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Why do artists attack other artists?

Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Updated: Feb 12

dream of zion by retro sonya meaning, Retro Sonya', New synthwave song release, "Dream of Zion" song, Synthwave mix, Retro music by Sonya', Synthwave track "Dream of Zion", Synthwave music release, Sonya' music, Dreamy synthwave vibes, Retro-inspired music, Synthwave mixtape, Electronic music by Retro Sonya', Dreamy Zion-themed synthwave, Sonya' "Dream of Zion" release, Retro and futuristic synthwave sounds.Music artist conflicts, Artist rivalry, Online music industry criticism, Handling criticism, Music artists attacking each other, Dealing with online criticism, Differing music styles controversy, Respecting musical diversity, Coping with negative feedback, Music industry disagreements, Online bashing in music, Artists not pushing certain agendas, Navigating artistic differences, Responding to music industry criticism, Strategies for dealing with musician conflicts.

My original song "Dream of Zion" triggers red pill alt-righters. My response.

"Dream of Zion" was the very first song I ever wrote. It was in my freshman year in high school.

So, what could be so wrong about this? And what could be the fuel behind the negativity spewed against it by these people? Let's delve into why artists do this to other artists, and how to properly response to their ((strawman attacks)).


Why do these alt-

right/red-pilled men assume I am on their team when they first meet me?

This blog may sound like a rant. And maybe it is. But hear me out. I represent traditional values. So, it's no wonder why some of these trad people from this community are drawn to me... at first. I've got a whole lot of them that have followed me on Twitter, FB, and other places. People assume a lot when they first see me. They see I'm white. They see I'm traditional. They see I'm a German enthusiast. And then they go:

(("Oh! One of us! One of us! One of us! Gooble Gobble!1"))

Nope. I'm not on your team. Let me repeat: I'M NOT ON YOUR TEAM!!!

I've got the folkish right and European pagans following me. I've got alt-right red-pilled folks following me. I've got neo-Nazis following me on social media not knowing I'm not a part of those politically or racially motivated groups. Nor am I subscribed to ideologies that are not centered around the Biblical worldview.

Yeah, I've gone after bad ideas they don't like, such as the antiwhite agenda, NWO, the UN's open border policy, and the anti-nuclear family propaganda machine. And that's all well and good. That is until I say something that aligns with my Biblical values that contradicts their worldview. That's when they start taking their shots at me, and I end up blocking them for their obnoxious and disrespectful behavior. This has happened on multiple occasions.

Life's way too gnarly to be playing music police on my post that’s totally vibing with some synthwave beats and righteous 80s nostalgia. It’s supposed to be chill, relatable, and like, inspirational—a slice of life that slaps. Toss in a bit of rad motivation, and bam! You’ve got a mix that spreads good vibes everywhere. But these comments? Ugh, what’s the damage, guys?

I wasn’t planning to dish out lectures alongside everybody else's taste in music. And here’s a newsflash: I’m not for everyone, and everyone isn’t for me. So what? If you don’t dig it, just bounce! For the record, I’m not pushing any bogus alt-right/lite agenda. Maybe just the “get right with God before it’s too late” vibe. Ya dig?

Yeah, I get it—I put myself out there, no one twisted my arm. But if you’re here just to throw shade, you can, like, take a chill pill and park it somewhere else. Seriously.

And another thing: you don’t have to be the world’s stress sponge. Letting go of carrying all the drama? It’s primo advice, and you should totally try it. And all of you shouting about shady political agendas, conspiracies, and end-of-days drama? Chill out. This isn’t some crusade, dude. It’s just a chance to zone out from the chaos, vibe with some tunes, and redirect that energy toward God instead of all the heavy stuff.

Look, I’ve been down the rabbit hole—news, conspiracies, bad politics, and all the wild history behind it. Been there, done that. But after all those crazy years of stressing, I decided to just live. Pro tip: nothing in this world is permanent, not even you. This place is a major bummer sometimes, but Jesus is the hope-bringer, so why not fix your eyes on Him and His eternal purpose instead? That’s what’s truly rad.

So, lighten up, dudes. And for the love of all things neon, lay off my synthwave, okay? I’ll jam to it, make it, and share it whenever I want. You do you, and I’ll do me. Cowabunga, baby! 🕶️✨

My musical haven is non-political—ethereal and upbeat Synthwave. 🎹🌌 With around 2000 followers, my journey is fueled by high-quality music and an unwavering focus on my craft.

