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They told me: "Go where you are valued."

Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Updated: Sep 22, 2024

So, I ran back to Jesus!

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In this fast-paced, neon-splashed world, we’re constantly bombarded with messages telling us where we “belong.” Whether it’s racial groups, political factions, or social movements, everyone seems to have an opinion on where we should fit. But let’s take a step back. They say, “Go where you are valued.” So, where is that exactly? Read on.


Why I stay away from spaces centered around identity politics

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If you’re running from group to group, searching for validation in racial or political spaces, chances are you’ve hit a few dead ends. That’s because your real value isn’t in any of these places. The only place where your true worth is recognized, no strings attached, is with Jesus.

This is why I personally stay away from groups centered around identity politics.

If I see a "men's only space", I stay out of it. If I see a "black only space", I stay out it. If I see a "red pill" space, I stay out of it. If I see a "woke" space, I stay out of it. If I see a "whites only space", I stay out of it. I don't go to places where I don't belong or where I am not wanted.

This also includes places that the woke movement has hijacked, such as the "Steampunk Community". Wokeness ruins everything it touches. They talk a lot about "diversity and inclusion". Am I included? Evidently not. I've got a whole story on that.

So why would I say that about white spaces, too? I'm white, after all. It's the same old nonsense day in and day out from these people! Nonsense such as:

  1. Race-hate - This mindset often stems from a refusal to take responsibility, with some blaming of entire groups—like Jews or other ethnic groups—for problems caused by their own actions. It’s a clear lack of accountability, and that mindset will get you nowhere. People who are too wrapped up in their own pride to admit their faults aren’t going to appreciate being called out on it. But is hatred and exclusion of others really the solution? Blaming entire communities as if it's "all their fault" is not only misguided but an argument lacking in critical thought. It’s a shortsighted harmful narrative, a meme pathogen.

  2. Featurism - Nothing like running into a "whites only" space, only to get called Jewish or Asian (anything but white of course) over disagreements, and in turn getting kicked out of my own ethnic group over physical traits they don't like such as hooded eyes, high cheek bones, or square jaw lines, and really dark hair to top it. I look like this, and both of my parents are white! What ever happened to solidarity? Oh wait! Even in the eyes of a true race-hater; you're not white either! Or at least "not white enough". The hatred runs deep with many of these people.

  3. Colorism - This is the big one. This is on the grounds where they devalue other people, even in their own ethnic group. If you have even a hint of eumelanin—whether in your skin, hair, or eyes—you’re labeled as "less fortunate" or "less important" and treated accordingly. When you try to speak up about it, they gaslight you, making you feel like your concerns are invalid. Meanwhile, they’re quick to defend others when they face the same treatment, because their pretext is: (("brunettes aren't under the same kind of targeted attack as those with the fairer features)). What in the lie is this?! The double standard is glaring. How can they justify this kind of selective protection while ignoring the mistreatment of those with brunette features in our own community? This blatant partiality is dishonorable snake behavior.

So why should someone like me care so much about being loved by white race-haters so badly that they'd be willing to catch that kind of hell over it? I know I'm not that desperate.

Whether it's race-hate, colorism, or featurism, the message is clear—these are places that do not value the full humanity of others, and there’s no place for me there.

Racial or political groups often build walls around their own interests, devaluing anyone who doesn’t fit perfectly into their boxes. Whether it’s based on race/ethnicity, class, political ideology, or appearance, these groups measure your worth by things that don’t define who you really are.

Ephesians 2:14 says,

"For He Himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in His flesh the dividing wall of hostility."

Jesus came to tear down the middle wall, not to build it up. He didn’t come to place you in a group that excludes others or values you based on something superficial like skin color or political stance. Instead, He offers you unconditional love, free from the world’s need for division.


Rejection is protection!

Be ok with rejection. Truth be told, I will gladly accept anyone's decision to be openly anti-Jewish, antiwhite, prejudiced against those with brunette features, and/or discriminatory of all others.

Don't get me wrong though, they can't come on my turf and promote their race-hate, I won't tolerate it. This has happened to me on a number of occasions even when I wasn't trying to attract attention from these people. They told me:

***Inserting the rejection sayings***

((If you disagree with us, you are antiwhite))

((If you disagree with us, you are racist.))

((Sorry, blonde is better.))

((You look Asiatic. Are you Asian?))

((You look like a Mongolian mixed with white.))

((Are you Jewish?))

((White people are going to be judged for slavery of the past.))

However, I appreciate knowing who to avoid as a white woman with brunette features. They can have their spaces. And I will avoid them like the plague that they are. If any of these things are said to you, you should distance yourself from these people immediately.

self-worth, find your value, stop chasing approval, overlooked but valuable, self-confidence, attract the right people, prove your value to yourself, don't seek validation, valuable things are overlooked, personal growth, know your worth, self-respect, treasure your uniqueness, self-empowerment, confidence attracts, focus on yourself, attract appreciation, recognize your worth, find your tribe, let go of toxic people, stop seeking validation, self-love

So why am I ok with rejection? Because rejection is protection! Am I okay with being rejected by these Nazi-minded, color-obsessed men who judge based on hair/eye color, skin tone, or beauty standards? Or the "woke" antiwhite community? Heck yes, I am! Because that rejection reveals exactly who they are. Let’s be real, when someone reduces your worth to the color you were born with or how well you fit into their narrow standards, they’ve already shown you where their heart is.

