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You cannot be a Christian and be Antiwhite!

Writer's picture: Retro SonyaRetro Sonya

Updated: Jul 6, 2024

Addressing antiwhite comments and pretexts made by proclaimed Christians:

In response to a Christian video I viewed prophesying the destruction of white America for slavery: I will have a few things to say about this (I will not be posting the video here because I do not hate the poster or mean this as an attack against her, but only the position of antiwhiteism).

Nothing is more disturbing than coming across proclaimed Christians who have a huge following, speak great and true things concerning God's word, but then turn around and revert to antiwhiteism. And what is worse is the comment section! I am beside myself! And can a true Christian also get caught up in the wrong ideas? Yes! It is certainly possible.

In this, I am going to say to my black brothers and sisters: I love them, too. I will not stand for hatred or harm against them or people of any other ethnic background.

I have repeatedly spoken out against colorism and race-hate which shows its ugly face against blacks, other non-whites, and whites with dark features (who experience colorist biases in a very different way). Dark featured Westerners, such as I, also experience colorism, not necessarily at the same level as blacks and other non-whites do. But we do get some criticism as well. This served as a huge eye-opener for me. You can read my previous blog posts on that subject below:

List blogs:

In this particular blog, I am addressing antiwhiteism. I will not love the division and hatred of this world that is upheld through, inferiority complex, pride, or arrogance. We have all been guilty of prejudice or hatred at some point in our lives. Some more than others. myself included. Yes, I also got caught up into the wrong thing and had to repent for it. And I will continue in that repentance! And as I needed God and his loving correction, so do these brothers and sisters. I don't know about you, but I want the stain of this world off of my garment. So please don't disregard what I am saying here. But take it to the Lord!


All will be held accountable for sin, that includes you!

The level of hypocrisy that I have seen in people, and mainly Christians who say they believe in Jesus but attack white people? I am so flabbergasted! How can you say you follow Christ on one hand and on the other hand uphold the hatred and division of this world? You can't say you love God but hate your brother! I am speaking to myself on this as well!

We love because He first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” but hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

-1 John 4: 19-20

This applies to all people incluing the NA, AA, and WA!

Responding to your long-winded statement about why you believe white America is the guilty villain who has forgotten about slavery. We get it! We only have it shoved in our faces everywhere we turn. Anywhere from church, the entertainment industry, academia, to the MSM news broadcasters, they have done a very good job to make sure we never move on from this, that we never forget it. The mainstream media has done everything in their power to convince all of us of how terrible our ancestors were and how this country was not founded upon by heroes but by villains. They have done everything in their power to manipulate us through guilt and shame. It doesn't matter if you've never owned a slave, pillaged or raped anyone, stolen from anyone, or killed anyone. So, what are you trying to prove with this statement, Redwood? What is your conclusion?

Your assumption that white America has never repented of slavery is very telling. Do you not realize that America was among the first two nations that ended slavery? I really don't understand why you people don't get that. Americans ended slavery following Great Britain. Around 600,000 white men died freeing the slaves. Our ancestors fought for your freedom! Does that not matter to you? Does it not matter what sacrifices our ancestors made so you could be set free from slavery and live as a free man or woman in America today?

And following the 1960s you have obtained the same rights as everyone else. Segregation was a monstrosity, an injustice, and barbaric in my view. To treat another group of people with partial treatment based on what they are is transgression according to the scriptures. You feel angry about this, and so do I. This partial treatment among people based on color is a pretty ugly stain on American history. Whites and blacks fought for justice! And as a result, freedom and justice were won! Wouldn't you call that a victory?

But all of White America is to blame for slavery, right? And your hope is that God will judge white America for the past sins of other white people or their ancestors? And you make your conclusion against them and rejoice over their predicted demise by prophets online? I find this very telling.

Meanwhile, this injustice you speak of is still going on today in non-Western countries around the world, and in particularly, against blacks as well as people of other ethnic backgrounds. Why aren't you marching against this? Yet this is something that you choose to ignore.

So why blame only white Americans for slavery? Because Antiwhitism teaches that Westerners of European descent come from an evil people, that our ancestors were all terrible people that did horrible things, and that we should be ashamed of them because they (supposedly) were ALL responsible for committing all genocide against other groups in history, were slave owners, were the oppressors, were 'racists' (the antiwhite slur term), responsible for Jim crow laws, segregation, apartheid, and Neo-Nazism. Therefore, they wish to put us all under this obligation to make amends for the past mistakes of our ancestors and past mistakes of other white people. That we must be held accountable, and we should apologize for group failures. Despite the fact that people of every single group in history have been guilty of the same thing.