So, when faced with attempts to discredit my faith over disagreements, I remember: staying true to my principles is my greatest masterpiece. 🎶💪 Onward we go, creating and thriving in a world where the beat of authenticity echoes louder than the noise of criticism. 🚀💙 #MusicianLife #NavigateTheNoise #StayTrueToYou 🌐🎧

I do non-political content and music that reflects my Christian values. And as you are on your musical journey to success, you may be noticed by other artists. You'll inspire some, while others may lie about you to get others to think badly of you because they view you as a perceived threat to them. And they may recruit others to side with them against you.

Anybody who believes lies about you without hearing your side of the story was already looking for a way to be against you. I can't say this enough.

Anyone who does this is automatically blocked. I won't let everyone have easy access to me. I have officially let go of any desire to defend myself on social media at this point. Let them talk and let the greatness do the over talking.

So, there was another artist that noticed me and mistook me as a "red pill" artist. This confused supporter, (we'll call him Robert); was a self-proclaimed red-pill artist on the alt-right obsessed over Jews and what he called "Zionism" which I had no idea what that was at first. So, let's delve.


So, how in the world do I attract these people?

It's just as I stated. They see you representing moral values and going after ideologies they don't like, and they just assume you are exactly the same as them. But the moment they figure out that you're not, they launch their attacks. I've had some really bad experiences with some of these people.

After discovering my content on Minds, Robert, a self-proclaimed red-pilled artist, initially showed support, claiming he faced censorship for controversial views. However, he later expressed inappropriate views about Jews and "Zionism." I chose not to engage with those posts, leading him to demand I stop my positive Synthwave posts. It highlights the challenge of navigating differing ideologies and the potential for hostility.

His statements were: (("omg ENOUGH with the synthwave this, synthwave that! Do you literally know of no other music than synthwave? Does every post have to be about SW? There is some SW I like but in general its one of the most overrated genres of the last decade, esp. amongst the Alt Right/Lite."))

You are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to tell me what mine must be.

My generation was raised on this stuff. So, understand your opinion is just that: YOUR opinion. No one else has to buy into it!

((There's a million genres that could be explored to freshen up the Right Wing. Medieval electronic fantasy/dungeon synth? New Wave? Post Rock? Industrial? Experimental hiphop? Shibuya kei? Indietronic? shoegaze? And so on and so forth.))

I've explored various music genres, and my Bandcamp playlist showcases my versatility. And who ever heard of Indietronic or shoegaze? Shibuya kei? What the heck is that? Sure, you want to be unique. But you don't want to be so unique that nobody knows about the genre you represent. It's crucial for rising artists to brand themselves with something familiar rather than trying to present something that no person on earth has ever heard of. That's a path to failure. And you know what else is? Attempting to appeal to all music tastes. This is a recipe for disaster in the music industry.

My site doesn't involve politics, and I prefer to keep it that way for personal reasons.

He continued his negative prattle:

(("Recipe for disaster? Sort of like Zionist Israel's disastrous policies in the Middle East, sort of like that? Sort of like the state of the planet right now? So what use is it to not speak yr mind in your art? What use is it to try and appeal to the corrupt 'music industry'?"))

(("The state of the planet")) Says the "flat earther" who doesn't even believe planets exists. Thanks for your unsolicited advice I didn't ask for. We obviously have different goals and music tastes. You are all over the place with your arguments. Again, It's all about audience. That rings true no matter what industry you are in: mainstream or Indie.

Have you ever listened to a single song I wrote? Read any of my blogs? Watched any of my videos on YouTube? And you claim I don't speak my mind, even in my music? Why do you think they erased my Bandcamp account and had me banned from Twitter and LinkTree? Think about it.

I am not gearing my music to everyone. Because not everyone is going to agree on music taste. That is why we have music niches.

That is just the fact no matter what music industry you are involved in (mainstream or indie).

I've had my say about the corrupt mainstream music industry many moons ago. This comment tells me you've never read anything I ever wrote or watched any of my videos.

He then proceeded to try and make others think badly of me with strawman arguments. Typical.

(("Being eclectic is not a recipe for disaster if you have consistency in yr message and voice. That's what ties my work together. That's also why the work of Tom Waits & David Bowie, to name a few, worked if you want mainstream examples. So you don't know what yr talking about."))

Actually, I do. If you break your neck trying to "please everyone" you will fail. I don't mean to sound like your great-grandmother, but... I've been down that road already. It doesn't work. I know my audience, what my goals are, and what I stand for as an artist. So don't tell me what I know.