And here’s the kicker:

Sometimes God intentionally hides your value from others to protect you or to open your eyes to the toxic people you’re dealing with. It’s a shield, a neon sign flashing “Danger,” letting you know to steer clear of those who don’t deserve you.

I refuse to stand for their hatred—whether it’s aimed at other white people or people of other colors. Their worldview is so small, so limited, they don't know that there’s a whole world of color out there beyond the visible light spectrum which surpasses what we see in the physical. The most precious things can’t even be seen with the naked eye—like character, soul, and the light within us.

There is a whole spectrum of colors that is hidden from the human eye. Their narrow minds can’t grasp that, but I don’t need their validation, and I don’t need to fit into their little box.

Anyone who isn't comfortable with how you are, shouldn't be with you. They do not appreciate you, so they don't deserve you. You only hurt yourself allowing people like this into your life.

I’ll walk the narrow neon-lit path, staying true to God's Biblical principles, knowing that rejection is often just divine protection guiding me to where I really belong.


Rejection happens to everyone!

And I mean everyone! You're not alone! Some people are rejected early on in life. But some later on in life. Some people are rejected based on different rules set by society or other individuals.

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Early on in life, I've struggled with acceptance. It's like those girls I wanted to hang out with, but they didn't want to hang out with me or play with me. That kind of hurt... a little. The truth is young people will form groups. They will form little cliques, clubs, and exclusion. And I wondered why they didn't want to hang out with me. And I told my mother, they don't want to play with me.

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She said: "That's ok. You can go play by yourself. You've got 3 options. You can go play by yourself, you can play with your siblings, or you can go find someone else to play with."

I thought about it for a second... and then I went back to playing by myself.

It's important to teach your child, early on; how to be ok when somebody else sets a boundary. If a child is saying they don't want to play with your child, they do not have to. Just like your child doesn't have to play with them. But if you can teach your child the skill set of being ok with that, being ok with rejection, being ok with people not wanting to play with them, not liking them, not accepting them, the better their life will be down the road. Because this will help spare them from this stronghold of rejection as an adult.

This isn't to try to change the way the world contemplates us. That would not be a sensible objective, and I don't want to imagine that it is. But this would certainly affect how we see ourselves by changing the lens through which we see the world: to change our perspective. Therefore, transforming our lives.

The key to fighting rejection is to love yourself and know who you are.

I am a daughter of the most-high God: unique and custom-made. There is no other human being in this world that is like me. I have no limitations.

Can you imagine if I wasted all my precious time trying to prove myself to the whole world and to make sure everyone liked me? Before stepping out and being authentic? Please, for the love of God and yourself, accept that not everyone is going to like you. That's ok! Not everyone loves brunettes. That doesn't mean they are not absolutely AMAZING!

This isn’t about changing other people’s minds who don’t like you. It’s to recognize that the image of God is the most important thing a person can possess. And we are created in his image.


Stop trying to prove your value to them!

self-worth, find your value, stop chasing approval, overlooked but valuable, self-confidence, attract the right people, prove your value to yourself, don't seek validation, valuable things are overlooked, personal growth, know your worth, self-respect, treasure your uniqueness, self-empowerment, confidence attracts, focus on yourself, attract appreciation, recognize your worth, find your tribe, let go of toxic people, stop seeking validation, self-love

If someone doesn't appreciate you, you don't try to force your way into their spaces. Nor should you allow them in yours. You stay away from them! Bottom line.

Don’t waste a second chasing their attention! Never let desperation drive you. They want you to run after them? Nah, we don’t play that game. You rise above by leveling up, working on yourself, and finding your worth in the one who created you in the first place. Let them come to you—because your glow is too strong to ignore. ⚡️✨

It would be a good idea not to focus on those who overlook you, those who ignore you, those who don't appreciate you, those who don't see you. Don't waste your time with these people. Stop trying to prove your value to them! Prove it to yourself. You don't need them in your life in order to live. They are not your oxygen tank!

People who fail to appreciate valuable things aren't essential to your well-being. Your God-given worth surpasses their limited perception. Remember, genuinely valuable things are often overlooked.

It's not your fault if certain individuals fail to see you. What's crucial is that you see yourself.

When God puts his light within you, you begin to shine bright in a very dark world. You will be hated by the world. Even Jesus was. He was despised and rejected of men. Truly valuable things are hated by those who are in darkness, because men loved darkness more, because the light showed them that their deeds were evil.

It goes to show you, the most valuable things are hated by the world. But you keep shining like the delicate treasure that you are. Keep in mind that what one man may overlook, another may treasure like fine China. Because these people exist. You just need to find them! And you can attract them by finding your value in the Lord first!



What lesson would this teach you? That when you throw pearls before swine, nothing good comes from it. I have discovered that the world has many diverse opinions and perspectives, and it is important to surround yourself with the right people, those who will treasure you.


As for me, I’ll keep my heart with Jesus, where my value isn’t determined by race, age, or appearance—but by His grace and the worth He placed on my soul.

When you go where you’re valued—truly valued—it means running back to Jesus, not any group that pits itself against others. Racial and political movements often foster division, but Jesus unites us in a love that transcends these earthly labels.

Galatians 3:28 reminds us,

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Your value isn’t defined by your race, your political leanings, or where society thinks you belong. It’s defined by the fact that Jesus laid down His life for you, calling you His own. Stop seeking acceptance from groups that thrive on exclusion, and instead, focus on the one who already accepted you— In the beloved. That's where you’re truly valued.


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