One of the hardest lessons I've learned in life. But why? Why are people so cruel to those who have pure hearts? Why is kindness returned for evil? The scoop below or watch the video version here!

Boy, this world really works against kind people. I've often wondered why? I've been at the receiving end of so much hate in my life, and often for no reason at all. It's like, I can't avoid it anywhere I go. I could travel to different towns, different states, different places and always find people who absolutely wish me evil without even knowing anything about me.
Often when someone disrespected me in the past, I’d usually say nothing about it because I was kind by nature and hated conflict. But now it has gotten to the point in my life that I am no longer willing to put up with that.
You set the tone for how people are going to treat you. Now, you can’t control the behavior of others. But you choose how you react to it. You can accept it or walk away. Depending on the situation, you can also handle the matter wisely while keeping your cool.
I will not accept disrespect from grown adults or teenagers who think they can freely talk down to people old enough to be their parents and get away with it. I feel I’ve dealt with this way too much in the work place. And sometimes the manager would side with it. #NotHavingIt
Chosen ones - The pure hearts

I'm going to tell you from my own personal experience. The pureness of your heart, the pureness of your light that you carry is going to always put you in a space of being isolated: meaning you don't have many friends, meaning you don't hang around many family members, a lot of people don't understand you. And many a time people will be offended by you (even when you haven't done anything).
You haven't even said a word, but people feel intimidated or offended by you. It is because your light exposes their darkness.
When you are heavily anointed, and you are a chosen one, you always make people feel some type of way. That will never fail to happen. This is what will cause you to be in this place where you are all by yourself. And I am going to tell you what offends them about you. You are so pure they feel like:
((Who do you think you are? You think you're better. You're so perfect. You never doing anything wrong)).
It's not that you don't have any flaws. It is that your heart is not contaminated. You don't have evil motives. And what you don't realize is that people are comparing themselves to you more than you know. That's why you can hang out with people and then all of a sudden they start acting funny towards you, treat you in some type of way, always trying to be rude to you, making little comments. Why? Because they are starting to compare themselves to you. They see your heart. It's too pure for them. It makes them uncomfortable because they know, deep down; that they have bad intentions or that they have bad intentions towards people. And they've never been around someone who is as pure as you.
God has to protect those who are pure at heart. That's why we can't be around everybody. That's why he has to pull us out of the crowd.
We're not safe amongst people. We're not. We got to be around others who have the same light, other people that get you, other people that aren't intimidated or jealous. They see who you are and they value you. You're not going to survive amongst wolves. That's why we got to be with God. That's why we got to be around our tribal people.

People really will hurt people who are pure at heart. It bothers their demons. It bothers them. That's why I say it is better that you are isolated and that you sheltered by the shepherd: meaning God. He is the shepherd that gave his life for the sheep. It is better to be protected and sheltered by God. Because you really do not know the motive of these people. They have bad motives. Because you are so pure at heart, you can't even comprehend or fathom the evil and wicked things people will do. Because, you see; you don't operate like that. Your mind can't even go that far. Of course, you may have human experiences. But your hands don't do evil. Your hands do the work of the Lord. Your hands do great things. When you put your hands on people, or open your mouth it is to help them prosper. That is very rare in the world that we live in.
The world that we live in is contaminated. Always keep that in mind. It is contaminated here. We live in a very wicked world. And you are that gem amongst the evil and darkness. So we have to be sheltered by God. This is why you will always be isolated. You are only going to have a small group of people around you.
Another thing that you will experience are these people who are trying to provoke you into anger. Because finally, for once; they got to see you operate in something else other than being pure. ((You can't be that good. You can't be that nice.)) But you are. It doesn't mean that you can't get mad. That doesn't mean you can't defend yourself. It's that you don't operate in this low vibrational space like those people. So they got to push you to get that response. Because there is no way you could be that good. There are people like that. I've worked with them. Went to school with them. And wherever I go I run into them.
They're always trying to push that button. But what they don't get is that when they push that button they are going to get God, not you. Trust in him. He will fight for you! So keep being the jewel God is raising up to be and shine that bright light in this dark world!
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