Branding your music is as important as the message you are portraying. When it comes to success in the music market, your niche needs to be narrowed down, that way your music can be identified by the people who are fans of that particular niche. Building a culture and a community around your music is important when it comes to attracting the right people to your music. Success is done with consistency! You don't do that by being eclectic.

Do you know who your audience is? What they like? What type of music they listen to? What values they hold? What they buy? You got to know these things! But maybe I'm just "wrong". So, by all means, continue doing what you are doing and fail. Then you will see that this lady wasn't as crazy as you originally thought, huh? Some people will just have to learn the hard way.

Speaking of David Bowie, he went by different names and titles to experiment with different genres. I spoke of this on a previous blog. Which again demonstrates that you have never read a single blog post of mine. If you will, you can read about it there.


Retro Sonya EDM (Thaaats me!!) is not a Redpill/Bluepill artist!

dream of zion by retro sonya meaning, Retro Sonya', New synthwave song release, "Dream of Zion" song, Synthwave mix, Retro music by Sonya', Synthwave track "Dream of Zion", Synthwave music release, Sonya' music, Dreamy synthwave vibes, Retro-inspired music, Synthwave mixtape, Electronic music by Retro Sonya', Dreamy Zion-themed synthwave, Sonya' "Dream of Zion" release, Retro and futuristic synthwave sounds.Music artist conflicts, Artist rivalry, Online music industry criticism, Handling criticism, Music artists attacking each other, Dealing with online criticism, Differing music styles controversy, Respecting musical diversity, Coping with negative feedback, Music industry disagreements, Online bashing in music, Artists not pushing certain agendas, Navigating artistic differences, Responding to music industry criticism, Strategies for dealing with musician conflicts.

So, in light of this, why did he decide to come after me? Doesn't he have music projects to work on? But no....

((“All you ever talk about is Synthwave this and Synthwave that”)).

Well, all you ever talk about is your obsession with Jews and rail about what you call “Zionism”… whatever that means.

Your audience is alt-right Jew bashers, am I right? My audience is synthwave 1980s music lovers, neon dreamers, and vintage collectors. We .Are. Not. The. Same!

Aren’t there much better things to focus on than race-hate ideologies that fill minds with poison? How about spreading joy and love instead of hate? Because Synthwave is about spreading love, bringing joy to others, and bringing people together!

((There's a million directions to go but so much of the right wing plays it safe with their synthwave & redpill rap and 1 of the only out there with the balls to explore any of it. Enough synthwave!!!))

I don't like 80s music, enough synthwave, dream of zion by retro sonya meaning

And I say: Enough with the anti-Jewish propaganda!!!

If this is your opinion, if the creation of 80s inspired music disappoints you, then I would encourage you to unfollow me, because I don’t want you to expect me to align myself with a different type of standard only to be met with disappointment.

I'm not in the business of promoting alt-right/alt-light politics or bashing Jews. You want to point fingers at Jews? Why don't you point a finger at yourself, first? I am not in the business of attacking people of certain racial groups. I am not in the business of appealing to all music tastes. You want to be multifaceted in music? Good luck with that. I am not in the business of promoting red pill propaganda or pushing political agendas.

I am in the business of creating high quality musical soundscapes from my favorite niche (Synthwave/Dreamwave) and favorite time in history (The 80s). I am in the business of bringing a message of hope in a dark and hopeless world.

Unsolicited advice really gets under my skin sometimes. It makes me want to share personal goals with absolutely no one. I feel like I want to kick myself for letting it slip to the wrong people. In any scenarios people look at you like they really expect you to do what they said.

He continues his straw manning:

((Then again maybe you don't know who Tom Waits and David Bowie are which would blow my mind. But maybe not surprising because you acted like you didn't know who Talking Heads are. HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW WHO TALKING HEADS ARE???"))

Are you lecturing me about a "lack of knowledge" with your lack of knowledge? I think you are. You might want to read some of my blogs so you could learn something.

Because if you would actually research the person and get to know who they are and what they stand for before misrepresenting them, maybe more people might take you seriously. So, keep strawmanning.

He proceeds to attack me with more strawman arguments:

((Nothing less punk rock than being a fake ZioChristian (Jesus wouldn't approve btw) and giving a crap what a corrupt music industry run by a bunch of baby killers thinks.))