He who has not sinned, let him cast the first stone.

And when I hear Christians, especially those who claim to be prophets or prophetesses; proclaim the future destruction on White America for slavery, and people rejoice over the said future demise of Westernkind? Notice this isn’t just some pretext that is used against American whites, but whites all across the Western world. Can you imagine being demonized for being born in a certain category? But not the other nations that have been allowing slavery to this day?

Blaming her for slavery is like blaming her for Pearl Harbor

((What? Whites greatly benefitted from slavery. The Japanese didn't bomb themselves.))

-Mark Woodman

So did the others. Because other peoples also practiced slavery. Did you know that, Mark? Or do you believe slavery was solely a White thing? And weren't the Barbary and Ottoman slave trades of Whites also not a thing? Did Japan invade China? Are you concluding that whites should be harmed? That would be the antiwhite conclusion, wouldn't it?

He missed the point. The original point of the meme is:

((America was doomed for at least 150 years now since nothing can atone for the blood that was shed from the Natives and Africans, so there was never any

reason afterward to pray for national repentance.))


Nothing can atone? Is the blood of Jesus not good enough to atone all sins? Past and present? You do err not knowing the scriptures. How backwards to say all whites are guilty of things like conquest while telling them there is no repentance for the "wrong doings" of their ancestors? Aren't the American Indians themselves not also guilty of the same bloodshed against others and have killed more of their own people than any other group of people did in history? Why not put that in the history books as well?

And this is coming from a said Christian believer? I am so disappointed. How can you live with such hatred in your heart? I am guessing you are unlearned:

((But you need to understand, God judges nations; Sonya.))

Well... I guess he's going to judge the entire world then. Because people of every nation, tongue, and culture are guilty of slavery and conquest. What makes us different from anyone else in light of this?

Fun fact: Not everyone that came here stole anything from the American Indians. Not everyone who has anything got it off the backs of black slaves.

Also, God commanded us all to repent!

"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."

-2Peter 3:9


Resentment: the yoke of bondage that must be broken!

((The majority of white Christians turn a blind eye to the injustices that happened and still do.))

I don't see a vast number of Western Christians owning black slaves or justifying slavery in any way. Do you? Repentance means to change your mind. I don't see slavery as a reflection of white America as a whole.

((Also, I pray my African American brothers and sisters allow God to remove unforgiveness and bitterness.))

Yes, yes, and yes!!! Pray God free them from this generational curse. Resentment is a yoke of bondage and a stronghold!

Yes it is written..

"If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints."

-Revelation 13:10

But it is also written:

"Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin."

-Deuteronomy 22:16

Slavery is not just a white thing, either. Europeans didn't just go to Africa to kidnap blacks and bring them back as slaves. They were sold to the Europeans. They traded hogs and pigs for slaves off the coast of Africa. So, who else was guilty of the slave trade? You guessed it... the Africans. So, guess what, they are both guilty.

So why are only white people told that they should be punished for slavery when they were of the first two nations that abolished it when others were fighting tooth and toenail to keep the institution alive?

Every nation has its bad apples, both in history and in present. Every nation has it's strengths and weaknesses. Every nation in history had slaves, conquered other tribes, had its share of bad people. So why are only white people expected to apologize for such failures and wrongdoings? When every nation has a history guilty of the same thing?

((The level of 'whataboutism here is pretty remarkable.))

(("You want to be oppressed so bad."))

By "whataboutism" do you mean portraying a balanced view of history? You want to push a myopic view of history that villainizes all white people because you are antiwhite and have made your conclusion against them. You just need a false "moral" pretext to "justify" your enmity.

I'd encourage you to take a good look in the mirror and see if you're not a part of the problem.

Sure, there are hell-bent whites who give their people a bad name. I have European roots and can say this. You with no European blood can also say this. And I bet over half of African Americans have European blood, just saying. And consider this:

All white people are not a part of a hivemind. They are not all "in on it". No entire race or group of people think that way. It's the worst kind of collectivism to believe such a thing.

