What every artist needs to know about how to obtain God's full blessing. Many times we are the architects of our own misfortune. So discretion is crucial.

Because we are so quick to be loud-mouthed about our testimonies, especially the ones we're still anticipating, or the ones that have not yet fully manifested.
Know the right time to give your testimony
Even in Revelations 12:11 says: "And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony." It is still important to know the right time to give your testimony. And just because someone claps the loudest for you doesn't mean the person is happy for you. In fact, some people will clap the loudest and still play your downfall. Some people will have the loudest voice when sharing your success story and still envy you the most.
Some people are snakes in disguise. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. Ridiculously too cunning for a human being. Make no mistake. Not everyone is your friend and not everyone is a supporter. So many times, many Christians fall into the trap of having their blessings and their miracles cut short. They get too excited and told another Christian friend or a believer about the things they are expecting from God, or how many things they were expecting from God, or how much God has blessed and prospered them. In fact, they can fuse a mistake, confessing positivity in faith with testifying.
Jerimiah 17:9 states:
"The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?"
Human beings, because of the sinful nature passed down from Adam; are very terrible creatures. Now the only reason why Christians are capable of showing love to one another, especially to those they do not know is because of the power of the Holy Spirit at work through them. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us because he's given us his Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
According to Romans 5: 5
The nature of the flesh is evil. It's full of wickedness. So naturally, humans are unkind. They're desperately wicked with zero intentions to lift others and zero happiness to see other people win. Especially to win at the same things they once struggled with.
Understand the world
Let me tell you something about this world. The world is full of unkind people. People who love to bring other people down. People who hate to see others succeed and get what they're trying to get or achieve. People who only lift others as long as they do not surpass them. People are full of jealousy, envy, and strife. People are willing to go to any length just to make sure another person does not get what he or she deserves or needs. People who are ready to use and dump others. And this is the reason why we must be careful with the things we say and how we say them, and who our audience is.
The people with whom you are sharing your testimonies, especially at the wrong time may be the same people to block the remainder of your blessings. So silence is golden, and all the time. And if you must testify you have to wait for the right to do so.
Also, do not go around being loud, and talking about the things you have yet to accomplish if it ain't done yet: The miracles you are expecting from God, the breakthroughs you're anticipating, or a new favor that is coming your way if they are not there yet. Do not be the person to talk to all, and do nothing. Let your results speak for you unless you're talking to your destiny helpers or maybe people you owe updates to. So do not be all over the place saying and speaking of things you cannot achieve.
Do not draft for public attention
Especially if you have nothing to keep up with. In fact, just as the Song of Solomon chapt 3:5 warns us not to awaken love until the right time. It says: "Promise me, oh woman of Jerusalem; by the gazelles and the wild deer not to awaken love until the time is right."
Do not try to attract public attention until the time is right.
Not everyone is a child of God. And not every Christian has a clean heart. In fact, some people are the agents of the devil looking for a home to pounce on and destroy. So when you start being loud about your blessings, especially when the time is not right yet, you're giving these bad people access to information they will use to manipulate your situation. So sometimes, your loud mouth could be telling your friend that you trust. Then the trusted friends then open up your information to another trusted friend. And that is how the chain is built until it gets to hearing of your enemy. One that is set out to destroy you or block your blessings!
So, another reason why you should shut your mouth when God blesses you is that many other people are seeking to have the opportunity that you have. It could be a contract, a job opportunity, or a great spouse.
There have been many people filing to be in that position that you're currently in. So when you start being loud about it, especially to the wrong people at the wrong time, they will find ways to snatch the opportunity out of you to take it for themselves and their selfish gains.
Sometimes, when it's not even that they snatched your or position from because they need it. It could be that they tried to get that same position, but they could not. So they aim at doing everything to stop you from getting it, too. I know it may be shocking, but that's the world that we live in. It could be that they just don't want you to have it. Not because they need it or they wanted it, but because they hate you, they hate to see you being blessed. They hate to see you prosper. They hate to see you excel. Hence, they dedicate their time, their strength, their energy, and their resources to make sure that you fail.
Trust in God's Timing
So one huge lesson I've learned about life and God is to trust in God's timing, even if we don't know when. God's timing is so relevant to everything. From the time of the blessings that you come to the time of the testimony. Now, it's important to be able to discern his voice as well as the times and seasons that we know when to speak up. It's important to know when to testify. It's important to know when to keep shut.
Revelations 12: 11
"They've conquered him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony."