That is not what I believe though. Nice strawman. And you claim to speak for Jesus? That's rich. When did I ever suggest worldly conformity?

🕰️🌟 Labels and hate come in all forms, but I've been called everything from a Nazi, a Marxist, a racist, antiwhtie, alt-right , a Zionist, to a borderline Satanist. The list goes on. It's a bizarre playlist.

Yet, as Jesus wisely noted, "If the world hated me, it will also hate you." 🌍🤷‍♂️ And that's to be expected, especially when navigating the diverse landscape of opinions, even within the Christian community.

So, anyone who doesn't agree with your hatred of Jews are fake Zionists? How disrespectful of you to come under my posts with this. And since I already made an entire video about the mainstream corrupt music industry years ago, and written an entire blog about it, I won't be reposting it here. You can view it below.

Not only do I not care what worldly people think about my faith, but I certainly don't need your approval to do the music I love. It is evident that I come from a different generation than you and have different interests.

You obsess yourself with Jews constantly. All you do is bash them and those who don't agree with your hatred of them. This would actually be a good read for naysayers like you who wish to misrepresent others who don't fit into your little box.

You want to know what type of a person someone really is? Look at who is criticizing them. Look at who their enemies are.

Stop with the anti-Jewish propaganda under my posts!!!

So, I checked out his long-winded ramble about me and what a "Zionist" he thinks I am.

I'm not your labels, dude (not that I care if he doesn't like what I have to say. It's my page, my music, and the message I believe in). This caught my eye.

((Zionism is synonymous with Satanism and yet you are out here working on a song called 'Dream Of Zion' and considering yourself a Christian? You kidding me, lady? Is it because of a conflict of interest?))

Oh.... that's why he's calling me a Zionist. Are you serious, dude? So, it's not really about the fact I do Synthwave music as a genre, but a title of a song I'm writing that you don't like? Nobody brought up politics except you. Are you sure you're not the one promoting identity politics based on race? You're a self-proclaimed alt-right thought leader. You claim to represent a movement that promotes hatred of Jews, blacks and other non-white groups! Get off my page with that!

Funny how Revelations also talks about the new Jerusalem (city of Zion) which my song "Dream of Zion" sings about. But you want to lecture me about a lack of knowledge? With your lack of knowledge?

"Dream of Zion" was a song I wrote back in 1998, when I was 14-years-old; with no political knowledge really. It was a song I wrote about the new Jerusalem the Bible speaks about in Revelations. Not about Jewish nationalism or politics. Have you not ever picked up a Bible and actually read one?

What does European or Jewish mean in light of redemption? Nothing! So, what is the point of focusing on race and color? God don't care about that! He cares about righteousness, holiness, and his likeness in the hearts of people! So, let's stop focusing on things that don't matter, and focus on him instead.

This demonstrates, yet again; that you have never read anything I ever wrote. See below what my thoughts about racial supremacy and then you can get back to me on the discussion.

Also, I will share my thoughts about this and the proper response for the Christian. So, this guy not only is trying to paint me as a 'Zionist' but also a borderline Satanist? That's a pretty negative brush to paint on someone you don't know anything about. And are you sure Satan hasn't deceived you?

God is saving Jews, too! And he has a plan for Israel just as he has a plan for the West.

Gosh! I mean... I love you all. But either get a grip or move on down the road. I'm not standing in agreement with your hatred. Get a clue!


Being critical of someone is not the same as hating them.

Although that rings true, it is also true that bashing someone constantly and fighting them on every corner does not equal loving them or "guiding" them either. Neither is bashing Jews.

((But... with every criticism there is at least one ounce of truth.))

Yeah, and there are also lies! One of the points I made on that blog: You want to become more successful? Well, you can't do that while basing other artists, can you? And likewise, if you want Westernkind to have a future? Do you think you'll get that by bashing people of other cultures? That would be counter-productive, wouldn't you think? That is loser energy.

You don't lift yourself up by putting other people down! I'm not going to stand for hatred against others in the name of "preserving the white race". You will be judged for your hatred if you don't turn away from it.

So, again; either get a grip or move on down the road. Unfollow or scroll past like an adult!

((But one thing I can say is that being critical of someone isn't the same thing as 'hating them for their success'.))

And I should lose sleep because you don't agree with me 100 percent? LOL!!! Hold your breath. I'm done living for everyone else. If God is good with me then I'm good.

If you don't contribute anything to my life, you don't have the right to give me your opinion, your criticism, or try to bully me. Nor should you try to tell me what I should or should not do.