And if it were so, blacks would still be in bondage in America today. But they aren't. And we all know why. God and his justice! It has already been served!

((Many black people needed to hear this message. This give us a Sense of hope that YAH will vindicate us. Let YAH's will be done. 🙌 🙌 🙌 ))

Ok, Cathy; I get it. You want the destruction of white people. You rejoice over the thought of whites being led into captivity. And I will gladly accept your decision to be antiwhite.

((So, this is where the prophecy of the 2nd exodus shall come in, most high will bring a lot of his children of Israel back home Jerimiah ch 16).)

Have you ever read Jeremiah 31, Tony? I suggest you read that, too! It will give you insight about how God really thinks about these things (Is this a black Israelite channel? Hmmm. 🤔).

In your view, why has God taken so long to bring retribution for slavery? As if it hadn't already been executed? Don't you think that maybe it could have already taken place back then to the people who actually imposed it?

((She isn't giving her opinion, she's speaking on behalf of God. Interesting how when you all are offended at something she says then it's not god she has biases. God is just. Y'all love this African sold Africans mess to deflect and deny and excuse Your actions.))


Newsflash. Justice has already been served during the Civil war. Perpetrators were defeated, killed, and wiped out! My actions? How do you know she is speaking on behalf of God concerning this? Try every message you hear with scriptures!

My actions do not reflect the actions of others concerning the institution of slavery. I condemn slavery. The majority of white people today condemn slavery. My ancestors also condemned these actions, the lot of them. My ancestors, whether they were responsible for this injustice against blacks or not; was not my doing. But let's just say that it is true that I had an ancestor that was a slave owner. Should I pay for his/her wrongdoing? What justice would this bring for the victims? Or towards the perpetrator? What does the scriptures have to say about this?

“In those days they shall no longer say: “‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge. But everyone shall die for his own iniquity. Each man who eats sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge.”

Jeremiah 31:29-30

I encourage you to read the entire chapter of Jeremiah 31 and not just cherry 🍒 pick the scriptures.


The ethnos vs ethnos deception: a distraction from the real enemy!

This ethnos vs ethnos deception, it is not the truth. We don't fight against flesh and blood! And while there are those who openly refer to a specific group of people ((the white people)) and rejoice at the thought of their demise and destruction and calling them the enemy: I am naming the REAL enemy. We are up against the rulers of darkness of this world: against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Naming and condemning a group of people for their immutable characteristics is evil. We are condemned for our immutable characteristics. Only criminal people (of any race) will not operate inside of a moral framework.

- Jason Kohne

So, if it appeals to you to operate outside of a moral framework, I would encourage you to seek God for deliverance from the yoke of resentment. Seek God, not revenge against a generation of white Americans who have never owned a slave. Get some deliverance!

Going to a church that preaches sound Biblical doctrine would be a great start. Get God in your life! Get to know the scriptures and what they really teach! I guarantee that can and will help correct your scenario or whatever is keeping you back from being moral.

Furthermore, not only is it immoral to blame an entire group of people based on their race, but you are also talking about periods in history that are so different from the one in which you live.

When you identify a group of people as “the bad guys”, when you go out to a rally, a cultural movement, or Christian convention, or a get-together with this focus in mind: a focus of rage, a focus of hate, a focus of anger, with a specific group of people in mind that are undoubtedly going to have innocent members including children, when you tell the world that it is this group of people who are all-powerful and that they control all things behind the scenes, that they are somehow working together? And turning the black against the white and the white against the black, and other ethnic groups against each other? Based on past failures not propagated by one person who is alive today! I don't understand how you don't realize that this is the same tactic the enemy is using to divide us against each other to control us. Confusion and division are the spirit of the enemy.

And all of these periods of history you want to talk about had very specific peoples who knew exactly who they were.

Go free. Get your head out of the sand! I know that you are only repeating what somebody else had told you. It doesn’t work. It only makes things harder for everyone. And it is immoral. You don’t want it done to you. That’s exactly what we are having done to us by the antiwhites. So don’t do it to someone else!

Our victimizers are named in the scriptures. It's Lucifer: The prince and the power of the air and the rulers of darkness.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

-Ephesians 6:12

They may also come under the guise of antiwhites, alt-right, BLM, the KKK and every other race-hate group out there that should be condemned wholeheartedly by the Christian community as well as the Western positive community. This is a demonic hatred. Open your eyes, people!

