As synthwave enthusiasts, we revel in the beauty of nostalgia and futuristic dreams, but let’s take a moment to face a sobering reality. In a world that preaches "diversity and inclusion," Christians find themselves increasingly on the fringes, vilified for their beliefs and ostracized for daring to go against the grain of societal norms. So why is it that Christians are so often targeted, and why does the so-called "inclusive" crowd turn a blind eye to this hypocrisy? Let’s unpack the neon-soaked irony of it all.
Neptune Vibes: Is This the Real Deal or Just Another Poser?
Ever since the whole TikTok ban drama went down in the United States, new apps and talk of alternative ones have been popping up faster than Pac-Man on a power pellet. One of these apps is The Neptune App. I was totally stoked about this rad, American-owned, up-and-coming app that’s all about "freedom of speech," or so they say.
So, I decided to cruise on over. They hyped up all these gnarly features and even opened a Discord server for us to snag our usernames before the app officially dropped. Naturally, I jumped at the chance to reserve mine. I’m not gonna lie—I was on the edge of my seat, ready to see if this app could live up to the buzz.
Then the chatter started. People were all like, (("Is it LGBTQ-friendly?")) And the speaker was quick to pipe up, (("Of course it is!")) She’s all about supporting that scene and even mentioned some anti-bullying policies they’re planning to drop. At first, I didn’t give it much thought. I mean, I was too busy scoping out where to land after TikTok got the boot. But as I kept coming back, the hype was getting pushed harder than a Walkman rewind button. They made it sound like this was the issue of the century.
Here’s where things start to get sketchy. The real question popped into my head: Is Christian content gonna get the same vibes? I mean, they’re all about hyping up the "woke" and "pronoun" crowd, right? So, where does that leave people like me? People of faith who might not vibe with all those ideas?
It’s pretty telling how they’re all about protecting the woke scene but didn’t drop a single word about the faith community or the shade that’s constantly thrown our way.
They’re always talking about diversity and inclusion, but like, am I included? Or am I just another square peg they don’t want to deal with because my beliefs don’t fit their mold? It’s a total bummer, and honestly, it’s got me feeling like this app might be more poser than the real deal. Let’s see if they’re actually ready to walk the walk, or if it’s just a bunch of bogus talk.
So I put it to the test. I asked her on TikTok live, “What about anti-Christian hate? We deal with that, too!” Total crickets. Everyone straight-up ignored me. Like, who even decides what’s hate speech and what’s not? You could call anything hate speech now—even stuff straight outta the Bible. It’s bananas!
So, this leaves me feeling unsure whether or not I’m going to vibe with this new Neptune app (which will be released this April). But hey, time will tell. The head honcho, the one calling the shots, is all about gagging anyone they slap the “bigot” label on to “protect” LGBTQ and pronoun peeps from hate or bullying. I mean, is that even an issue these days? But when it comes to Christians, it’s like, “Who cares?” We’re the most trashed group on the planet. Why? For not hopping on the woke bandwagon and repping our faith? And yet, we’re the ones getting blamed for the hate. How bogus is that?
Now, don’t get me wrong—I’m not down with hate or bullying. But let’s be real, turning a blind eye to hate against Christians just because people don’t vibe with what we believe? Major bogus move. It’s so gnarly now that I tell folks, “I can’t even answer that, or you’ll think I’m throwing shade, just for sticking to Biblical truth over the world’s way of thinking.”
Us GenX and Xennial types do not take kindly of censorship that favors one side and bans the other while calling it 'hate'.
((If you want to be an a-hole, we don't want you here.)) The leader declares as she gets some rockin' emojis and positive vibes from her majority "woke" audience. Get it! Got it! And again, are you referring to actual bullies? Or just content you don't agree with?
If you want to be told what you can and cannot say concerning your faith when they are allowed to freely express their views while snuffing you out? Then you have no game. You have no skin in the game if you bow the knee to walking on egg shells for other people's feelings. We can't live our lives that way!
You can say what you want to say, but you don't have the right to tell me what I can or cannot say. That's crossing the line.
And with that mindset, they’d be ready to ban you faster than you can say, “Obummer!”
Christians: The Most Hated Group Worldwide

Statistics and anecdotal evidence alike point to Christians as one of the most persecuted groups globally. From outright violence in certain countries to social ostracism in the West, the disdain is real. The reason? It’s not just about faith; it’s about defiance. Christians—through their faith and practices—often challenge the zeitgeist, standing firm on Biblical truths even when those truths clash with popular ideologies.
Consider the global "woke" movement, which demands allegiance to ever-shifting standards of morality. Christians who adhere to scripture find themselves labeled as "bigots" for upholding views that differ from the mainstream. Yet, instead of honest dialogue, there’s a rush to silence them. How ironic that the champions of tolerance often show none themselves.
The Show of Partiality
The "diversity and inclusion" narrative is riddled with inconsistencies. These movements claim to fight for marginalized voices, yet they pick and choose which voices deserve amplification. Those who align with progressive ideals—regardless of their actions—are celebrated, while Christians are dismissed as intolerant or out of touch.
Take the concept of "hate speech." It’s become a catch-all term, applied liberally to shut down dissenting opinions. Who decides what constitutes hate? Increasingly, it’s anyone in power who disagrees with traditional Christian perspectives. Even Biblical teachings are now deemed offensive, dismissed as relics of an unenlightened past. But isn’t it convenient how this label is rarely applied to those spewing anti-Christian rhetoric? The hypocrisy is as glaring as neon lights on a midnight street.
Why the Silence?
Many people who oppose Christianity remain silent on anti-Christian hate for a few reasons:
Fear of Being Canceled: Supporting Christians can be seen as aligning with the "wrong side." Few are willing to risk their social or professional standing to defend a group so heavily criticized.
Cognitive Dissonance: It’s easier to ignore the contradiction between preaching tolerance and hating Christians than to confront the biases inherent in the "inclusivity" movement.
Cultural Narrative: For decades, the media and academia have painted Christianity as oppressive and outdated. This narrative primes society to see Christians as the enemy, rather than victims of discrimination.
Against the Grain
Christians, much like the synthwave genre, often find themselves swimming upstream in a world captivated by fleeting trends. Synthwave thrives because it’s unapologetically nostalgic and refuses to conform to the pop music machine. Similarly, Christianity endures because it stands firm on timeless truths rather than bending to cultural whims. This refusal to compromise is what makes both synthwave and Christianity so compelling—and so misunderstood.
The Hypocrisy of "Inclusivity"
At its core, the "inclusivity" movement claims to value all perspectives, yet its actions tell a different story. Favor is shown to those who toe the line, while Christians are branded as villains for simply holding to their faith. True diversity should celebrate differences, even when they challenge the status quo. Unfortunately, what we see is a curated version of inclusion that excludes anyone unwilling to conform.
A Call to Action
For Christians and allies, it’s time to embrace boldness. Share your faith and stand for your values, even when it’s unpopular. The neon-soaked glow of synthwave reminds us that light shines brightest in darkness. Let your light shine unapologetically, because every movement—from synthwave to faith—begins with those brave enough to go against the grain.
So, the next time someone preaches "diversity and inclusion," ask them: Does that include Christians?
The answer may reveal more than they intend. In the meantime, let’s keep creating, believing, and shining brightly in a world that desperately needs both truth and hope.
What are your thoughts? Let’s keep the conversation going and build a community that thrives on mutual respect, even when we don’t see eye to eye. Remember: the most radical thing you can do is stay true to your values in a world that’s constantly shifting.
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