You speak evil of those who don't agree with your hatred. You are calling me a borderline Satanist and a Zionist for composing a song called "Dream of Zion"? Is that what you wish to call constructive? 🤥

You'll never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You'll always be criticized by someone doing less. Remember that.

Giving unsolicited advice is often obnoxious, stemming from disinterested ignorance. Even well-intentioned advice should be examined for underlying motives.

((Christian would recognize that WE ARE IN REVELATIONS and that obsessing with 'career success' for being a video game composer of all things in times like this seems contradictory for a Christian.)) -Robert

Where in the Bibie does it tell Christians that we should not excel in a field or pursue a passion? Such as video games, for example? It could be used to reach kids. But noooo! You didn't think that one through, did you? Lecturing me about what being a Christian means while promoting one of the most un-Christian ideologies I've ever come across. Funny that.

I will only be taking advice from those who have actually been successful. And that's not you!

I'm not going to do Christianity how you want me to do Christianity. I'm going to do Christianity how God is telling me to do it. And if that makes me look out of place to you? Then so what? It is important to study to show yourself approved.

I want him to say to me on that day when I stand before him: "Well done my good and faithful servant."

Your attack on me, even for wanting to become a video game entrepreneur is very telling. You must be a person who does not want me to succeed on any level.

God gave me my purpose and my dreams. Not man. God puts dreams in our hearts for a reason because he has a purpose for us. I talk about that in the blog below.

This is why I distance myself from people with extreme views like this. We will all be held accountable for every idol word that comes out of our mouths. Especially Christians.


Real supporters vs false friends: telling the difference!

Some artists will pretend to be your friend or supporter, then attack you. Why do artists attack other artists like me? I will not take advice from someone who is not where I want to be in life.

dream of zion by retro sonya meaning, Getting older meme, Circles getting smaller quote, Prioritizing growth meme, Surrounding myself with positivity, Choosing positive connections, Small circle of friends meme, Prosperity and growth mindset, Quality over quantity relationships, Aging and friendship meme, Personal growth and relationships, Building a supportive circle, Friendship and personal development, Prioritizing meaningful connections, Maturity and social circles, Wisdom and selective relationships.

One thing I've learned: If the person you want to become wouldn't associate themselves with your current circle? Why should you?

Never take advice from someone who isn't where you want to be in life.

Real friends lift you up, push you towards your God given dreams, and celebrate all of your victories. Not dampen your spirit and try to derail your goals. You got to ensure that your surroundings fuel your journey towards growth and not hinder it.

"Real friends will not criticize you publicly, let alone attack you. That is dishonorable, snake behavior. If they have an issue or think you're off base, they will take it up with you privately. The Internet has too many grown men acting like high school girls."

I personally won't waste any more of my time trying to reason with people who openly criticize successful peers while rejecting advice for their own success. It's clear they're not open to constructive guidance, making them unreliable sources of advice.

Despite your attempts to undermine me, I won't be deterred. I'm turning every criticism and obstacle into fuel for my success. Failure isn't an option, and I'll keep building my dreams despite your efforts.

dream of zion by retro sonya meaning, Retro Sonya', New synthwave song release, "Dream of Zion" song, Synthwave mix, Retro music by Sonya', Synthwave track "Dream of Zion", Synthwave music release, Sonya' music, Dreamy synthwave vibes, Retro-inspired music, Synthwave mixtape, Electronic music by Retro Sonya', Dreamy Zion-themed synthwave, Sonya' "Dream of Zion" release, Retro and futuristic synthwave sounds.Don't care attitude meme, Road to heaven meme, Unbothered attitude quote, I don't care what you think meme, Assertive and confident meme, Yard and heaven metaphor meme, Unapologetic attitude image, Not seeking approval meme, Confidence in self meme, I don't need your approval meme, Individuality and self-worth meme, Sassy and independent quote image, Not affected by opinions meme, Heaven through your yard meme, Bold and confident statement meme.

I need for you to remember: all the people that you went to trying to discredit my name, trying to develop allies have now become my audience. So, I guess, to some degree; I should thank you.


Why artists attack other artists and what to do!

dream of zion by retro sonya meaning, Music artist conflicts, Online music industry criticism, Artist rivalry in the music industry, Handling criticism in the music business, Music artist disputes on social media, Dealing with negative comments from other musicians, Different music genres clash, Respecting diversity in music styles, Maintaining artistic integrity in the music industry, Addressing criticism as a musician, Online backlash for artistic choices, Navigating disagreements in the music community, Music industry controversies, Balancing creativity and public opinion, Responding to negativity in the music scene.