However, knowing when to testify is also crucial. So giving the testimony at the wrong time will not be as much as it will be if the testimony comes at the right time.
Not every blessing needs or requires public attention. So the worse thing to do is to seek public attention for the sake of validation, to prove to people that you too are blessed. And for people to applaud and approve your blessing in the way they think it should be.
So learn to stop being loud-mouthed about your blessings.
Learn to stop being loud-mouthed about your blessings because not every testimony demands public attention. Not every testimony should be shared on the feed, and not every testimony is for public view. So, just as two people share intimacy by having special information only known to both of them, sometimes your intimacy with God is built on the secret details you share with him and no one else.
Not everyone will understand
You need to know that not everyone will understand your vision. Not everyone will understand or relate to your story. Not everyone will understand your story or your testimony. In fact, your testimony may not be beneficial or inspiring to everyone. So when God gave you that vision, it was not on the conference call. When you were praying and asking God for that miracle, that blessing, that upgrade, that new level, it was not on a conference call. And not every special moment with God should end up on the news feed or on the internet.
Take a break from all that talking and let your doing prove the results. Spend more time working than talking. Instead of being loud about your blessings when it arrives, start figuring out ways to put it to the best use.
To grow and multiply whatever God gave you. Or better still, start working and praying about the next set of miracles. Because God has so many things in store for you.
When God blesses you, keep your mouth shut!
There are examples of people that were blessed by God in the Bible. One valid example is Joseph. He always had dreams about what God would do in his life. And guess what? His brothers were jealous. They were jealous of the fact that Joseph was going to be great and they were not. The fact is that dreams have a lot of symbolism in their time. And Joseph was also loved by his father. His father loved him so much that his brothers took offense. When Joseph had his dreams, he told them. He was not able to discern that his brothers didn't have good intentions. So here are a few reasons why you have to keep your mouth shut when you have the blessing.
The enemy is out to get you. I mean this. The enemy tries to find any way in his power to frustrate your life. It could be through the pressure of this world. But you know an amazing fact? The devil does not know everything. He's not everywhere a the same time. One instance that can be found is when Jesus was born. It is important to note that the devil works through men. And guess who he worked through? Herod. The devil is not seen physically. He works through men. He will not come to you openly with a horn and a tail, but he will come in subtle ways. That's why he's called a deceiver. No wonder he deceived Eve.
Not everyone likes you. This is crucial. You cannot please everybody. And you cannot be the hero of everybody. You have to be able to discern the people you surround yourself with. This is because not everybody has the right intentions. There are some people that will come to you pretending to be your friend. They'll pretend to love you, or that they're there for you. The truth is: when you're not looking they stab you in the back. They're what they call green snakes in green grasses. They're deceitful, which makes it easy for the devil to use them. How then do you properly discern the people that are around you? By being prayerful. a) by being prayerful. One must not underestimate the power of prayer. There is a song that says "prayer is the key": that it's the master key. And as simple as it sounds, it has a great implication. Because when you pray, your eyes are open to see and you'll be able to spot those who are against you. An example is seen in Jesus. He was always found praying. And he did not give excuses. He did not allow the enemy to have victory. In fact, the way he prayed is how we should pray for our relationships, too. So it means that you should be prayerful when you want to say something that is sensitive to somebody. (b) Be sensitive to the spirit of God. The spirit of god that you have is not just for decoration. The Bible says that he is our help and comforter. The Bible says he is there to help in the smallest manners. There is a scripture I love that states: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. in your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your path." And that's the confidence we have in God, that he's always ready to guide and protect you.
The enemy can come to tempt you. The Bible says you should not give way to the devil because the devil is like a roaring lion seeking someone he may devour. He's desperately looking to destroy someone. And this is the reason why you must be discreet. You should not broadcast everything that happens to you. Samson was a man mightily used of God against the enemy. He was so strong he could remove a gate. He could kill thousands of men at the same time, yet everyone was afraid of him. And nobody should even close or even dare to fight. Yet he had a weakness. Lust. The way that the enemy is going to you is through sin. It could be the smallest of sins. yet it gives the enemy a foothold. So here was Samson. He lusted over a woman that did not love God. And that was the opportunity that the enemy was waiting for. And he struck. Delilah tricked Samson into telling her his secret, not once, not twice, but three times. And he could not see what the enemy was doing. But his eyes were blinded. He was blinded by his lustful desires. And this is the reason why you must learn to be discreet. There were times in the Bible when Jesus would heal the sick and tell them to tell no one, or he himself would go to the mountains because Jesus did not publicize himself.