These satanic, Luciferian, globalist, illuminists don't care about your race. They don't care about your grievances. They are only using race for their political gain, for their power grab, for their pretexts or "justification" of inflicting harm on you, or any individual or community by sectarianizing us to try to get us all to fight one another. It's not about justice. It is all about complete and total control over your life and mine!

They manifest themselves in all races, colors, and shades, and all different appearances and depictions of interest groups, political groups, religious groups, and even in what may appear as Christianity. Know your word, lest you be deceived.

This isn't about 'race'. That's what the satanic Luciferian, globalists, illuminists want you to think.

-Steve Quayle


Responding to Antiwhiteism concerning the Christian

If Jesus is the good shepherd, why then are so many Christians running from the good Shepard and embracing to "wokeness"? Why are they embracing everything that is contrary to the Gospel of Jesus? Because the enemy is manipulating by guilt and they want to go along to get along.

((Well.. I am white and I am Christian and you make me feel ashamed of my skin.))

So, let me get this straight: Someone who doesn't feel ashamed of her skin is to blame for your self-hate? Get out of my face with that nonsense! You should re-evaluate who is really trying to mislead you! Don't get mad at those who speak the truth. Blame those who have lied to you. Because this self-hate is taught.

"If you are 'woke' you are spiritually broke. And I know there are Christians claiming to be. And you know what the devils do? The way they control people ultimately is through guilt. ALWAYS through guilt and shame! If Jesus says "there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ, who walk according to the spirit" then I don't have to worry about guilt or shame, because I am forgiven!"

-Steve Quayle

This is why woke apologists hate Christians and Christianity. It goes against their ideology of resentment.

The wrong way to respond:

"I apologize for slavery, even though I never owned a slave and you were never a slave."

The proper response for the white Christian is this right here:

"I repent on behalf of my ancestors. I repent of slavery committed by our ancestors and forefathers in America. Thank you, Lord; for giving me understanding. Friendship with the world is enmity with God!"

I will not apologize to other people for the actions of other white people in the past, because the only one I have to apologize to is the Lord for MY sins!

In the use of these pretexts, I recognize a pattern here. And I don't understand how these Christian believers do not realize that the arguments they are using here are the same arguments used by the secular humanists of this world and woke propagandists!

As a believer, you need to reject any ideology that teaches you that you are inherently a victim. You can surely be wronged, and our God is just. But your fundamental condition is this: condemnation in Adam. The only solution here is the righteousness of Jesus Christ-the cross.

- Owen Strachen

This very unbiblical value system, this woke religion that demonizes a certain group of people based on their race should be wholeheartedly condemned by the Christian community as well as any other form of race-hate.

I don't care what the Jelly-fishians say. A Jelly-fishian is a Christian who has abandoned the faith to go after the 'woke' movement and have put cultural Marxism above the gospel, and above the redemption, and above the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

People care more about friendship with the world than friendship with God. They want to go along to get along. When the salt loses its savor, that means that Christians no longer care about the name of Jesus. The most problematic thing I have had to deal with is a hatred for Jesus. They hated me without a cause.

It's the cowardice of those who claim to be Christians, and the word "Jellyfishians" fits perfectly. A jellyfish has no skeleton except maybe a rudimentary that just goes with the flow. And what does Jellyfishianity do? It goes in direct opposition to God. The scriptures teach us that friendship with the world is enmity with God. That means you are at war with God. I think it an unwise thing to fight against God.

Christians need to jump off the bandwagon of the ever-changing standards of 'woke righteousness' and look to REAL righteousness and find rest in Christ!


Never argue their pretexts!

I can’t stress this enough! I encourage my followers to reject their antiwhite conclusion and to stop arguing their pretexts.

What are their pretexts?

These are all the reasons they will try to use to 'justify' their goal to inflict harm on you and your family. And what is their conclusion? Your demise, as is of any other form of race-hate against any other group of human beings.

"If you have an antiwhite conclusion I reject that conclusion. End of discussion!"

I have rejected their conclusion against me and my nation.

As God's chosen, as his peculiar treasure, we are to be set apart from the world. So let's be Biblical. Peace!

Don't let the devil shame you! #GoFree #KnowJesusKnowFreedom #AwakeNotWoke


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