obsession with physical appearance and genetic perfection is not a new issue; it is a strategy employed by the adversary to distract us from God’s purpose for our lives. Lucifer, the enemy of our souls, wishes to seduce humanity with false promises of perfection and superiority. He promotes a lie that outward beauty and physical attributes are what make us valuable or "blessed." But God’s kingdom operates by a different standard.

The Bible reminds us:

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2, NIV).

As we live in this world, let us remember that our true value is found not in the eyes of others but in our identity as God’s children. Our worth is rooted in Christ, and the beauty He cultivates within us is the only "superior" thing worth striving for.


Embracing the Beauty of Holiness

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In this beauty-obsessed culture, let’s not forget that we are God’s peculiar treasure, called to a higher standard. The world may seek to define us by outward attributes, but we know that real beauty is found in living out God’s holiness and reflecting His likeness. Our worth goes beyond our skin, hair, or clothing—our value lies in the heart that seeks after God.

As we follow Jesus' example, let’s set our hearts on what is eternal and imperishable. In doing so, we can resist the lies of the enemy and embrace the true beauty that God has bestowed upon us. We are not just the sum of our physical traits—we are God's beloved, marked by the beauty of His Spirit. Let’s live each day reflecting His light, for that is the true measure of worth.


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