Allow God to announce you! The reason why we get into trouble sometimes is because we are in a haste. We want to be famous or rich, quickly. So you must be patient. The process of greatness starts little by little. It's one step at a time. You do not build a castle in a day. No. You will first lay a foundation before you begin to build that house. So the blessing that has happened to you is not the first. Nor will it be the last. It is therefore important for you to learn how to be patient so that you do not hit yourself on the wall. An example is seen in David. He was a very humble boy. And when Samuel anointed him as king, he did not go to sit on the throne or went to tell his friends. No. He was patient until God would reveal him to the children of Israel. He still spoke well of Saul, even though Saul attempted to kill him several times. There were times David had the opportunity to kill Saul. But he still chose to honor and respect him. The time finally came for David to be made king. He was subscribed as a man after God's own heart. But why is this so? Because he was ready to receive from God. He was ready to serve God with the sincerity of his heart. He was not lofty in his eyes as Saul was. Saul was ready to announce himself. Now, if you do not allow God to announce you, your pride will enter and you will drift away.
Do not get too comfortable. There is a temptation to relax when you see God's blessings pouring in. Suddenly, you no longer pray as you used to and now give excuses. There is a temptation to slip into when you're not discreet. You should always learn to aim higher. Do not be satisfied with where you are in every ramification. If you become too comfortable, you will live below your standard. Your capacity may be three times more than what you are doing now. So do not be an average person because an average life is not the best life. Why should you go for average when you can go for more?
Avoid pride. It goes before a fall. You must learn to guard your heart. Pride is very subtle. And sometimes, when someone is proud; he'll be too proud to admit that he is proud. But if you have the right heart and attitude, you'll be able to feel uncomfortable when you are proud. This was something that King Saul did not pay attention to. He was ok with David. I mean, David was a boy. He was ok with him until women started to praise him. They said that Saul killed his thousands. And David killed his ten-thousands. Meanwhile, David just killed one person. But Saul loved the praises of people. He loved it when people said he was the best king in the whole world. But now it seemed like jealousy was beginning to set in. He began to wonder why David was praised more than him. From pride, it became hatred. And from hatred it became anger. From anger, it became attempted murder. So, can you see how one form of sin can lead to another? And this is because the enemy plays a long game. You might not see what he's doing now. But he's really trying to put you down. So you must not let him. So as much as possible, you must learn to be discreet. Do not give room for the enemy with your words and actions.
Do not be comfortable where you are. And at the same time, do not allow pride to enter into your heart. Allow God to announce you. Allow him to move you. He is the master builder and he knows what is best for you.
Why your blessing has not yet come?
Sometimes we wonder why are blessings never come. Why do our plans fail? You had a great idea, but it just fizzled out now. And now someone else is doing it. And it seems like a terrific idea. So what happened to me? It's amazing, sometimes; that the little things we do are responsible for the major failures we get in life.
Have you ever wondered why God made at least the first 3 months of a woman's pregnancy hidden? Maybe it's because the most sensitive time of the baby's forming is within that period. And because a woman can easily lose her baby during this time, have you ever considered this thought? I know you may be excited about this big thing you're about to do, and this big thing you're expecting. But have you ever paused to think that maybe the people you're telling aren't as excited for you? Have you ever thought that maybe this person also wanted this? And didn't get it. But you did? You have to be careful. It's naivety to believe that everyone cares about your progress and just loves for you to succeed. Newsflash. Life doesn't work that way.
Jerimiah 17:9 states:
"The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?"
Who knows the answer to this question? Certainly not you. Because you don't have the ability to read minds. You can never know someone's true intent towards you. That ability fully belongs to God. So what can we do since we do not know who really has our back? Simple. Get wisdom.
To live successfully in this world and to fully enjoy God's blessings, we need something called Wisdom. Even scripture states in Proverbs 4:7:
"Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do. And whatever else you do, develop good judgment."
Wisdom is knowing what to say and when to say it. It's also knowing who to say it to. The more we seek wisdom in everything we are doing, the better for us.
Let's get a little story from Elisabeth and Zacharias, the parents of John the Baptist. The woman and her husband were very faithful to God. And they served God well. But they had no child. This really didn't stop them. They kept serving God until they were really old. And then angel Gabriel came to Zacharias and told him he was going to have a son. Zacharias didn't believe, so the angel made him dumb. This is very significant. The angel made sure that he could not speak because he might communicate his fears to other naysayers. And together they would try to ruin what God wanted to do.
