Today, I opened up twitter and found all of my followers and all people I am following completely removed from my account. What is going on???

To find out, they suspended my account. This is the “friendly” email I received from Twitter today: accusing me of manipulating or disrupting other people’s experience on Twitter. How much sense does this make???

But... I never harassed anyone! Are you kidding me? You people are dirty liars!
How do you dispute something like this??? Because there is no reason with these people, from my personal experience. They decide they don't like you? They zap you. That's it. No reason given. No explanation. Just unclear accusations with no proof or evidence!
Never argue their pretexts
So why don't I wish to dispute this claim? There is no point in arguing viewpoints. NONE! My personal experience with Twitter has been both good and bad. Yes, on this platform I've met a lot of good friends and people with the same interests as me. But I've also had some bad experiences as well and I'm going to nail it down. I've come across some really shady people who will hate on you for no reason at all. And some will even demonize you for stating something they disagree with. And trying to reason with these people is like beating a dead horse. You'll only be met with pretexts. Just take it from the me. They just demonize, defame you, or misrepresent you in some way. Or they will report you to try and get you banned.
So sick of the “woke movement“ thinking they are the only ones who are allowed to have an opinion on something or that their voices are the only ones allowed to be heard!
They truly believe they are smarter and better than everyone else who thinks differently than them. And this sums up all people in that movement. It’s like a cult. No one is allowed to have an opinion that differs from theirs. They are the real fascists.
It appears to me that Twitter is bias. Can we argue that? As I stated repeatedly:
Christians need to jump off the bandwagon of the ever changing standards of 'woke' righteousness and seek real righteousness and find rest in Christ!
Yeah, that’s my twitter experience. There is no reason with people like this. If somebody disagrees with you, they can simply report you, defame you by spreading lies about you, report and ban you, or may even dox you to inflict some type of harm on you. This is Twitter. The sewer pipe of the mind!
Is Twitter anti-Christian?
It seems to me like they are. Why? Let me take a wild guess as to what I did wrong? Did I share my faith in Jesus? And let me guess what also happened. A group of users decided to report me. Looking at my last Tweet, I don't think the picture here is too hard to get a hold of. They want to silence views that are contrary to their political stance, such as celebrating Christianity in June. Really, folks?

I never harassed anyone! And they know it! They have no proof of it. Because it’s all a lie, folks. Twitter is a joke!
Twitter is now censoring Christians.
We’re not allowed to share our faith on Twitter anymore, folks. All people of faith who want to share the gospel of Jesus will eventually be suspended or possibly banned.
Especially if it goes against the narrative they are trying to push. And that may differ from day to day. Furthermore, It doesn't matter to me what progressives have decided to rename the month of June or what they choose to observe during that month. June has always been my Holy Ghost celebration month since 2002! Because that’s when I first received the Holy Ghost!
#Twitter is anti-Christian. Now we all know!
I will celebrate my Lord and savior any day or month of the year! I will #PraiseHim till he calls me home!!!
Never Depend on Twitter for Success!
For this reason, I’m officially through with Twitter. I'm done trying to get a huge following on that platform. It’s just not worth my time anymore. There are other ways you can spread your message. Twitter isn’t a free speech platform, so they can zap you any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all. Go out into your community and reach people where you are. Migrate to other platforms that support free speech.
So what do I do now?
I lost over 2000 followers on Twitter by being banned. Big hairy deal, right? This is a big deal to any rising artists. We need our fans and supporters. But when you've got a huge following on networks like Twitter that have turned progressive, they can instantly remove all of your followers with a click of a mouse. They have the power to delete you from their platform for any reason. This poses a problem. And this was obviously done by people who did not want me to succeed. They just wanted to crush my dreams beneath their feet and keep me from what God has for me! And I’ve got news for Twitter. They won't stop me! And here is the good news. A music artist doesn’t need a gazillion followers on social media in order to get their voices heard.
So how can I get my music heard without a Twitter account with over 2000 followers? You’d be surprised.
See here is how you can get heard as an artist without having a Twitter account with over 2000 followers!
If you are an artist or someone who wants to spread the truth and have been disconnected from your followers, I would suggest making yourself known on these platforms that support free speech:
Also, feel free to follow me on these networks!
Also, build your e-mail list because that will enable you to keep in touch with your fans, which is something twitter and other social networks cannot take away from you.
My message to Twitter
Dear Twitter,
We music artists don't need you. As a Christian artist, I don't need you to approve the message of the gospel. Because we are seeking HIS approval. And his is the only approval one should seek. Our message is a message of salvation and redemption, love, and hope. And with that message of love comes change. God does expect us to change, whether you choose to believe it or not!
We don't need you to be successful. We have everything we need in Christ!
🏰 #GodWins 🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗
Best wishes!
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