If you are unfortunate to deal with someone who seems more interested in pushing their own agenda and beliefs rather than focusing on the music and artistry, just as I have? I've got some good pointers that will help you deal with these trolls in a positive and professional way (whether you are running a music business or doing music for a hobby). The world of music and art is diverse, and there will always be individuals with varying opinions and approaches. Here are some thoughts on why artists may attack others, particularly those who are beginning to find success, and how to respond to such situations:

  1. Jealousy and Competition: One common reason for artists attacking others is jealousy or a sense of competition. Some artists may feel threatened by your success, or they may be envious of your growing fan base and achievements. This can lead them to try and undermine your work.

  2. Artistic Differences: Artists often have strong opinions about their own work and what they consider "good" art. When they encounter artists with different styles or genres, they may express disdain for what they don't understand or appreciate. In my case, the attacker's aversion to synthwave music might have fueled his comments.

  3. Personal Beliefs and Agendas: Some artists use their art as a platform to express their personal beliefs or political views. This can lead to clashes when they encounter artists who prefer to keep their work separate from politics, as I do.

  4. Attention-Seeking: In some cases, artists who are not as successful might try to gain attention by creating controversy or drama. They believe that engaging in conflicts with more prominent artists will draw attention to their own work.

Here's how to respond to artists who attack you:

  1. Stay Focused: Remember your mission and artistic goals. If your focus is on creating non-political synthwave music that reflects your Christian values and resonates with your target audience, stay true to that vision.

  2. Maintain Professionalism: Respond to criticism or attacks in a professional and respectful manner. Engaging in a heated argument rarely benefits anyone. State your perspective calmly and confidently.

  3. Ignore or Block: If the attacks become repetitive and unproductive, consider ignoring or blocking the individual. It's essential to prioritize your own mental well-being and creative energy.

  4. Supportive Community: Surround yourself with a supportive and like-minded community of artists and fans. Engaging with those who appreciate your work can help you stay motivated and focused on your art.

  5. Promote Positivity: Continue to create and promote positive and uplifting content. Your music can be a source of joy and inspiration for your audience, which is a more meaningful pursuit than engaging in negative interactions.

  6. Learn and Adapt: While you shouldn't compromise your artistic vision, consider constructive feedback from genuine fans and fellow artists. Learning and growing is an essential part of an artist's journey.

  7. Consider Your Audience: Understand that your art may not resonate with everyone, and that's okay. Focus on connecting with those who genuinely appreciate your work and share your values.

In the end, it's crucial to remember that as you gain more recognition and success, you may encounter more critics. This is a natural part of the artistic journey. The key is to stay focused on your creative path and continue producing music that aligns with your vision and values. Your true supporters will be there to appreciate your work and help you grow as an artist.

Get the Song "Dream of Zion" on Bandcamp! Don't forget to give me a follow there to be notified when I post a new song! Be blessed!


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14 apr. 2024

White Americans: Iran is not your enemy. Your enemy is the Zionist-occupied government of the United States.


Retro Sonya
Retro Sonya
14 apr. 2024


Oh boy, another day, another rant about the Zionist-occupied government. You're like a broken record, my friend. But let me tell you, your tweets aren't impressing anyone.

Instead of wasting your time on wild accusations, why don't you try doing something meaningful with your life? You could volunteer at a local charity, help out a homeless shelter, or even just spend time with your family. But no, you're too busy ranting about the evils of Israel and the Jewish mafia who "run the United States".

So, keep spreading your misguided theories and conspiracy nonsense. Hopefully, one day you'll actually do something meaningful with your life.


06 jan. 2024

You have mentioned that your song "Dream of Zion" was inspired by the biblical concept of the New Jerusalem and your personal dream about it. I can provide you with some information about the term "Zionist."

In modern times, the term "Zionist" generally refers to a person who supports the creation and maintenance of a Jewish national state in the Land of Israel, also known as Israel. This notion is based on the Zionist movement that emerged in the late 19th century, advocating for the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland.

It is important to note that the term "Zionist" can have different meanings to different people, and it has been associated with various political and social…

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Full Sail University Graduate | Game Artist | Singer Song-Writer | EDM Producer | Faith & Heritage | Member of Christian Game Developers Community

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