When Elizabeth conceived, according to prophesy; she rejoiced and thanked God. But she did something that also was important. She went to hide. Why?
Every great thing hides before its manifestation.
Maybe if she didn't hide for 5 months, she would have been discouraged. Maybe they would have told her: "You're too old to carry this baby." And that's how she would have lost her joy. As Children of God, it's important to know the way God blesses! If we don't know this, we might say our blessings to others unknowingly. And we will lose it.
Some of us say: "If I win the lottery and win a million dollars, no one will know so I don't get attacked. I know not everyone means well."
Nothing wrong with this thought. But this isn't the basic problem. In fact, the main problem will be: Who did you tell that you're trying out the lottery and hoping to hit a million? Because this is important. Who did you speak to? What did they say? We cannot know, without God's help; who truly loves us and who doesn't. You can't know who has bad intentions for you. So God might not tell you to try the lottery. Because he cherishes hard work. Here's how God works to bless you:
He gives you a seed. God doesn't usually bless the way people think. God will most likely not drop money in your bank account, or bring a job your way. Yes, miracles happen. But even at that, you must have cooperation. God doesn't usually bless people the way we think. People will most likely not drop money in your bank account or bring a job your way. Yes, miracles happen, but even at that; you must have cooperated with God for him to bless you.
We see an example of this cooperation with God in Mark 10:46-52:
It says Jesus and his disciples went to Jericho. And as they were leaving, they were followed by a huge crowd. A blind beggar by the name of Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus; was sitting beside the road. When he heard that it was Jesus from Nazareth he shouted: "Jesus, son of David; have pity on me!" Many people told the man to stop. But he shouted even louder. "Son of David, have pity on me!!!" And Jesus stopped and said: "Call him over!"
They called out to the blind man and said: "Don't be afraid. Come on! He is calling for you!" The man threw off his coat as he jumped up and ran to Jesus. Jesus asked: "What do you want me to do for you?" The blind man answered: "Master, I want to see." Jesus told him. "You may go. Your eyes are healed because of your faith." And right away the man could see and he went down the road with Jesus. Even the blind man was well-positioned. He paid attention, and that is how he knew that Jesus was around. He didn't stop there. He had to shout to get his miracle. He had to keep shouting, although others were trying to silence him. There are many more examples, just like this one.
So even though you are expecting a miracle, you have to do something.
What is the seed parable?
So back to our seed parable: what does it mean when God blesses us with a seed? Nature begins to present us with so many truths that we don't get to see. We're so busy doing life. But see this: when you plant a seed, it begins to grow. You're excited, but you have to keep it safe. Because it's still easy prey. And you have to keep watching that plant as it grows. Now, when it fully grows you can easily take your eyes off. Why? Because at this stage, it's more difficult for the tree to be attacked. This is how we should be.
If you must tell people your blessing, why not let it mature first?
And honestly, we know that trees can be cut down. So we still need to be mindful of who we tell our blessings to. The seed can be an idea, a business plan, applying for a job opportunity. It could be anything that will grow and give us huge benefits. This is where we make the mistake. You tell that person your business plan and they laugh and tell you it will never work. How do they know if they didn't even think through it yet? They didn't even think it through. Yet these same people are either going to steal your idea or keep working on their own. They just stole your seed! They took your blessing, but you just took it as good advice.
God expects us to apply wisdom to our lives.
Some of us are not sensitive at all.
There is a story of two friends. They both came from poor homes. They were both very hard working. Dean and Angelo were inseparable. They grew up together. And they vowed to escape the rat race. They both worked together in a restaurant waiting tables. Now, Dean was more personable and has tried to tell Angelo to be a little more pleasant. Angelo declined and stated: "That's how I am." However, Dean's attitude earned him more tips. At first, Angelo was happy for him. But as Dean kept telling him about the tips he was getting, he began to get jealous. His attitude changed towards Dean. And Dean knew something was wrong, but could not put his finger on it. He didn't want to think that his friend of many years would be jealous of him. As Dean kept getting more tips, Angelo's jealousy grew. One day, Angelo stabbed Dean to death in anger. Painful, right? Of course, he went to prison, but Dean died. He wouldn't have if he would have kept his mouth shut.
If this could happen to friends, how much more random colleagues at work? Or Gym buddies? The above story is definitely an extreme case. But we see more cases of colleagues telling lies about other colleagues, people framing others up, and things of that sort. So you need to be very careful about who you tell about your blessings. Because you never know the intention of the person you are speaking to.
So, when God blesses you: learn to keep your mouth shut!
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